Contents: By date
Index: Complete word list
Alphabetical index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Special indexes: Stories ~ Ouspensky ~ Devotion ~ Non-duality ~ Action
Word | Year | Page | Description |
Yoga | 1962 | 33 D | Same results as meditation can be achieved by Yoga or prayer but not always suited to ordinary man's life. |
Yoga | 1962 | 38 D | Raja Yoga is the king of Yogas. It is our system of meditation. |
Yoga | 1962 | 71 D | Different approach to desires in Yoga systems and system of meditation. |
Yoga | 1964 | 130 D | Prana can be controlled by Yoga. This is a way to Self-Realisation, but it is different from our Way. |
Yoga | 1964 | 141 D | Power from sex centre can be used by force in the Yoga system. But in H.H.'s teaching it is used only when faced with necessity. |
Yoga | 1964 | 143-144 D | Detailed description of nervous system according to Yoga. |
Yoga | 1964 | 167 D | Hard ways like Yoga are only for a few to practise. |
Yoga | 1964 | 183 D | The Yogis who perform miraculous deeds control their breath by doing Kumbhak and acquire special powers. |
Yoga | 1965 | 252 D | Yoga of eight steps is a hard way. Meditation produces same results. |
Yoga | 1970 | 441 D | Yoga means union of fire. Yoga is true when uniting persons never separate. A disciple uniting with Guru is Yoga. See story of Dying Guru on page 441 D. |
Yoga | 1970 | 467 D | H.H. advises on yoga classes. Distinction between serious yoga and 'playing at yoga' (Hatha yoga). |
Yoga | 1971 | 502 D | Use of mantra to induce sleep. This is Pratyahara from eightfold system and can be used as such. |
Yoga | 1972 | 585 D | D.S. All Yogic teaching, whether directly or indirectly is based on the Yoga sutra of Patanjali. |
Yoga | 1974 | 634 D | Eightfold path is the way of punishment of the body, senses and Buddhi, in order to force them to serve the Self. |
Yoga | 1975 | 725-726 D | Explanation of: 'for different ends there are different means ... for power, Yoga'. |
Yoga | 1975 | 726 D | All types of Yoga lead towards decision by individual to do whatever he does for Absolute; to find Union. See story of Man running to find Param-Atman (1) on page 726 D. |
Yoga | 1979 | 906 | Quote from 'New Model ...' by Ouspensky on Yoga and fragments of a special oral teaching. Confirmation by H.H. that what he has given us completes the whole system. |
Yoga | 1979 | 945 | Seven steps and how they are incorporated into meditation. |
Yoga | 1979 | 946 | Meditation starts at seventh step but covers previous six steps of Patanjali yoga. |
Yoga | 1979 | 954 | Raja Yoga means happiness. Reciting the mantra you feel joyous. |
Yoga | 1980 | 955 | Dhyana automatically deals with Yama, Nyama and Pranayama, so you don't have to practise them. |
Yoga | 1989 | 1043 | Eightfold system of Yoga and ladder and knowledge. Meditation looks after many of the Yoga steps and eases progress on ladder. |
Yoga Vasistha | 1979 | 917 | Two streams flowing in each individual - pure and impure. |
Young people | 1964 | 125 D | Younger people are welcome and they can take any profession; it won't make any difference. It is their heart which is the source of their strength, not their hand or profession. |
Young people | 1964 | 142 D | Try to put on better plays and better ways of entertainment to offer good influences. |
Young people | 1972 | 563 D | H.H. advises DC on giving lectures to young doctors on 'understanding human behaviour'. Example of someone suffering several diseases. |
Young people | 1975 | 716 D | Young and old need to get together to bring about the balance of wisdom and energy. Analogy of plough drawn by two oxen. |
Young people | 1980 | 958-969 | H.H. advises on dealing with conflict, over-activity and other difficulties with young children. |
Young people | 1985 | 1012 | Help to direct the activity of Rajas in the world towards Sattva by sharing some of H.H.'s knowledge with young people and telling them about the importance of Meditation. |
Young people | 1988 | 1024-1025 | H.H. advises on how to deal with youthful idealism that is focussed on the physical level. See story of University professor challenged by his students on page 1025. |
Young people | 1989 | 1053-1054 | H.H. advises on how to help young people who are full of compassion for the suffering of the innocent. |
Yuga | See: Ages |