Ouspensky’s Fourth Way by Gerald Beckwith

Ouspensky's Fourth Way by Gerald Beckwith

Paperback edition.
408 Pages. 8 colour plates.
ISBN 978-0-9931776-0-6. Price £19.90
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New Light on the Fourth Way

This book is the first published account of the further development of P D Ouspensky’s work during the second half of the 20th century by Dr Francis Roles. The material presented draws deeply on Dr Roles’s papers and correspondence and the teaching of the Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, HH Shantananda Saraswati. The practical synthesis of Eastern and Western knowledge that Francis Roles created was illuminated and confirmed at every step by his deep understanding of the Enneagram.

Here, for the first time and detailed by first hand accounts, it is recorded how at the end of his life Ouspensky succeeded not only in attaining his own full Self-realisation but in laying the foundations for a complete reconstruction of his system of knowledge and practice as a method of self-development uniquely fit for the western world in the 20th and 21st centuries.

More information about the book and a comprehensive review is here.

More information about the author, Gerald de Symons Beckwith (1949-2019), is here.

Reviews and comments about the book are most welcome and can be displayed here. Please send your reviews to info@ouspenskytoday.org

This book is excellent! I’ve been waiting for this book.

Intuitively I knew something “big” happened at the end of P D Ouspensky’s life. The details of what happened at the end were withheld (with good reason) by those who were present. Intimations of what took place were given in James Webb’s book The Harmonious Circle (1987). The author of this new book, Gerald de Symons Beckwith personally knew a few of those who were present at the end of Ouspensky’s life.

This book confirms that P D Ouspensky experienced full Self-realization at the very end of his life. I have always felt that this was the case but to know for sure is very pleasing. The author also shines new light on traditional Fourth Way material. This book is obviously written with care by someone with deep understanding and has some wonderful records of those early times as well as a lot of material on the rebuilding of the “System” under the direction of Dr Francis Roles as well as later very important influences.

Wonderful! Thank you.
Rod Rickwood, Woodend, Victoria, Australia

The book is an excellent summary of The Fourth Way.

Perhaps of most interest to me is the description of Ouspensky’s last few months, previously undetailed for reasons unknown but now clearly described and providing good lessons for all of us. It was delightful and rewarding to read of Dr Roles insecurities and learn and draw lessons for the discussion on “Love thine Enemy” from O’s description and method of describing the enemy.
Robert Gluth, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

This book relates the extraordinary history of some of the master teachers of the 20th century as well as a profound commentary on their philosophy
John Adago, author of East Meets West.