In 2014 Jenny Beal who was leading a Fourth Way group based on the work of Gerald Beckwith, began studying the Direct Path with Rupert Spira, another former student of Francis Roles, who was subsequently taught by Francis Lucille. Jenny discovered this teaching to be a simple and effortless route to an understanding of non-duality. Its emphasis on self-remembering – self-enquiry, being aware of being aware, or sinking the mind into the heart – suggests that it can provide a natural continuation of the spiritual path for those who have followed the Fourth Way system.
A recording of Rupert Spira’s description of the difference between Ouspensky’s System and the Direct Path, including an explanation of Self-remembering, is available in the Media Archive. Direct Path group papers are available in the library section.
The Fourth Way Today section is currently being updated to take a new look into the origin of the ‘fragments’ from which Ouspensky’s system is derived, and reconstruct the Fourth Way system in the light of Rupert Spira’s and Francis Lucille’s teaching.