Fourth Way Group Papers

Gerald Beckwith

Gerald Beckwith

The papers in this section of the library trace the reconstruction of the Fourth Way System carried out by Dr Francis Roles’s successors to meet the needs of the next generation and to update the teaching in the light of new scientific developments and understanding.
C Group Papers
E Group Course 1
E Group Course 2
C & Pewsey Group Papers


These papers or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever other than for private study without the express written permission of the publisher.

C Group Papers

These papers document the continuing elaboration of Fourth Way teaching from 2001 to 2007, after the death of Dr Francis Roles.

20010517 07 Intervals
20010531 088 Bearers of new directions
20011025 12 Taking leave of our senses
20011108 13 As in the individual body, so in the whole universe
20011129 14 World within worlds
20011203 13a Diagrams
20020124 02 Realization
20020131 01 A note on decision
20020307 Worlds without end
20030213 The ladder. Diagram
20030311 04 Incurring debts
20040302 Enneagram
20041201 10 Question and answer
20050519 07 Actuality
20070118 01 Values

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E Group Courses

This collection of papers was developed for two basic courses in contemporary Fourth Way teaching given by Gerald Beckwith and Professor Robert Simmons from 2007 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2011.

Paper 07_01 E Group - Why study the universe and its lawsWhy study the universe and its laws? All paths to Self-realization have implicit or explicit models of individual and universe. Need to see how fundamental unity is basis of all experience. System view and Advaita view. Two ideas, ‘the Absolute is constantly immanent in me’ and, ‘Real I is infinitely remote from me’, constitute paradox whose resolution can only be found in larger context. Quote: HH: unity of individual with Absolute. Diagram: Circle dependent on centre. ‘Understanding’ always understanding of smaller problem in relation to bigger problem.
Paper 07_02 E Group - How things happen the law of three and the law of seven How things happen: law of three and law of seven. Events ruled by three forces; way forces combine determines whether events constructive or destructive. Succession of events ruled by law of seven. Order in which three forces act upon each other determines nature of phenomena they create. Six combinations of three forces create all phenomena. All that changes forms scale of increasing or decreasing energy/complexity. Diagrams. Octave, enneagram.
Paper 07_03 E Group - Triads & Octaves 2Triads & Octaves. Different triads of energy produce different results. PDO Six activities. Each level of creation more mechanical. Refinement of attention an ascending octave. Triads in a garden
Paper 07_04 E Group - The Ray of CreationRay of Creation. Process and nature of creation and the development of unity into diversity. Relativity & Scale. Diagram. Descending process of creation a triad of growth.
Paper 07_05 E Group - The Enneagram 1Enneagram Part 1. Interaction of Laws of Three and Seven. Example, food, Air, Impressions.
Paper 07_06 E Group - The Enneagram 2Enneagram Part 2. Unifies all knowledge. Enormous range of cosmic energies which constitute our being and of which we are largely unaware. Diagram: Enneagram, human energy. Feeling of ‘I’. Necessity of impartial observer.
Paper 07_07 E Group - Diagram of three foods 1Diagram of Three Foods. Man evolved only to a certain level; further advance must be achieved by our own efforts. We do not know how to access the necessary energy even though it does exist within us. Two conscious shocks. Account of changing negative to positive emotion.
Paper 07_08 E Group - Diagram of three foods 2Diagram of Three Foods 2. First conscious shock requires a different triad. Starts with stillness. We wrongly believe the mind is for thinking. Account of self-remembering. Quote from Secret of the Golden Flower.
Paper 07_09 E Group - Self-rememberingSelf-Remembering. Aphorism: ‘To know all we need know very little, but to know that little we must know pretty much.’ Role of mind to observe & discriminate. Real I available at every shift in consciousness. To remember what needs to be remembered is the source of success.
Paper 07_10 rev E Group - Identification and IIdentification. Four stages according Philokalia. Once an impression repeats more than a few times, little hope of controlling it. Inner considering. Use habits consciously to increase self-remembering.
Paper 07_11 E Group - Mind 1Mind. What is it? Diagram: Brain & neo-cortex. Consciousness is ‘light’. Driving belt of impressions. ‘Mind’ creates space & time. Expanding moment of now a triad of refinement. Simple observer guides us by road of discrimination to become still witness at centre—Real ‘I’, source of all light.
Paper 07_12 E Group - Mind 2Mind Part 2. Consciousness source of ‘I’. Threefold nervous system. Story: Three men and wall.
Paper 07_13 E Group - PrisonThe Prison. Is it real? Necessary to convince mind that simple feeling of ‘I’ is like Ariadne’s thread which leads safely out of labyrinth. Exercise: not using words ‘I’ or ‘mine’.
Paper 07_14 E Group - EscapeEscape. Awareness of ‘I’ needs special attention. Dr Roles: need to change habitual emotional attitude towards ourselves. Make attention more emotional. Conscience.
Paper 07_15 E Group - The Six Activities of ManSix Activities of Man. Many activities seem same but different.
Paper 07_16 E Group - The GunasThe Gunas. Relation to Ouspenky’s system.
Paper 07_17 E Group - AimAim. Required to make ideas practical. Aim usually too lofty. ‘Make some small aim your “god”.’ Prison too comfortable really to want escape. Self-observation brings us to see that prison consists only of who we think we are. Need three lines of work. Learn to use memory of good states more positively. Quote HH. Three levels of stillness.
Paper 07_17a E Group - Death and Re-birthPewsey Group. Death & Rebirth. Quote PDO: Sex & Evolution. Linear time, incorrect view. Recurrence of life may not be mechanical repetition. Ivan Osokin. Importance of ‘conscious death’. Recurrence or Reincarnation? Quote HH: Antakharan always capable of going towards either liberation or bondage
Paper 07_18 E Group - Cosmoses 1Cosmoses 1. Barely conscious of most of worlds we live in. Scale of seven cosmoses precise plan of different physical worlds. Subtle, causal and divine levels. Five elements. Exercise.
Paper 07_19 E Group - Cosmoses 2Cosmoses 2. Need to understand relation of zero to infinity. Quote: PDO. Difference between cosmoses qualitative as well as quantitative. Our consciousness connected to different cosmoses. Quote: Pascal.
Paper 07_19a E Group - Recurrence and ImmortalityPewsey group. Recurrence & Immortality. PDO, time & eternity: 4th & 5th dimensions. Eternity as curvature of time. Quote HH: ‘Whatever thoughts you entertain at the time of death will make your next body’. Quotes: Srimad Bhagavatam, Wordsworth. Sean Crampton: Battlefield.
Paper 07_20 E Group - Cosmoses 3Cosmoses 3. Every cosmos three dimensional for itself. Time different in different cosmoses; ‘time is breath’. Mythological ‘ouraborus’: the serpent biting it’s tail. Humans midway between very big and very small, at midpoint of creation.
Paper 07_21 E Group - Cosmoses 4Cosmoses 4. ‘Inner’ cosmoses. Moment of birth and moment of death simultaneous. Diagram of 4th dimension. Infinite beyond ordinary mind. Diagram: Chakras, elements, endocrine system. Part 2. Koestler: whole in one context simultaneously part in another. Cosmic energies flowing through us. Possibility—‘become immortal within limits of solar system’. Quote PDO: St John.
Paper 07_22 E Group - BodiesFour bodies. Physical smallest. Higher centres. Simile of carriage, horse, driver and master. Advaita system: three bodies. Causal body home of Atman.
Paper 07_23 E Group - The SoulThe Soul. Three bodies exist in opposite proportion to perception. Experiences of reality. No universal agreement about what constitutes soul. Antakharana: four parts are mind, not brain. Five sheaths obscuring Atman.
Paper 07_24 E Group - Bodies and SheathsBodies & Sheaths. Advaita view: construction of mind and soul and what’s ‘wrong’. Exercise: 7 day program to experience 5 ‘sheaths’.
Paper 07_25 E Group - Body, Mind, Soul & SpiritBody, Mind, Soul & Spirit. Many maps of mind. Western system presents unknown human potential in context of Ray of Creation. Key to development of potential practice of stillness. Diagram: Three bodies and metabolism of energy. Consciousness not in time. Causal body not remote, state of ‘not-knowing’. Quote FCR: ‘only practical thing we can do is to encourage the growth of the triad of refinement’.
Paper 07_26 E Group - Points of ViewPoints of View. Comparison: System & Advaita view mind from different perspectives. Diagram: entire creation in relation to central spindle of pure consciousness existing eternally ‘Now’. Can only approach this idea in terms of mystery. Nature of ignorance, avidya. Quote HH: Only one identity.
Paper 07_27 E Group - A Living CosmosA Living Cosmos. Sun as living being. Diagram of ‘All Living’. Time is breath. Human potential must manifest to be of use to Sun. Angels, Archangels. Evolution of ‘man’ from ‘vertebrates’ first step in development of consciousness within solar system. Ref: Teilhard de Chardin.
Paper 08_01 C&E Groups - Paths 1 - Different pathsPaths. Part 1. Distinctions between ways to self-knowledge. Quote: ISM, four rooms. Fourth Way, way of understanding. Aim.
Paper 08_02 C&E Groups - Paths 2 - The Physical PathPaths. Part 2. Attention. Yoga, different kinds. Quote HH: there must always be a system. What happens to body/ mind as consciousness increases? Seven chakras. Exercise: Be aware of body only.
Paper 08_03 C&E Groups - Paths 3 - Paths & PhysiologyPaths. Part 3. Paths & physiology. Physical exercise produces different states. Neuro-transmitters. Make body attentive, then able to make mind attentive. Chakras. Eightfold path: aim to awaken all centres one by one. Breathing, sex, diet.
Paper 08_04 C&E Groups - Paths 4 - The Intellectual PathPaths. Part 4. Intellectual path. Control of mind. ‘Knowledge’ is knowledge of the Self. PDO. ‘The System is to bring man to conscience’. Who am I? PDO. “All our troubles come from not remembering ourSelves”. Exercise: begin or re-establish the habit of ‘coming to oneself’ during the day.
Paper 08_05 C&E Groups - Paths 5 - Knowledge and AttentionPaths. Part 5. Knowledge & Attention. Methods designed to clarify mind so reality can be seen. Jnana & Christian mysticism, ‘via negativa’. Quote: Cloud of Unknowing. Positive way: Ramana Maharshi. Accept ordinary self as it appears; discipline to pursue feeling of ‘I’. Need to surrender. Quote HH: Knowledge essential. Intellectual path also devotional. Idea that Love and Knowledge are same.
Paper 08_06 C&E Groups - Paths 6 - Attention and DevotionPaths. Part 6. Attention & devotion. Quote TS Eliot: timeless moments. Experiences as signposts. Establish good habit of coming to oneself frequent intervals. Quote: HH: one pointed attention. Self-remembering a special case of attention. More energy makes ‘waking-up’ more natural. Devotion. Quote: Traherne. Bhakti in India. Our ideas of devotion may need reconsidering.
Paper 08_07 C&E Groups - Paths 7 - DevotionPaths. Part 7. Devotion. Devotional method to see object of devotion in everybody and everything. Head & heart. Quote HH: Critics and devotees. Knowledge outward, devotion inward. Exercise: natural samadhi available between activities and desires.
Paper 08_08 C&E Groups - Paths 8 - IntegrationPaths. Part 8. Integration. Aphorism: ‘A man can be born, but before he can be born he must die, and before he dies he must first awake.’ Quote: Rosamund Bland: ‘The really important thing for development. . .’ Need for balance in centres. Higher chakras have to be active for full awakening. Why is it not automatic? Inward work enhances energy. System ideas not understood by intellect alone. Exercise: Take a simple phrase ‘to heart’. Appendix: Rosamund Bland, full quotation.
Paper 08_09 C&E Groups - Consciousness 1 - IntroductionConsciousness. Part 1. Changing relation to science since PDO. Study of consciousness central to this work. Need to agree on meaning of word. Quote: Damasio. Levels of function of mind. Difference between consciousness and sense of self. Consciousness needs no object, independent of functions. Exercise: book list.
Paper 08_10 C&E Groups - Consciousness 2 - Higher states of consciousness, AdvaitaConsciousness. Part 2. Higher states: Advaita. ‘Only one consciousness.’ Quote HH. Chit & chitta. Diagram: Three levels & antakharan. Depth of being lies in Param-Atman. Variable consciousness at subtle level. Attention & Gunas. Three states. Quote: Rupert Brooke, Dining-room tea.
Paper 08_11 C&E Groups - Consciousness 3 - Higher states of consciousness, the SystemConsciousness. Part 3. Higher States; the System - for experts. Differences in description of states of consciousness. Three storeyed house, fourth room, higher centres. Self-consciousness, objective consciousness. Pathways for energy of consciousness. Centres work with wrong fuel. 3-fold division of centres. The Antakharan and emotion (bhawana). Comparison of structure and energy, eastern and western. Quote: Mary Austin
Paper 08_12 C&E Groups - Consciousness 4 - QuestionsConsciousness. Part 4. Questions. Human experience, ‘being conscious’ a combination of feeling of ‘I’ and light of consciousness. Can exalted and dim really be same consciousness? Importance of devotion/emotion. Emotion working with higher energy. Hindrance: ‘I am also something’. Union, melting of the heart. Alchemy of happiness.
Paper 08_13 C&E Groups - Being 1Being. What is it? Range of possibility wide as universe. Man as a seed. Attention and self-knowledge analagous to light and water required for development. Illusion of free will. ‘Conscious’ decision often consequent to unconscious neuro-physiology. Possible to accept theory of mechanicalness without any effect on our being. Growth of being depends on emotional development. Paradox: “Nothing attained without suffering. But must begin by sacrificing suffering.” Devotion not an easy way. Quote: William James: Experience under ether.
Paper 08_14 C&E Groups - Being 2Being. Part 2. Development of being scale of 7 steps. Creating ‘moon’ in oneself. System ideas can become substitute for ‘will’. Finding new centre of gravity. Levels of being — energy. Quote: HH: Qualities arising from practice of stillness. Valuation of ideas required both way of knowledge & devotion. Mechanicalness maintains energies in sufficiently depleted state to be unhappy. Quote: FCR: Happiness food of Atman.
Paper 08_14a C&E Groups - Being - for Pewsey GroupPewsey Group. Being. A Ladder that can be climbed. Quote: St Mathew Ch.6. System: seven categories of man. To be Man No. 4 is not so hard. Understanding depends on knowledge and being. Try to understand Jesus, ‘take no thought for the morrow’. Quote FCR: Happiness
Paper 08_15 C&E Groups - Conscience 1Conscience. Part 1. We divide ourselves into many ‘I’s. Buffers. Conscience not a moral guardian. A state “in which man feels all at once everything he in general feels.” To achieve unity buffers must be destroyed. Quote PDO: Aim of system to bring man to conscience. Different morality at different levels of being. Quote: Shivananda.
Paper 08_16 C&E Groups - Conscience 2Conscience. Part 2. Only possible to do something when Observer awake. Quote GIG. Conscience not suffering - joy of totally new character. Buffers: go mad without them. Quote FCR: chief reason for meditation—to arouse Conscience. No equivalent for Conscience in Advaita. Quotes: FCR: Conscience entirely positive. In everybody but asleep. Learn more of the Being of Light. Transmutation, not difficult.
Paper 08_16a C&E Groups - Head and Heart 1Head & Heart. Conscience prompts efforts to wake-up. Good impulse. Different time scales. Is heart light or heavy? Quote HH: Sincerity. Quote FCR/HH: Prayer. Head & heart in enneagram. Circulation of energy. Triads 142 & 857.
Paper_08_17 C&E Groups - The StairwayThe Stairway. Need to understand we are mechanical. Preliminary stairway of understanding. Mechanicalness result of Laws. Our apparent unity a paradox: both growing point and obstacle. Attention in moment produces emotion. Modern neurology. Relationship with Real ‘I’ always present. Quote HH: what is required to remember more often.
Paper_08_17a C&E Groups - Head and Heart 2Head & Heart contd. Quote FCR. Story of Blind Man and Cripple. Human structure on enneagram. Original text of story from Burton. Prof. Guyatt’s illustration.
Paper_08_18 C&E Groups - The New TermNew term. What to study. Solutions to internal difficulties may lie outside. Quote: Ken Wilber. Group organisation. Aim. Quote: Summer Programme.
Paper_08_19 C&E Groups - Our World 1 - IntroductionOur World. Part 1. Need to make practical connections between bigger world and our own. ‘Why are human beings here?’ Eddington, tried to marry science and philosophy. Anthropic principle. Universe is ‘fine-tuned’ so life-forms like us can exist. ‘God created man in His own image’. Exercise: (Programme 1972)
Paper_08_20 C&E Groups - Our World 2 - The Current ViewOur World. Part 2. The current view. Diagram; Time, big bang to now. Anthropic principle. As organisation more complex, more laws emerge. Matter evolves consciousness or vice-versa? Practical work.
Paper_08_21 C&E Groups - Our World 3 - The Esoteric ViewOur World. Part 3. The esoteric view. Ray of Creation. Doubling of laws each level. Holism. Story: Turtles all the way down. Consciousness construct of our being. Time & space, good & evil, not absolute values. Absolute available everywhere. Ray of Creation also psychological diagram. Diagram. Organic life a whole being. Lateral octave framework of our possibilities. Quote: Genesis 28. Jacob’s ladder.
Paper_08_22 C&E Groups - Our World 4 - The Esoteric View contdOur World. Part 4. Sun a living being. Diagram. Sun’s orbit forms spiral ‘body’. Planetary level is world of causes for human beings. Lateral octave. Psychology anywhere between Sun and Moon. Quote HH: In happiness Prana rises upwards. Separation from infinite an illusion. Long enough duration of attention produces realisation naturally. Exercise.
Paper_08_22a C&E Groups - Summer Programme 1963The Lord’s Prayer in relation to the secondary octave of creation.
Paper_08_23 C&E Groups - Our World 5 - The Human EndowmmentOur World. Part 5. The human endowment. We are fundamentalist ‘bodycentrics’. Diagram: Three bodies and energy. Functions controlled by cosmic forces. Sense of ‘I’ renders this knowledge useless. Identification. Quote: St Augustine, a man becomes what he loves. What will remain when we die? Abandon illusion — make room for realisation. Quote TS Eliot. East Coker.
Paper_08_24 C&E Groups - Our World 6 - The Flow of EnergyOur World. Part 6. The flow of energy — qualitative difference between descending and ascending. What constitutes food? Diagram. Food table + 3 worlds. HH: Story, Sudama.
Paper_08_25 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Our World 7 - FoodsOur World. Part 7. Foods. Quote: Kazantzakis. “Tell me what you do with the food you eat, and I’ll tell you what you are.” We have within us stuff and being of universe. Metabolism of three foods automatic process; two conscious shocks required to develop further. Diagram. The Lord’s prayer. PDO: four methods of observation & reasoning. Exercise: Lord’s prayer according to four methods.
Paper_08_25a Pewsey Group - Triads - RevisedPewsey Group. Triads. Gunas. Quote: Bagavhad Gita. Study of Gunas practical. Way forward to be grounded in Sattva. Western ‘three forces’ equivalent to Gunas. Six combinations of three forces. Six activities of man. The Lord’s prayer and law of three.
Paper_08_26 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Self-remembering, the Conscious ShocksSelf-Remembering. The Conscious Shocks. Knowledge makes no difference. Memory of Self has dimmed. Impressions make no impact, but more energy available. Impressions octave, ascending scale of refinement. Joining head & heart requires stillness. Heightened impressions: what do we do with them? New triad required to continue octave. Second conscious shock, ‘grace given by Atman’. First shock preparation for a miracle. ‘Discipline’ = systematic support. Gaps between activities where higher energy always available. Habit established in 3 weeks. Amnesiacs forgetting the beloved. Quote: Sri Nisargadatta.
Paper_08_27 C&E&Pewsey Groups - SwansongSwansong. Ref: Fred Hoyle, the Black Cloud. Why we do not know who we really are. Only need stillness. Quote HH: Three levels of rest. Quote: Mahabharata. Story of crows and swan.
Paper_09_01 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Sanatan Dharma 1Sanatan Dharma. All religions from same source. Distinction between natural and man-made laws. Quote HH: Sanatan dharma natural law given by Absolute. Western System: primary aim to awaken Conscience. Ten principles of SD necessary to be able to remember our true nature. Quote; Conscience, Shivananda.
Paper_09_02 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Sanatan Dharma 2Sanatan Dharma contd. Ten principles with HH’s commentary.
Paper_09_03 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Towards a Practice 1 - RulesTowards a Practice. Part 1. ‘Rules’. How do we apply Sanatan Dharma? Basis of Christian morality. Sermon on the Mount. First half, inner experience of God, second half, path in the world. Sanatan Dharma helps understand the Beatitudes. Golden rule, ‘do as you would be done by’. PDO: rules of a school. How can we recreate intensity of early years? Self-remembering. Negative emotions. External considering.
Paper_09_04 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Towards a Practice 2 - Self-RememberingTowards a Practice. Part 2. Self-remembering. FCR, conversation with PDO. Quote: Rodney Collin: Self-remembering is the awareness of the presence of God. Self-remembering begins with self-observation. Astonishing that ‘I’ can deny ‘I’. ‘Shadows’ of a disowned self hover outside the range of experience. Observer must be impartial. ‘When attention turns back until it finds itself passing into the source of attention, it begins to behave differently.’ Real I the only thing we cannot lose but paradoxically we do not know.
Paper_09_05 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Towards a Practice 3 - JudgingTowards a Practice. Part 3. Judging. Level of knowledge of mind is seriously adrift compared to modern medicine & science. Must bring our knowledge up-to-date. Impartially observe. Quote: Abba Joseph: “if you want to find rest say, who am I? And do not judge anyone.” Quote: Rodney Collin. Why is non-judging a practice towards self-realisation? Quote: FCR. For Param-atman, no duality, no good or bad. Quote: HH. Story of wrong mantra. Quote: HH. for people with enough sattva a voice arises, the call of the Self.
Paper_09_06 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Towards a Practice 4 - Judging contdTowards a Practice. Part 4. Judging, contd. Self-criticism, not useful. Quote : FCR, don’t weep for your sins. Rodney Collin, ‘measure’. Need to relate what we observe to aim. Human mind a mirror which can reflect the divine, but this means responsibility. Progress of observer into moment of now. Longer duration required. Need to forgive ourselves.
Paper_09_07 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Towards a Practice 5 - The need for a practiceTowards a Practice. Part 5. The need for practice. Quote: Q. Human structure has capacity to receive forces of Brahman and find full realisation. Why cannot Dr. Roles inherit them? Three obstacles. Mal, Kashya, Vikshepa. Quote: Osokin. What amount of time devoted to search for meaning of life? PDO: Long thoughts. Practice leads to giving-up.
Paper_09_08 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Disillusionment 1Disillusionment. Part 1. Living tradition cannot remain static. Changing times produce new meanings. Humanity exists in a dangerous place. Story of invention of buffers and false ‘I’. Necessary to foster disillusionment with our present condition. Without following the good impulse, knowledge only enslaves us further. Advaita preserves truly essential knowledge without embroidery. Quote: Advaita bodha dipaka: In the body appears a phantom, the ‘false I’. Enneagram demonstrates all knowledge without words.
Paper_09_09 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Disillusionment 2Disillusionment. Part 2. What is the illusion? Time, space, movement, subjective representations of higher reality. Cannot know truth with ordinary mind. Depth of moment of ‘now’ a direction at right-angles to time. Small ‘I’ creates the illusion. Point of ‘now’ like Ariadne’s thread. Words that describe not reality. Enneagram presents all we can know. Diagrams. Universe starts with ‘point of no dimension’, centre of everything. Point becomes three, Trinity. Duality enters, three become six. Developing simple diagram we ‘can answer all questions’.
Paper_09_10 C&E&Pewsey Groups - A Universal SymbolA Universal Symbol. Basic enneagram represents truth of Absolute’s relationship with every cosmos. Knowledge from higher mind. What is centre in us? — ‘an inmost centre in us all where abides truth’. Eternal Trinity beyond duality. Struggle of opposites cannot be eternal. Three forces, worlds, states. Only six different basic activities available to human beings.
Paper_09_11 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Enneagram - Law of OctavesEnneagram, law of octaves. Law of three and the law of seven account for everything we know. Analogy of music. ‘Intervals’ in octave cause change of direction. Shocks required to correct this. Other connections between notes of octave, outside time. Inner circulation. How to make knowledge real. One set of impressions causes loss of state of attention. Quote: TS Eliot: Burnt Norton.
Paper_09_12 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Enneagram - QuestionsEnneagram. Questions. Hierarchy. Cycles. Enneagram useful in personal enquiry. Quote PDO; caterpillar imagining itself butterfly. ‘Lying’. Metamorphosis in nature. Diagram. Humans: embryonic development. What is at centre of plan? Quote: Samuel Butler, a hen . . . Aphorism: A man can be born again . . .
Paper_09_13 C&E&Pewsey Groups - TimeTime. Higher dimensions not fanciful. Relations between dimensions analagous. Circularity of time. Pythagorean recurrence or reincarnation? Miracle of human consciousness that it can deduce its own limitations. Quote: Osokin, A man can be given only what he can use. Conviction that movement in space and time is real maintains confinement in illusion. Quote: HH. System is always the same. Six dimensions allow all possibilities.
Paper_09_14 C&E&Pewsey Groups - What is Real IWhat is Real ‘I’? System and Advaita, complementary views. Self-observation first step. Quote: Sri Nisargadatta. We are slaves to what we do not know. What is the use of a quiet mind? Constantly act from ‘what we are not’. PDO. Story of peppers. All perception formed from ‘ignorance’. Real I what remains when ignorance dissolves. Quote: HH. Only one Influence. Diagram. Two questions.
Paper_09_15 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Being SeriousAre You serious? Serious means to become reliable. Like to talk of ideas, but what then? Desire to practice mostly absent. Nothing mind perceives objectively true. Only what we do not know about ourselves is true. Account: Meeting a realised man. Most of our efforts to make little self feel better. Nothing to be done, nowhere to go. Only be still. Only get what we pay for, but cannot pay in advance. Seed needs cultivating.
Paper_09_16 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Going DeeperGoing Deeper. What is supposed to happen. Quote HH. Difference between curiosity and desire to experience. Self-remembering in a crisis. Quote: HH. Three ways of help relate to three bodies. Quote: HH. Influences held by mind or by faith. Story: HH. Shiva holding poison in throat.
Paper_09_17 C&E&Pewsey Groups - CloudsClouds. Verse: Joni Mitchell. However we try, clouds get in the way. Quote: HH. No system gives realisation. Three obstacles, Mal, Avarana & Vikshepa. Atman surrounded by mist. Quote: HH. Five sheaths. Happiness part of the conspiracy. Homework: reading.
Paper_09_18 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Training PurposesTraining Purposes. End of a year’s work. What learned? Teaching has no intrinsic reality. Need only to be still. Difficulty only at beginning. The Stairway. Only personal preferences prevent success. Inevitability of loving Atman. Param Atman is doing it all.
Paper_09_19 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Journey 1 - TranscendenceThe Journey 1. Transcendence. Quote: Neher: Psychology of Transcendence. Consideration of nature of God. Science v religion debate formatory. Quote: Karen Armstrong: Interpretation of ‘faith’. Story: HH: Traveller and lamps.
Paper_09_20 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Journey 2 - Ladders and SnakesThe Journey 2. Ladders & Snakes. Nyaya ladder. Journey, different time scales. Effort or Grace? Quote: Ibsen: Peer Gynt.
Paper_09_21 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Journey 3 - Other WorldsThe Journey 3. Other Worlds. Experiences of heightened consciousness. Example: Hubble spacecraft. We live in a fog. Quote: Browning: Experiences come from different worlds. Fourth stage of ladder. Ego doesn’t matter. Quote: Rupert Spira: Consciousness contains the mind, the body and the world.
Paper_09_22 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Journey 4 - ConclusionThe Journey 4. Conclusion. Places of pilgrimage, changing perspective. Forgetting the point of the journey. Spira, end of journey a different way of seeing. Quote: HH. Anvaya & Vyatireka. PDO, sequence of teaching.
Paper_09_23 C&E&Pewsey Groups - LifeLife.
Paper_09_24 C&E&Pewsey Groups - TeachingTeaching.
Paper_09_25 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Teaching - AddendumTeaching - Addendum.
Paper_09_26 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Big ScaleThe Big Scale.
Paper_09_27 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Our Place in the UniverseOur Place in the Universe.
Paper_09_28 C&E&Pewsey Groups - The Sun WithinThe Sun Within.
Paper_09_29 C&E&Pewsey Groups - Human EnergyHuman Energy.

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In 2010 further work was carried out to find the best way to present the System to newcomers. With the help of a new E Group, a new basic course was developed.
E Group 10_01 The Starting Point
E Group 10_02 Attention
E Group 10_03 Self-observation - What do we see
E Group 10_04 Self-observation and Attention
E Group 10_05 Energy 1
E Group 10_06 Energy 2
E Group 10_07 Why study the universe and its laws
E Group 10_08 The Ray of Creation 1
E Group 10_09 The Ray of Creation 2 - Octaves
E Group 10_10 The Ray of Creation 3 - The Lateral Octave
E Group 10_11 The Ray of Creation 4 - The Lateral Octave
E Group 10_12 Mid-term Revision
E Group 10_13 Another point of view
E Group 10_14 Six Activities of Man - Introduction
E Group 10_15 Six Activities of Man - continued
E Group 10_16 Energy 1 - As we are
E Group 10_17 Energy 2 - As we can be
E Group 10_18 Energy 3 - You are what you eat
E Group 10_19 Obstacles to the Intelligence of the Heart
E Group 10_20 Energy 4
E Group 10_21 Freedom of will is the ability to do gladly that which I must do
E Group 10_22 Bridging the Gap
E Group 11_01 Who am I
E Group 11_02 Beauty and the Beast
E Group 11_03 The Bigger Picture
E Group 11_04 What is really going on
E Group 11_06 Practical advice
E Group 11_07 Desires
E Group 11_08 Ego, Attachment & Spiritual Work
E Group 11_09 A Glimpse of the Road Ahead
E Group 11_10 Practice
E Group 12_01 Enneagram Psychology
E Group 12_02 Origins of Personality
E Group 12_03 Typology and Enantiodromia
E Group 12_05 Consciousness and the Assimilation of Experience
E Group 12_06 Influences

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C and Pewsey Group Papers

Further papers from Fourth Way Groups during the period 2009 to 2012.

20100801 C&Pewsey Groups - Summer Paper 2010
Paper_10_01 C&Pewsey Groups - Unity 1
Paper_10_02 C&Pewsey Groups - Unity 2
Paper_10_03 C&Pewsey Groups - Unity 3
Paper_10_04 C&Pewsey Groups - Unity 4
Paper_10_05 C&Pewsey Groups - Individuality 1
Paper_10_06 C&Pewsey Groups - Individuality 2
Paper_10_07 C&Pewsey Groups - Looking ahead
Paper_10_08 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Introduction
Paper_10_09 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Self-Remembering contd
Paper_10_10 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Attention
Paper_10_11 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Giving up - theory
Paper_10_12 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Giving up - practice
Paper_10_13 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 The System 1
Paper_10_14 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 The System, the Enneagram
Paper_10_15 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 The System 2
Paper_10_16 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 The two hemispheres of rthe brain
Paper_10_17 C&Pewsey Groups - FCR 1986-82 Stillness
Paper_10_18 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - The Paths
Paper_10_19 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Who is our teacher
Paper_10_20 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Sankara
Paper_10_21 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Devotion - The Bhagavad Gita
Paper_10_22 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Intensity
Paper_10_23 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Levels of Knowledge
Paper_10_24 C&Pewsey Groups - A Teaching for the 21st Century - Levels of Knowledge contd
Paper_10_25 C&Pewsey Groups - Reflection 1
Paper_10_26 C&Pewsey Groups - Reflection 2

20091013 Pewsey Group Meditation Workshop
20091117 Pewsey Group. Giving Up
20100622 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20100921 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20101026 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20110118 Pewsey Group - Permanent Reality part 1
20110201 Pewsey Group - Permanent Reality part 2
20110215 Pewsey Group - The Ladder of Self-Realisation
20110301 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20110308 Pewsey Group - The Search for Answers
20110315 Pewsey Group - Time and Eternity
20110513 Pewsey Group - The Non-Dualistic approach in the Search for Reality
20110527 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20110603 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 1
20110617 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 2
20110624 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 3
20110701 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 4
20110708 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20110715 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 5
20110916 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 6
20110923 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 7
20110930 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 8 Vidya
20111007 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 9 Satya
20111007 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 9 Satya - Additional material
20111028 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma 10 Akrodha
20111111 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma Review
20111125 Pewsey Group - Sanatan Dharma Holistic Interpretation
20120120 Pewsey Group - Advaita
20120127 Pewsey Group - Advaita 2
20120203 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20120210 Pewsey Group - Advaita 3
20120224 Pewsey Group - Advaita 4
20120316 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20120323 Pewsey Group - Advaita 5
20120427 Pewsey Group - Advaita 6
20120504 Pewsey Group - Advaita 7
20120518 Pewsey Group - Feedback 1 - What is my Aim
20120525 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20120601 Pewsey Group - What is the purpose of School, our School
20120608 Pewsey Group - What is the purpose of School, our School 2
20120629 Pewsey Group - What is Mans Purpose and Role in the Universal Scheme
20120713 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20120921 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality
20120928 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 2
20121012 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 3
20121019 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 4
20121026 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20121109 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 5
20121116 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 6
20121123 Pewsey Group Meditation Meeting
20121130 Pewsey Group - Discovering Reality 7

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