Dr Francis Roles
Weekly Papers & Meeting Reports
This set of papers contains the weekly ‘Readings’ and other papers written by Dr Roles, together with the weekly general meeting reports comprising in-depth discussion of the material issued to groups.
The Dr F.C. Roles papers and Meeting Reports are copyright and are provided for private study only, in the context of an oral tradition. Copying or duplicating the material is permitted for that purpose and no other. The copyright owner is Dr Wendy Roles to whom we are extremely grateful for permitting us to make them available. For Private Study Only.
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Paper | Description |
1960/1 | All Groups. Part I. ‘Know Thyself’ - 4 stages. Knowledge and Being = Understanding. Quotation, ‘A Chaldean Oracle’. Schools as accumulators of right ideas. Examples: Copernicus theory of universe. Contemporary example, idea of Cosmoses. Wrong ideas barriers to progress. Examples: circulation of blood, ‘spontaneous generation’. |
1960/4a | All Groups (Second Reading). Part I. Misconception of idea ‘Know Thyself’. Misconception of System’s role in outside world. Part 2. Diagram of Circle and Triangle and three dimensions of Time (Eternity, Passing Time Repetition) analogous to three dimensions of Space. Quotation from ‘Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus’, Smith 1859. Quotation from P.D.O. New Model - Repetition in Time, in Eternity - ‘Arithmos’. |
1960/7 | All Groups (Third Reading). Seven Cosmoses (Time dimensions) and Seven Principles of Sankhya. First Principle (or Point I) meditate on one hand, as inanimate raw material. Second Principle - the hand, as alive (Point II). Different space-time dimensions. Example of crystalline tobacco mosaic virus and influenza virus. Third Principle: unchanging individuality (Point III). Quotation from P.D.O. Tertium Organum - Physical constitution and Individual Essence. ‘The Essential Structure of a Cat’ from The Listener 1960 - Natural body and School work - Invisibility. |
1960/10 | All Groups (Fourth Reading). Part I. Exercise ‘Who am I?’ - Fourth Principle : Voluntary Action. Attention and Aim. Part 2. Diagram: Circle and 4 Principles, Position of Observer, and Points of Entry of 3 foods - Quotation from Peer Gynt. |
1960/12 | All Groups (Fifth Reading). Diagram: Circle & VII Principles, Inner-Outer mind and 3 points of shock - III & IV Self-Remembering - Drawing, Formation of Aim through Attention - Quotation ‘Alchemy of Happiness’ - Prayer and fixing ‘silver’. |
1960/16 | All Groups (Sixth Reading). Part I. Relation of IV to III. Human brain. Reference to de Chardin. Figure I. Coronal section of brain. Figure 2. (Simplified form) with Lines of Attention - Quotations. The Mystic Rose. Part 2. Quotation from Sherrington Man on his Nature. Discussion. Questions. Quotation from Matthew V, 1-13 (wise virgins) |
1960/17 | All Groups (Seventh Reading) (Introduction for new meetings to 60/17) (Brief description of brain and diagram). Part I. New feeling of oneself. References to 91st Psalm and Alchemy of Happiness. Quotation from The White Spider. Part 2. Quotation from P.D.O. on Self-Remembering - Law of Three Forces. |
1960/19 | All Groups (Eighth Reading). Comments from Groups re Diagram of brain - Quotations from: Zen, Shakespeare, Philokalia, Secret Flower, 91st Psalm. |
1960/22 | All Groups (Ninth Reading). Seven levels of man. Diagram of Gateway (and Man No. 4). |
1960/24 | All Groups (Tenth Reading). Part I. The Way - Influnces and Magnetic centre. First Threshold. Part 2. Diagram of Stairway. Easter message and Resurrection. |
1960/28 | All Groups (First Reading). ‘Give up you suffering and create Moon in yourself.’ Questions and Answers by P.D.O. - What is Moon? 3 Octaves of Radiation and Moon. |
1960/29 | All Groups (Second Reading). Part I. ‘Give up your Suffering’. Good Samaritan. Part 2. ‘Create Moon in yourself’. Diagram of Three Foods - Righteousness. Impressions and Self-Remembering. |
1960/30 | All Groups (Third Reading). Part I. Diagram of Impressions, at entry, & C.12. Quotation from Plato’s Meno on Recollection - Number as repetition - Quotation from ‘Prodigal Son’ - Quotation from M: - Kingdom of heaven, within. Part 2. Re-interpretation, based on experience, of impressions octave. Quotation from Buddhist Sutra. |
1960/31 | All Groups (Fourth Reading). Part I. The Octave of Air. Fig. I, showing impressions and air octaves to 2nd interval. Process of air circulation. Reference in ‘Lancet’ re Oxygen. Fig. 2. Impressions, Air and Food Octaves in straight line, to Second Interval. Time change and air. - Quotation from Boehme. Part 2. Quotation from P.D.O. re air octave and higher hydrogens - Alchemy. Fig. 3. Position of 3 octaves after first conscious shock - Quotation from M: arrow and bow, creating a situation. |
1960/32 | All Groups (Fifth Reading). Part I. Concluding account of ‘Energy in Human Organism’. Energy comes from 3 kinds of food: Report from P.D.O. meeting 1939, Colet Gardens. Kinds of energy. Part 2. The Original Account of Accumulators of Energy - P.D.O. 1916. Diagram of 3-storey house, with accumulators - Laughter and Yawning. |
1960/34 | All Groups (Sixth Reading). Part I. Fig. 1 & 1a. Universal Symbol: metabolism of 3 foods and large accumulator - Three Traditional Ways - Wasting energy. Questions. Part 2. Quotation from original meeting report P.D.O., negative emotions and imagination. |
1960/35 | All Groups (Seventh Reading) Part I. An Anatomical interpretation of the symbol. Part 2. Fig. 1 and 1a (of 60/34). Left-hand side, of anatomical positions, and complete transformation of man. Part 3. ‘Diagram of ‘All-Living’, Fig. 2. in steps. Same diagram applied to symbol of circle, Fig 3. Manna in the wilderness. |
1960/36 | All Groups. (Eighth Reading). Diagram of All-Living applied to House of 3 Storeys diagram, with hydrogens, in octave form. Different Beings of Men: No. 7, 6, 5 and 4. - Lord’s Prayer and System Prayer. |
1960/37 | All Groups. (Ninth Reading). Part I. ‘False self’ and Real Self - Quotation from P.D.O. meeting, 1938, The Static Triad. Diagram, three stages of development. - Ref. to Allegory of House and Servants. - Questions, and P.D.O. answers - Part 2. Quotation from the First Upanishad, The Manifested Lord. |
1960/38 | Summer Programme - 1960 (For meditators). Diagram of Seven Principles of Sankhya in Three-Storeyed House. Quotations from Upanishads, Gita, 139th Psalm, St. John. |
1960/40 | All Groups. (First Reading). Twenty Years After. Preface. Background in Warwick Gardens, 1940 - ‘Psychology as the Study of Objective Consciousness’. Psychological Lectures, P.D.O. 1934-1940. First Lecture: History of Psychology. Commentary 1960 - 20 years after. Section 1 - The Philokalia. ‘The Undistorted Image’. Section 2 - The Neo-Platonists. ‘Life of Plotinus. Section 3 - The Vedas of India. ‘Holy Tradition’. Conclusion. Theory and practice. |
1960/41 | Second Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After, contd. Part I. First Psychological Lecture, contd. Two chief categories of teaching. - Evolution of man. Commentary 20 years after. Chief distinction between psychological schools. - Evolution, and six triads - Transformation; Quotation New Model p.25. Part 2. Evolution for few. Commentary: Different level of Being, as influence in world. Word ‘Meditation’ misunderstood. |
1960/42 | Third Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After, contd. Part I. First Psychological Lecture, contd. Development, and different Being - Machine cannot Do. Commentary: 20 years after. Latent faculties - Movements under external influences. Quotation from June 29th talk, re impression - desire - action cycle - Exercise for new people, ‘I am here’. Contd. quotation from P.D.O. re movements. Commentary: Special work on oneself. Quotation from April 22nd talk. Part 2. Aim (For New Groups only). Quotation from Fragments Chap. VI. |
1960/43 | Fourth Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After, contd. Part I. Fundamental features absent in man: unity, Permanent ‘I’, Consciousness, Will. Many ‘I’s. Commentary: Figure of circle with many ‘I’s. Exerciser ‘I am here’. Quotation from Philokalia and Exodus. Many ‘I’s and meditation. Quotation from M. talk. Part 2. Quotation continued from P.D.O. lecture: well balanced machine. Commentary: - Try to Be, don’t struggle. Quotation from Philokalia: seat of God. |
1960/44 | Fifth Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After (contd.). Part I. First Lecture, contd. Development and different Being. Consciousness, or awareness. Comment: Mechanism in human brain. Final part of First Lecture: - Consciousness sporadic. In degrees. Attention, and experiment of looking at watch. Comment: Experiment of watch, and of religious method, unaided - More effort, less result. Part 2. Four possible states of consciousness. Memory. Note: Right methods and right effort. Man’s birthright. |
1960/45 | Sixth Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After (contd.) Part I. Second Psychological Lecture. Different states of consciousness, in detail. Asleep and awake. Commentary (for new people). Childhood in church. Examples of awakening. St. Luke, Transfiguration. Greek, neepsis, in Philokalia, for wakefulness. Quotation from St. Hesychius. Commentary (for Method people). Experiences of different states of awakening. Part 2. Lecture continued; self-consciousness and objective consciousness. In relation to truth, relative - Will action. Note: Treasury into market. |
1960/46 | Seventh Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After (contd.) Part I. Second Psychological Lecture, contd. Nature’s trick and consciousness. School needed. Commentary (not for new people) World-scale experiment and meditation. Results, prepared and unprepared people - Rules and Principles of School. Part 2. Lecture continued. Different functions of human machine. Commentary: Diagram of 3 storeyed house with functions. Conclusion of Second Psychological Lecture. Functions in relation to consciousness. |
1960/47 | Eighth Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After (contd.) World-scale experiment, and Rules and Principles. Self-remembering and external considering. Identifying and inner considering. Concluding quotation from lecture on identification and considering - Translation from Philokalia, on process of becoming identified - Word Suffer: ‘Christ never suffered’. Part 2. Introduction to System 20 years ago and present-day attempts. NORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. Introduction. Three experiments. Consciousness of oneself. System, two parts:- structure and constitution of man, and world in which man lives. |
1960/49 | Restricted Circulation. The misunderstanding about Self-remembering. Impossibility of directing attention to oneself and external objects before Self-realisation. Plato’s cave. P.D.O.’s difficulty with Self-remembering. Meeting with the Maharishi. Effectiveness of His method. New perspective on the double-headed arrow of attention. |
1960/52 | Ninth Reading. All Groups. Twenty Years After (contd.) Tentative approach toward Normal Psychology. Realisation of oneself missing. Two experiments. Figs. Man as he thinks he is, and man as he really is. Man as he could be, with ‘soul’. Quotation from Tertium Organum. Questions on 3-storeyed house and Attention. |
1960/54 | Tenth Reading All Groups. Twenty Years after (contd.) Inner world of man (psychology) and world in which man lives. Expansion of consciousness exercise; quotation from Hoyle’s ‘The Nature of the Universe’. Comment: Velocity and magnitude, with different perception. Order and stillness. Elementary diagram of Ray of Creation. Quotation from Prof. Ellis Child Health and Development. Ray of Creation and Octave or Sound. Christmas message. |
1961/1 | Reading 1. All Groups. Knowledge dependent on interrelation of Law of Three and Law of Seven. Quotations from Athanasian Creed and Gospels illustrating laws. Ray of Creation. Its symbolic presentation as circle and spiral. Planetary distances and periodic times as an octave. Lateral octave. Planetary influences. |
1961/3 | Plans for Meetings. Experimental period during absence in Africa. Division of Groups into six categories for study. Emphasis on unity and cohesion as a group carrying our O’s work, with maximum possible freedom for the individual to choose what he wants to study. |
1961/4 | Reading 2. All Groups. Influence & Laws. Part 1. Man’s development (opposed by forces of Nature) starts not with doing but avoiding. The Law of Three Forces in the origin and development of the Ray of Creation: Laws: Relativity: large diagram. Quotations from Shelley’s Adonais. Part II. Essence dominated by body and personality. Essence, Fate, and Higher Influences. Formation of Soul in Essence under the influence of the 12 laws of the Sun. The survival of the influence of the Leader of a School who has achieved Cosmic Consciousness. Payment. Principle of scale, through which can be seen relation of an omniscient Deity to the Unmanifested Sun. Quotation about the Comforter, St. John, ch.14. For Meditators: Resulting from meditation, in the state of cosmic consciousness a wordless relationship between Guru and pupil becomes possible. Invocation to the Hindu Trinity in the Initiation ceremony. Part III. Extract from the Odyssey, Book X, illustrating three levels of man under different Laws and the force of Imagination in Nature: Circe. |
1961/5 | Reading 3. New and Overseas Groups. Relation between Matter and Energy. Introduction: Matter differing in density on different levels. Part I: Relation of matter to Forces, and definition of Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen. Density. Part II: The Newlands-Mendeleeff Table of Elements and the Law of Octaves. The Prayer of St. Patrick. Part III: Practical study of the two Cosmic Laws, the principle of the discontinuity of vibrations. The discovery of the third force depends on understanding the two opposing forces first. Self-Remembering and the ability to see third force. The fulcrum. |
1961/8 | Schools. Reading 2. School is established when it survives the death of its founder. Development means working in all the four rooms at once. School means work on two levels: possibility of schools influencing life is conditioned by the general attitude to schools which can never use violence. |
1961/10 | Senior Groups. Reading 5. (Monday Meeting at Colet Gardens, 27th February). Doubt and unrest in people’s minds about relation of the Maharishi’s teaching to Mr. O’s work. Dr. R. takes his stand on Mr. O’s statements about schools in 1935. All continuing with him must agree on the same point. Aim of establishing a school on two levels. Practical understanding of six activities in relation to school work, and repaying the Maharishi - work for him good training for us. Right understanding of psychological part of System. Purposes for which our school is established: continuity, accumulator of ideas. Lord’s Prayer. Importance of a permanent centre of gravity, valuation, and desire to preserve the purity of the System teaching. |
1961/11 | All Groups. Reading 6. The Six Activities of Man. Introduction. Order of action of constituent forces in any event. Examples from neurones and optics. Events are predetermined by the nature of the forces: results seen in succeeding triads. Part I. Moving centre functions which are orderly, directed and constructive contrasted with those which are destructive. Part II: Actions starting with intellect: inventiveness professional work, and scientific discovery. Part III: Artistic creation: inspiration starting in the heart. Sixth activity beginning in a heart poisoned by negative emotion. Zen story, The Gates of Paradise. Part IV. The six activities change their significance according to the Level of Being: their manifestation in the four ‘Kinds of Life’ in the Cloud of Unknowing. Operation ‘Albert Hall’ An account of the planning behind the public meeting for the Maharishi. |
1961/13 | All Groups. 1st Reading. Every succession of events including man’s life seen as a cycle. Chronos and Kairos. Ecclesiastes - time as the measure of motion and different biological times. Clock systems of the body. Time of the creative impulse. Diagram of moments of ‘now’. Line of attention. Quotation from The Apocalypse of Baruch. |
1961/13a | All Groups. Conclusion from Pre-Easter Readings on Six Triads. School work means seeing clearly the real nature of some action before we embark on it. To see requires improvement of all functions; awakened Conscience and higher consciousness. |
1961/14 | Questions for Groups to Answer. Statements from initiation forms as to what people really want. How to answer them? |
1961/15a | Reading 2. New outlook on cosmoses, introducing Colin Lucas’s papers. |
1961/15b | The Relation Between Things. I. General Principles. All things interconnected and related through their relative times. Cosmic significance of 30,000 and of time in man’s different systems: energy and its circulation between different cosmoses. Size and time of different entities. Five constant ratios. Velocity. |
1961/15c | Thoughts on Time in Different Cosmoses, H.W. Concerning breath of Nature, of Earth, periods of glaciation. Meaning of three kinds of food in different cosmoses. |
1961/16 | Reading 3. The Relation Between Things. IV. The Earth. Quotation from Fechner. Earth’s time; breath; digestion and diameter, and life. Nature of earth’s impressions. Her place in the solar system. C.L. |
1961/17 | Reading 4. Preface: Man was designed to be ‘reflective’: P. Teilhard de Chardin. Quotations from the Shankaracharya: Brahma sutra. From St. Augustine: man is what he loves. Part 1. The Relation Between Things, V. The Molecule. The world of magic and of chemical processes. Size, time, breath and impressions of molecule; creative energy. Molecules as a sense organ for the earth. Part II. The Relation Between Things. VI. The Sun. The relations of the Sun to lower cosmoses. The Sun as a living Being: as a star. |
1961/18 | ‘Return to the Source’. Attainment of permanent realization. Meeting the Shankaracharya, the man, and his method of teaching. ‘To begin to be what you are you must come out of what you are not’. Degrees of realization. The Holy Tradition as a beacon light to set right what is wrong in all aspirants to spirituality, applicable to all systems. The idea of self-remembering. |
1961/19 | All Groups - Reading 5. Part 1. New interpretation of man as a house of 3 storeys. Symbol of 3 storeys and 4 rooms in relation to Attention. Quotations from Boehme and Esdras II, 7. Part II. Higher centres and how to reach them. III. The seven levels of man. |
1961/19a | Reading 5a. Practical work on attention. Attention in men of genius. Quotations about Beethoven, Mozart, Shelley and from Bowra’s Inspiration and Poetry. Velasquez’s Las Meninas. St. Luke 12,35: ‘The Lord’s return from the wedding’ and the special method. |
1961/20 | Reading 6. Emotional Parts of Centres. Consciousness. Definitions. Quotations from P.D.O. New York meeting, about relative positions of morality and conscience. Conscience never changes. It function in relation to the Fourth Room. St. John 14. |
1961/22 | Reading 7. Gunas - 3 kinds of matter conveying the 3 Forces. Adrenaline and choline conducting positive and negative forces. Sattva described by St. Paul, Galatians 5, 22. Quotations from Emily Bronte. |
1961/23 | Reading 7a. Part 2. The Relation Between Things. 7 The Atom. Changes in the atom occurring in the sun. Atoms and impressions, alchemy, time and life of atoms. Quotations from Oxford Book of Mystical Verse, Anon. |
1961/28 | Summer Programme: Three-Storeyed House diagram, associated with a different formulation for each day of the week - from Upanishads, Psalms, Gospels, etc. |
1961/34 | Address to 100 New Initiates, Wellington, N.Z. 1.Knowledge, Being and Understanding. Non-identification with suffering. Creating moon in yourselves through meditation. 2. General principles about the Mantra. Simple aim. 3. History of the method and of the System. Meeting the Shankaracharya who speaks about self-remembering. Much has been lost in the two systems, which spring from the same Source. The three-storeyed house, centres, and Realisation. |
1961/35 | Address to 70 in Camp at Otaki, N.Z. Quotations from the Shankaracharya’s teaching: ‘In order to be what we are we have to come out of what we are not.’ ‘Not doing’. Ten symptoms of successful meditation. Definition of God. The parable of the Sower, and necessity for school work in meditation. Difficulties in life. Lord’s Prayer and dismissing the debts of others. Three Forces and Rajas, Tamas, and Sattva. ‘Sly man’, need for sincerity. Gospels came from a school with an oral teaching. Lord’s Prayer. Conscience is the new note sounded in the Gospels. Ray of Creation and man’s function. Questions about the Gospels. |
1961/38 | Introduction to Autumn Work. Agreement reached about the future. The awakening of conscience as the aim of the System. Quotation, P.D.O. Seeing difference between activities. Two conscious shocks. Sacrifice of the ego. |
1961/39 | Law of Accident and Law of Cause & Effect. Magnetic centre and Influence A, B, C. The staircase, Householder, tramp, lunatic. The Way. |
1961/42 | The Staircase and the Way: Quotation from P.D.O. Ability to distinguish between influences A, B and C. School rules and principles. Registration of a School of Meditation, which will be kept separate from the School and System. |
1961/46 | Report of Monday Meeting. Accident and Cause & Effect: Example from practice of the meditation, showing change of direction in octave. Difference between deliberate or planned action and conscious action. Law of Three and of Seven and Schools. Magnetic Centre and Staircase: C Influence imprints itself on a man. Sayings from H.H. the Shankaracharya. |
1961/48 | Part I. Questions about Influences A, B, C. Need for discipline. Rules understood positively. Part II. Need for creative thinking. Cosmoses. Table of size in different cosmoses. The measure of man. Table of size and time extending from 10 A. units (diameter of a ribosome) through man (1 metre) to 3 light seconds. Speed of protein synthesis. Memory. |
1961/52 | Part I. The Three Humours. Man’s inner life. The three divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Relative proportion of the three humours. Sattva. Part II. A New Model of the Universe. Dimensions. Table showing the period of dimensions represented vertically applying to a single cosmos (man) and horizontally to the succession of cosmoses centering on man. |
1961/55 | Monday Meeting on Three Humours. Divisions of the autonomic system. Proportion and balance. Quotation from Foundations of Neuropsychiatry, Cobb. diagram. Our ordinary psychology is just ‘weather’. Quotation from the Shankaracharya about the real devotee. |
1961/57 | Part 1: Monday Meeting, 13 November. Discussion about the lecture on meditation in January. Questions from meetings. Period of dimensions in cosmoses may be found within each cosmos. Time and magnitude cannot be divided. Reading from Fourth Dimension, P.D.O. - ‘Art in its essence is unique and outside logic’. Part 2: Cosmoses. Matter in the Universe. (C.L.) Materiality in different cosmoses. |
1961/58 | ‘Matter in the Universe’ continued, C.L. The hidden miraculous properties of matter - different properties for different worlds. Related to the four bodies of man. Matter and laws. |
1961/59 | Part 1. The Cloud of Unknowing - four degrees of living as co-existent. A new look at the above in the light of new experience. Part 2. Quotations from talks by the Shankaracharya. Part 3. Practical instruction about the meditation. |
1962/1 | CONSCIOUSNESS. I. Views of Teilhard de Chardin. Aim of this School. Three phases of ordinary consciousness. Enlightenment at rare moments. 2. Four states possible for man. Third state to be chief object of research. Higher states include lower. 3. Quotn. from The One Work by Anne Gage. 4. Transformation of energy. Four kinds of energy. Evolution as three successive transformations. Relation between energy and density of matter. |
1962/2 | 1. Special notation for process of transformation. Ray of Creation. Principle of relativity. Law of Octaves, Three Octaves of Radiations. 2. Octaves of vibrations. in science. Extract from The Times - ‘Temperature range in octaves’. 3. Law of three forces. Twelve triads and density of hydrogens of third scale. |
1962/3 | Density of hydrogens of Third Scale. 1. Invisible differences in matter not found by chemical analysis. Examples: constituents of new-born baby’s body; normal diet; isotopes of hydrogen and iodine. 2. Alchemy. Study of such invisible differences. Quotn. from Tertium Organum. Matter differs according to which force it conducts. Order of action of forces; six possibilities. |
1962/5 | 1) Formatory thinking in examples of different materiality. Note on levers. 2) Table of hydrogens. States of matter: solid, liquid, gas. third scale applies particularly to man, his three kinds of food, etc. 3) Alchemy of Happiness, quotn. related to three octaves of radiations, hydrogens. |
1962/7 | The Triad of the Metabolism of Food. 1. Six different kinds of event at every level. CON in Ray of Creation at different levels. 2. OCN, chain reaction, synthesis, refinement, e.g. in refinement of metals. Both accompanied by CNO, elimination. Metabolism of food uses triad of refinement. Applied to Food Table. Comment: detailed examples of OCN in food metabolism. |
1962/9 | The Three Fundamental triads. 1. Triad of Creation, in galaxies. Other examples, e.g. motor cars, clocks. Function of neutralizing force. 2. Triad of Synthesis or Refinement. Ascending. Description of casting in metal. Examples, e.g. making of bread and wine. 3. Triad of Conscious influence, e.g. work of art. End point higher than beginning. Necessary at an interval. Miracles. |
1962/10 | The metabolism of Food (cont.) Hunger, appetite, carbon 12. Impressions. Fechner, Boehme. Self-Remembering and conscious Triad. Zen & swordsmanship; Sufi and ‘Stop’. Meditation & levels of attention. Stage 2 of the 3 food octaves. |
1962/11 | Metabolism of Food. Second stage, 2nd conscious shock. Alchemy of Happiness. Life of Alcibiades. Zen, ‘Gates of Paradise’. Negative emotions, identification. Naradra Sutra and love. Quotn. from Tertium Organum. 11a. Second conscious shock and positive emotions. |
1962/13 | Metabolism of Food. Diagrams of 3 octaves of radiations, of metabolism and of All Living. Traherne’s Hymn upon St. Bartholomew. The Odes of Solomon. |
1962/15 | The Fundamental Triads. Order of Forces in C.L.’s words. Generation, Return to Source, Elimination, Specialization, Alchemy, & Crime. Quotn. from B. Murphy concerning chrysalis. |
1962/16 | Extract from Monday Meeting on Rules. Positive attitude to rules. |
1962/19 | Valour and Magnanimity. Sir Charles Snow. Conference of the Birds. Tolstoy story, What Men Live By. |
1962/20 | Objective & Subjective States. Their recognition forming a link between science, art, religion, philosophy and psychology; universe ordered by laws. The six triads. Meditation and objective consciousness. |
1962/22 | The doctrine of cosmoses. Diagrams showing number of atoms in a given space and number of cycles in a given time in different worlds. Relation of successive cosmoses to very big and very small. Law of Three shows in doctrine of cosmoses. |
1962/23 | Six Triads, from Protocosmos to Macrocosmos, as illustrated by the Lord's Prayer and three different scales. Meaning of ‘Love’. Parable of Good Samaritan, ‘Mercy’, understanding. |
1962/23a | Meaning of Tolstoy story, and Archangel Michael. Sattva, meaning love, entering into triad OCN and aroused by conscience or induced by another (con), of. Love from a world above, NOC. Contrast negative emotion or death, NCO, starts with imagination and identification. |
1962/24 | Some Psychological Lessons from the Tolstoy Story. Different triads illustrated. |
1962/26 | Consciousness & Functions. Different minds and energies. II. Memory. Records in centres connected by associations. and strengthened by flashes of self-consciousness. Quotn. from P.D.O. |
1962/28 | I. Observing five functions, speaking practically. II. Positive and negative divisions in centres. Higher centres and emotional mind working rightly without identification. III. Higher parts of ordinary centres and attention. Genius. Formatory apparatus. Speech. |
1962/30 | The Cosmos of All Living (C. Lucas), and the three octaves of food for the Sun. Metals sound the Do of the food octave. Breath of the Sun and Birth & Death of Organic Life. Impressions octave and man’s evolution. Diagrams |
1962/31 | Relation of the Work to your own Life. Life obligation towards people outside the work. |
1962/34 | I. Each cosmos a complete enneagram. Cosmos of All Living: Evolution ultimately depends on special ‘realized’ men whose presence at point 6 enable the impressions octave to develop. Time scale. II. need for greater consciousness for understanding. Forebrain brings impressions into the field of consciousness. Diagram of the magic lantern (anatomical). Meditation and increasing the power. Functions and consciousness. |
1962/36 | Ray of Creation and Lateral Octave. System Language: world means our Ray of Creation. The seven notes sounding together. Principle of relativity. Search for the music of the spheres. Seven notes of Lateral Octave and a possible scientific approach. Quotn. Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida. |
1962/37 | The ‘Ascent of Man’ I. General principles in teaching on cosmoses illustrated by Man’s ascent. 4 rooms, 4 bodies, diagram. II. Quotn. from ‘New Model’ about the Great Laboratory. |
1962/40 | Diagram of Four Rooms (as before). Reversal of arrow from group of I’s with desire for change. Deputy steward. Meditation and awakening of conscience. II. Rabeneck’s talk on ‘Relationship with People’, discussion, work as third force. Learning to find and love the good in others. |
1962/41 | Answers to questions asked at Monday Meeting, 2 July. Magnetic centre. Diagram of Four-Storeyed House & Bodies & Hydrogens. Quotn. from Fragments on New Birth, Transmutation, Abuse of Sex, Growth of Essence and memory. Quotn. from Mystic Rose, E. Barker He Who Knows Love, Kabir One Hundred Poems, Newbolt The Final Mystery. |
1962/42 | Buffers and the second room. Conscience. II. Diagram of 4 rooms & 4 bodies and relation to Higher Centres. Quotn. from ‘Fragments’ on mixing and melting. |
1962/43 | The Heavenly Venus. Ascending octaves. Historical account. Plato, Plotinus, St. Augustine, Ficino, Pico della Mirandola, and Castiglione, whose book The Courtier describes the Heavenly Ladder (diagram). Neoplatonism. |
1962/45 | Castiglione’s Courtier - quotations, related to the Heavenly Ladder. |
1962/46 | Daily Programme. Diagram of Ladder. Quotations for each of the six rungs. |
1962/51 | I. Our school and its creator’s interest in Recurrence. Quotns. from New Model. Contents of a lifetime. Duration and speed. II. Different types of Repetition. Quotn. PDO. III. Regeneration. Transformation. |
1962/52 | Regeneration. Triad NOC. Conscience. Examples from Gospels and Shakespeare plays. Quotn. from John Vyvyan. School work using preparatory triads and making energy. |
1962/52a | Notes on 'Attitudes'. A different triad to direct effort. Change comes from control of inner attitudes. Inner processes conditioned by attitude, but effective only if complete. Most important in relation to negative emotions. |
1962/53 | From Monday Meeting, 17 & 24 September. Plans for future work. Relation to other members of the School; rules. Bad effect of negative thinking on the Meditation. PDO’s interest in Recurrence connected with Laws of 3 & 7 and six triads in human activity. Direction in which change lies. Practical work. Attitude. Kokochska. Preparing for next time. 2nd Conscious shock. Negative imagination. Working together. |
1962/55 | Thoughts on the Cosmos of All Living. C. Lucas. In the Food Table of the Sun the first octave is concerned with planets culminating in the evolution of Angels. Second octave concerned with species culminating in the Great Laboratory. Third octave. |
1962/56 | Introduction. Practical, theoretical & philosophical work and help from India. I. Concerning conversation in India about Law of 3 and Law of 7. II. The Three Gunas, quotn. from Bhagavad Gita, 14. III. Practical. Observation of the 3 Gunas from the level of 4 Rooms. |
1962/57 | Monday Meeting. Return from India. Connection with Inner Circle. Rules. Story of Scorpion & Tortoise. ‘False I’. Account of the School of the Holy Tradition How to get the help that is needed. |
1962/58 | Shakespeare & Neoplatonism. John Vyvyan’s books; The Courtier, Heavenly Love, the Ladder. |
1962/59 | Nyaya Ladder of Seven Steps to Self-Realization. The Shankaracharya’s answers to questions on ladder. |
1962/60 | The seven steps (Cont.) Related to Enneagram and ascending octave, showing connection with the Inner Circle. Diagrams. Quotn. from Ecclesiastes, 9. |
1962/62 | Will in relation to the nyaya ladder. Answers by H.H. to questions about Will. Diagram of Ladder. Four kinds of grace from above. Forces of Evil. Keertan music. Making silver from the mercury. |
1962/65 | True religion. Need for religion to awaken the middle storey. Pseudo-religion and real religion. Quotn. from Fragments. Prayer. Report of talk by H.H. on Sanatan. Story of ‘God is everywhere’. Inner meaning of true religions. What all people want - knowledge, happiness, life: Sat-chit-ananda. |
1962/66 | A Man’s Name is Legion. Many ‘I’s’, always changing. I. Quotn. from Fragments. II. The Gospels taken psychologically as an account of many I’s in man - all characters exist embryonically in separate I’s in each of us. St.Luke, XII. III. Quotn. from the Shankaracharya’s talk about common man with many wills, and Realized man with one will. Story about the king. |
1962/67 | S.E.S. Meeting at Friends House for 900 Members who are Meditating. Accounts of talks with Mr. O, about the System, discipline at Lyne and in London, tests. Connection with Realized Man and Inner Circle. Finding the Holy Tradition. Story about Brahma and Indra. Zen story about Manriya. Parable of Unjust Steward. Finding Real I. Meditation. Objective Music. |
1963/3 | New Aspects of the Ladder of Self-Realization. Part I Favourable situation now - well and truly ‘on the Way’. Four factors which govern human actions, from Shankaracharya’s System; conversation about ‘own nature’. Importance of finding right School. H.H. on ‘Will’. Part II ‘Learning to Do: a two-way process’. Doing depends upon Being as well as Knowing. H.H. - Discipline necessary for development of human race. |
1963/4 | Man, the Transformer Part I Central idea proposed by Mr. O. for Society in 1937. Conversation on ‘psycho-transformism’. Conservation of energy, transformation of impressions. Diagram of intake, output. Part II The three variables: excitation, integration, inhibition. First ref. by Mr. O. to 3 Gunas. Idea of 3 Gunas kept fluid in Shankaracharya’s tradition. Conversation with H.H. on good actions. |
1963/7 | Part I Power of idea of 3 forces, formulation of 1935 - (Mr.O.). 3 Gunas apply to man’s efforts to climb Ladder of Self-Realization. Part II Section 1: 3 forces in the environment; Platonic concept, Excess and Defect, D’Arcy Thompson; relation to Gunas. Section 2: Gunas and food. Section 3: Gunas and impressions from environment. Conversation with H.H. Summary. |
1963/11 | Part of Conversation on Monday. 11th Feb. Significance of middle compartment. Integration. Five figs. illustrating different meanings of word ‘I’. Qtn. from Herman Buhl’s ‘Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage’, experience of larger ‘I’, loss of sense of separateness. Part II Many ‘I’s illustrated from The Conference of the Birds by Attar, The Princess and the Dervish. |
1963/12 | Different Laws Part I Diagrams of 63/11 show stages by which individual comes under different laws. Chance, Cause & Effect, Fate, Will. Moving centre and Will (Mr. O. Nov. 1928). Keertan music. Part II Conference of the Birds, The march commenced: Sultan Mahmud and the Orphan Lad. |
1963/13 | Conversation of Monday, Feb.25: Stages 3 & 4 on the Ladder, Pull of the Way. Direction related to Time-Scale & ladder (fig.) (1) Invisible & visible worlds belong on one scale; (2) Change comes between Step 3 and Step 4. Plato’s Dialogue of the Cave. Conclusion: No conflict between inner & outer world. H.H.’s description of Step 5, and Story of Lakshman, brother of Rama. |
1963/14 | Exploration of Noumenal or Invisible World Section 1. Research needed on relation of Steps of Ladder to Time-scale. What can be observed at first hand in meditation (figure). Consciousness measured by intensity, but also by repetition & duration. Section 2. Examples from meditation question-naires of 1) instantaneous events, 2) permanent trends. Section 3. Extracts from Tertium Organum, phenomena & noumena. |
1963/16 | Part I Experience of noumenal world can be transient or lasting. Transient - H.H.’s analogy of radio set. Tuning is attention. Establishing relation with Realized Man. Part II Achievement of permanence, H.H.’s description of 4 bodies. Part III Parable of Sower in relation to meditation. Boehme; Cloud of Unknowing. |
1963/17 | Escape from Prison Part I Escaping, or making the prison more comfortable? Inner prison, not externals. Qtn. Alice Through the Looking Glass - help for humanity from Realized Man. Part II Inner octaves and resonance. Part III Meditation and unprepared people. Methods of self- development in all great religions. Qtns. from St. Luke, Buddha, Upanishads. Part IV End of Conference of the Birds. |
1963/17a | A Prayer for Help in the Nyaya Ladder - from A. Cosani. |
1963/23 | Reading 1 Part I: The Rhythm of the Universe. First Chinese canon of painting - Rhythmic Vitality. Need for ‘Spiritual Rhythm in the Movement of Life’. System - dance of 3 Cosmic Forces. Gita: 3 kinds of Happiness. Part II: Figure, and Prayer of St. Patrick. General version of ‘New Life of Osokin’. |
1963/24 | Reading 2 Part I: System unites 2 great cosmic laws in universal symbol. Fig.1 Enneagram, Ray of Creation points round circle. 3 octaves along lines of triangle connect 4 chief points. Meaning of Inner Circle in the Symbol. Part II: ‘Meditation Version’ of sequel to ‘Life of Osokin’. |
1963/29 | Reading 3 Monday Mtg. of May 20. Questions: individual rhythm could lead to discovery of Universal Rhythm. Extra-sensory experiences. Creation from 3 forces - related to Mind of Man designed to work as one. 3 Octaves of Ray of Creation (Fig.2) and further questions on it. |
1963/30 | Reading 4 Monday Mtg. of May 20 cont’d. Recurrence and 2nd point of change in ‘New Life’ of Osokin. Reading of ‘A Cross-road in Paris’. In recurrence of one’s thoughts now one can stop repetition; dreams recalled from the end. Conversation on this and questions from meetings. |
1963/32 | Reading 5 Questions on ‘The Rhythm of the Universe’, from meetings. Meanings of Greek word ruthmos. Three Octaves of Radiations (figure). Density. Quotations from St. Thomas A Kempis - inner teaching. |
1963/33 | Reading 6 Part I: 3 Octaves of Radiation - need to distinguish between ascending and descending processes. Physicist’s view of randomness and running down of universe. Schrodinger & Eddington. Order through increasing Unity escape from passing time. Part II: Fig:3 Octaves as triangle inscribed In circle. Notes are fixed points in organism and represent all possible levels of energy in man on Earth. Conclusion: Physicists’ theories on creation - tested against Figure. |
1963/34 | Reading 7 Part I: Constructive view of Universe requires not only Knowledge but Being and Understanding. Evidence for rhythmicity being collected in Universities. Direction, upward and downward processes in garden, for example. Quotation from Gospel, Harvest plenteous but labourers few. Part II: Correspondence with H.H.; feelings and actions in relation to Ladder. Comment. Cultivation of attention sets in motion invisible rhythms. Creativeness. |
1963/36 | Reading 8 Part I: Questions from Monday Meeting 24 June. Analogy between life of Universe and Man. Plotinus on Man. Rhythm from point of view of Doing: repetition and variation. Density of impressions, attention to finer influences. Law of Chance. Part II: Enquiry into Sources of System - Mevlevi teacher, man from Afghanistan. Relation of organization to these researches. Translations from Rumi; attitude of his Tradition. |
1963/38 | Reading 9 Attention and Learning to Do. Part I: System description of attention in relation to parts of Centres. Discipline needed for control of attention when emotion roused. Examples from Inspiration and Poetry (Bowra). Part II: Mr O. Attention and parts, thinking with attention, right use of formatory centre. Conclusion H.H. - difference between ‘good man’ and ‘fool’. |
1963/39 | Reading 10 Part I: Learning to Do (cont’d.) Voluntary part; work which cannot be done with mechanical parts. Higher parts necessary for creation, realization of possibilities. Saving of valuable energy. Part II: Diagram of 3 storeys, Conscience, gateway to Higher Centres. A Kempis. Recurrence, memory in relation to Self-Realization. Mr. O. - Importance of thinking. |
1963/41 | Summer Programme Diagram: Octave of Creation; Seconary Octave related to Lord’s Prayer (Latin & Authorized Version). |
1963/45 | Reading 1 Coming of System to West as Philosophy, then Theoretical Knowledge, now Practical Experience. True happiness, St. John IV, 13, 14. Aim for Autumn is help towards change of Being. 3 lines of Work. 3 stages from Alchemy of Happiness. Will closely related to happiness. Al-Ghazzali. Use of meditation for ‘stilling mercury’, and also ‘melting the silver’. |
1963/46 | Reading 2 Self-Realization, tool is Attention whatever method employed. Fig.1. 3-storeyed house, functions related to attention. Fig.2. Fourth room. Higher centres already at work. Object is to receive their influence at will. True happiness through cultivation of attention. ‘Canto of Wakefulness’ from the Dhammapada. |
1963/49 | Reading 3 Third Line of Work: two chief aspects - time and money. Mr. O. - Russian proverb. Part II: Safety devices which prevent unprepared people from entering Fourth Room. Emotional centre must become receptive to higher frequency vibrations. St. Hesychius: Wakefulness. |
1963/52 | Reading 4 Part I: Nyaya Ladder as immediate practical matter, related to ‘Prodigal Son’, Mevlevi Ceremonial. Fig. Steps of Ladder and Stages of Alchemy related in Enneagram. Part II: ‘Inspiration’ and ‘expiration’ in Self-Realization. Man’s functions and degrees of happiness within him (from C.L.). Comment relates this to Ladder. |
1963/53 | Reading 5 Part I: Good Impulse. Description from Cloud of Unknowing. Units of time added to Symbol, from the shortest perception to life-time, and related to experience. Part II: Third Step, motivation from within. H.H. answer to question about ‘desire realizing itself’. |
1963/54 | Reading 6 New possibility of relating current scientific discoveries with System in field of neuro-psychiatry. Analogy between mechanism of a watch and human being. Rediscovery of small part of nervous system concerned with consciousness and life as a whole. 3 divisions like magic lantern - diagrammatic illustration, and physiological descriptions: Cobb, Sampson Wright. Descriptions in Philokalia (St. Philotheus); Gichtel; Secret of the Golden Flower. |
1963/55 | Reading 7 New scientific evidence corroborates System approach to Study of Man. Clarification of statement by Mr. O, ‘only three centres’ (Fig.1). Right approach to Fourth Room. Union of 3 underlying Fourth Room (Fig.3). Perfect description in Lord’s Prayer. Quotation from Cloud of Unknowing. |
1963/57 | Reading 8 Fourth Room not only place but relationship between anatomical parts; difference between anatomy and psychology. Psychological meaning of ‘Cleansing the Temple’. Changing relationships of Power, Light, and Screen in Four States of Consciousness. Passage from Tertium Organum, source of magic lantern simile, quoted. Summary. Appendix: Judaistic Symbol of the Temple - biblical references. |
1963/58 | Reading 9 Preface: The Fifth Dimension means repetition, Rhythm. Part 1: Movement and ‘Arousal Mechanism’. Article in Sunday Telegraph by Dame Ninette de Valois quoted. Part 2: Putting out the Light: ‘reverberating circuits’ in ‘Limbic System’, chief mechanism underlying imagination & identification. Examples: recent court case; Zen story, ‘Muddy Road’. Part 3: ‘Give up your Suffering’; repetition of triad (N-C-O) may enter Essence. Psychosomatic illnesses, case of endocrine disease in twins. Influence of Moon. Shankaracharya’s system of meditation ‘leaves lunatic outside the door’. |
1963/60 | Reading 10 Part I: Summing up of new point of view. Mr. O. on command over consciousness. Chandogya Upanishad. Figure: Ray of Creation as Symbol of possibilities of human mind. Part II: Report of visit by two people to Shankaracharya at Mathura. Two questions and answers re householder and meditation. |
1964/2 | Reading 1. To continue new discoveries need to distinguish what we know by direct experience. P.D.O. in Tertium Organum. Necessity for self-knowledge. Principle of Relativity of knowledge; necessary to know only certain part of oneself but very well. Three levels of Attention, diagram of 3-storeyed house. Meetings to be stimulus to each person to find way of setting up Attention. |
1964/4 | Reading 2. Importance of part of mind designed for no specific function. Alerting to attention. Four questions, around which observations and examples of this can be collected, providing evidence for hypothesis that ‘that well-trained mind will throw up what we want when we want it if attention be working normally.’ |
1964/6 | Reading 3. Disposal of the Attention. History of psychology, Wundt & James on attention. Three kinds of attention in light of System and recent work on brain. Need for each person to recognise what chiefly disperses his attention. |
1964/7 | Reading 4. Voluntary Attention. What this really is. James qtn. on catching faint impressions. Short duration of voluntary attention. Repetition of successive efforts. II. Need to develop methods of rousing state of non-specific attention. Example of driving a car. Idea of systematic attention not new - qtn. from Gradual Sayings of the Buddha. |
1964/12 | Reading 5. I. Summary of position re non-specific attention and observations confirming. References to whole man in psychological writings, Stout, Flugel, Lord Brain. Further qtn. from Gradual Sayings. II. System approach to wholeness, the One; practice of attention for its own sake, with idea of wholeness in mind. |
1964/14 | Reading 6. Notes of Memory. Many various kinds. Bergson distinguished two, mechanical and true. Total recollection. Central store, difficult to tap. St.Luke, ‘Peter remembered’. Possibility of premonition. Sometimes real memory comes from Essence. Plato’s Meno and glimpses from meditation, questionnaire. P.D.O. relation of Memory to Consciousness. |
1964/17 | Reading 7. Setting up of State of Attention, some expected, some surprising results. Concept of General Ability - Spearman’s discovery of single general ability (g) inborn with small specific abilities.(s). Development in School of ‘g’ - adaptability to new situations, and ‘s’. (Fig.) Improvements brought about by special techniques. H.H. on ‘Attention and efficiency’. |
1964/19 | Reading 8. Part 1 Character little understood in modern psychology. Human temperament, analogy with car. Hippocrates’ system of medicine; Plato, kinds of substance in man, link with biological discoveries. Fig. 1 Four Temperaments. Fig.2. Temperature scale. Part 2. (Doctors only - effects of drugs). Four blood groups mask 3 pairs of opposites; three-roomed house taken into account - examples. Part 3. Place of Endocrinology. Temperament changes only through Self-Realisation. |
1964/20 | Easter Reading 9. The Moment of Truth For full Attention identification with machine has to die. Analogy, spiritual laws with outer life. Extract from ‘The Escapers’ by Eric Williams. Exact equivalent when ‘moment of Truth’ comes from inside one. Inner meaning of Easter: poem ‘Doubt no more’. |
1964/22 | Reading 1. School work - possible lines for study. Erroneous ideas hampering science, e.g. about consciousness, qtn. Lord Brain. Change in consciousness described in two poems from Anthology. Discovery of Omega-minus, fundamental principle of 8-fold symmetry. P.D.O.’s prophecy, 1930. Further light on Law of Octaves & Three. |
1964/26 | Reading 2. I. Triad depends on being Passive. Meditation, OCN. Figure. For light to illuminate screen power must be switched on. Application to meditation. II. Six Triads in Ray of Creation, & 1 incomprehensible. P.D.O.’s description in 1938. Figure. Qtn. from C. Lucas on 3 triads in man related to consciousness, 3 related to functions, and comment. Triads in Dervish Mukabeleh. III. Six Triads in Organic Life. Lateral Octave. Fig. of Ray of Creation. 6 Triads in phenomena of Nature. Man as part of Organic Life. Use of conscious triad by Shankaracharya. Reminder about three languages. |
1964/29 | Reading 3. I. Re-wording of statement in Reading 1 on Consciousness. Sherrington on ‘the self’ from Integrative action of the Nervous System. II. The Art of Creation. Main aim, Self-creation. Qtn. Koestler. |
1964/32 | Reading 4. C.L. ‘An Imaginary Conversation, contd.’ Triad of meditation. All three triads in Self-Creation. Triad in scientific invention. Kekule’s discovery of benzene ring. Qtn. from Koestler, The Creative Act. |
1964/33 | Reading 5. Summary of conscious triads and three limiting mechanical triads. ‘Identification’, over-valued idea, from Psychology of Men of Genius. Value of laughter, examples in different centres. Good humour. Hinton: Kilkenny Cats. Laws of actions and reaction. |
1964/36 | Reading 6. I. Point where science and the System might meet. Lord Adrian, ‘Gap between Mind & Matter’. Comment on ‘relation of matter to consciousness rather than reason’. II. Need to realise full extent of gap between Higher Mind and common mind. 12 points on which differences could be formulated. |
1964/37 | Reading 7. I. Impossibility of picturing the Real World in subjective states. Fig.1, Real world and sensory world. Need to withdraw from latter at times, for Self- Realization. Qtn. from Book of Golden Precepts. Voice of Silence. Unrecognizable world of purely emotional relations. II. HH’s description of Ladder of 7 steps. Fig.2, steps and points where additional help necessary. HH answer on this & description of Turiya. |
1964/38 | Reading 8. Value of picture of enormous difference of time-scale between 3 worlds. Analogy of clock hands. Fig. representing life cycle, 24-hour cycle and 5 mins. Difference in ‘pitch’ rather than speed. High power in human nervous system, small circuits firing simultaneously. 3 accounts of transition to ‘Moment of Truth’ from PDO, Experimental Mysticism; Emily Bronte, The Prisoner; HH, story of Lakshman, brother of Rama. |
1964/40 | Reading 9. I. Octaves in Fig. of 64/38. II Maths Group report; different levels of energy and consciousness with which machines of different types can work. System four categories of energy. Fig. III. Note on art history. Qtn. from Réalités, choice before artist: nature or subjective view. ‘Place or Creative’ gives further possibilities. |
1964/41 | Reading 10. I. Achieving co-existence of emotional & spiritual life with daily activities. Fig.1, ordinary mechanical state. Fig.2, state of Attention. How to produce this and avoid return to mechanical state. Introducing our point of view to general public. II C.L. conversation on triads in meditation. Part played by attention. |
1964/42 | Summer Programme I Fifth Step on Ladder. Use of energy from daily discipline for contemplation of universal ideas. Qtn. from Castiglione’s Courtier; ‘The Manifested Lord’, 1st Upanishad; Diagram of All Living. Mevlana from Mathnawi: the Chick Pea, and about death. HH. on Creation and Eternal Knowledge. |
1964/43 | Summer Programme II ‘What shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?’ Daily ideas with reference to attention. Fig. of Four Rooms. School Work. |
1964/54 | Reading 1 from Monday Mtg. Sept.28. Further meeting with HH, meaning of contact with Inner Circle. Mr Allan’s impressions of visit. Description of place, first meeting with HH. University of HH’s teaching. Knowledge, Ray of Creation. Need for persistent practice. Inner work of School and function in the world. Knowledge and Method. Seeing oneself in others, unity. Repayment of debts. Comment on Absolute (Dr. R.). Finding questions to ask HH. |
1964/57 | Reading 2 from Mon. Mtg. Oct.5. Need to find meaning of certain psychological terms from own experiences: Manas, Buddhi, Atman. Three levels of mind as a whole. Fig.1 Discriminative level. Fig.2 Levels of ‘Mind’ without attention. HH’s descriptions of Manas and Buddhi. Conscience as part of Buddhi. |
1964/60 | Reading 3 I. 3 storeys complete only in man. His evolution. Energies in each storey. System notation. Fig.1 Turiya. Fig.2 Man in street, dependent on physical body. Scientists know only latter. Qtn. from Sherrington. The ‘Monkey’. II How evolution takes place. Fig.3 Cloud of ignorance. Fig.4 Stages of evolution, Bodies. HH on Confidence. |
1964/62 | Reading 4. Useful to have two pictures of three-storeyed factory in connection with HH’s teaching. I. Fig.1, ‘Men in the Street’. Fig.2, Final State of Enlightenment. HH on ‘Manas’. Harm of ‘imaginings’. Story of lawyer & wife planning future for unborn child. Remedy, proper use & regulation of energy. Cloud of Unknowing. Fig.3, reversal of arrow. II. Manner of working (Cloud). HH, impurities in Buddhi, illusion of common men. III. HH’s description of final state. |
1964/64 | Reading 5. II. Benefits when natural relationship between Buddhi and Manas restored. Three examples of this coming by chance: Aldous Huxley, Neil Gunn, Alan Moorehead. II. Need to express such experiences; formulation re ‘Manas the Useful Servant - analogy of horse and rider, use in communication with others.’ Passage from Copernicus. III. Feeling of expansion, a fact. |
1964/67 | Reading 6, from Monday Meeting, 16 Nov. Mr. Allan’s report, HH. on knowledge and Fourth Way. Harmonizing true knowledge and ordinary life is purpose of meetings and activities. Qtns. from HH. Intense desire for development only criterion in this Work. Need for self-discipline, related to 7 steps; experience as well as Knowledge. HH. ‘Fire’ of love which keeps selfishness at bay. Good company. Second line. Third line, larger reflector. Advice about organization. Inner Circle’s work. Microcosm & macrocosm. Dr. Roles’ summary. Three questions for individuals on three lines of work. |
1964/71 | Reading 7, part of Monday Meeting, 30 Nov. Two descriptions: i) Essay ‘in form of Dream’ revealing Truth; ii) ‘The longest day’ by schoolgirl, happiness, normal though rare; Letter from HH. Combination of Knowledge & Love materialises goal. His use of word ‘love’. Fenelon, Self-Love; folk-song verse, ‘Palace’, Third body. Observation from someone after listening to Palestrina. PDO’s description of 2 thresholds. |
1964/73 | Reading 8, The Way of Liberation. HH. on Fountain of Knowledge. Story of Temple of Sharada, four gates, meaning Liberation. Part of conversation on Self-Remembering (CL.). Need for individual Conscience, good company. Qtn. from original Shankara - Manhood hard to gain. PDO’s comment on this passage about recurrence. Qtn. from Chuang Tzu. |
1965/3 | Reading 1. Conversations on the Fourth Way, Part II (C. Lucas). Freedom of conditions for work in Fourth Way, acceptance of life. Three scales of work, each important. New formulations of old truths needed. |
1965/4 | Reading 2. Reformulating the System and eternal truths. Essence & Personality (quote from 65/1). |
1965/6 | Reading 3. New meanings in idea of ‘Essence’ (taken from Monday meeting, Feb.1). Experiments of Great Laboratory leading to man reproduced in his nervous system, included in our essence. Its changing chemistry. Heredity. Experiencing what is in essence. Qtn. from New Model re Great Laboratory. Outworn experiments. Parts useful to self-creative beings incorporated in man. Quotn. from Jacquetta Hawkes Man on Earth. What has been incorporated in man’s essence? Cats and subtle body. Other potentials for development all there. Physical attributes of Realized man. What experiments in organic life are used in the creation of man on way to Self-Consciousness? |
1965/7 | Reading 4. I: Ordinary sciences study body & personality, not essence, which is only understood by knowing oneself. Essence knows great truths, ref. to Plato. Part of brain used by birds needed in development of higher bodies. Mevlana. Expression & communication through the arts. Expansion of the body. New Sayings of Jesus. Sense of direction & memory in essence of birds. Species memory, weaver bird. In man, is this emotional memory? Longing for Truth. Recurrence & memory. II: Ray of Creation & Lateral Octave. Description & diagram. All psychological and spiritual life dependent on Sun, as well as physical life. Upward & downward movements. Development of man’s embryo to manhood by Nature; from there to Atman by his own efforts. |
1965/8 | Reading 5. Life & Death. I: Different parts of man under different Laws - Accident, Cause & Effect, Planetary, & Will. ‘Soul’. Life Principle. Molecule of DNA. Qtn. from Grant Watson, Mystery of Physical Life. II: Immortality of Cells. Example of Paramecium. Cell cultures. Germ cells. Regeneration of cells. Nerve cells. III: Possible Immortality of Man. Lateral Octave. Origin of Life Principle from below or above? Creation of higher bodies. Qtn. from Crest Jewel on the Self. |
1965/9 | Reading 6. I: Universal life principle, a working hypothesis of its relation to individuals and the Atman. Qtn. from Genetics of a Bacterial Virus on wordings of DNA & life principle. II: Law of Octaves. Peaks & troughs. Table of Elements. Discontinuity. Qtn. from D’Arcy Thompson, Growth & Form. Evidence against line of continual small variation, particularly in evolution. Principle of Discontinuity. |
1965/12 | Reading 7. Law of Octaves, contd. Stretched strings, Pythagoras. Harmonics, 1st 8 contained in 3 doublings. Universal principle. Example in distances of planets from sun. Intervals. Electromagnetic vibrations. II: Octave of Self-Realization, Ladder. Use of passing time. Using the moment, of letting time go by. Both necessary. Omar Khayyam. |
1965/14 | Reading 8. I: Life Principle & moon. Atman & essence. Lives of artists. Unmanifested earth. II: Subjective & Objective States of Consciousness. Characteristics of objective state. Self-evident truths. Three stages in octave of self-realization. Diagram. Qtn. from Dhammapada. |
1965/16 | Reading 9. Subjective & Objective States (contd.). Threefold divisions of each of the three stages, instinctive, rational & emotional. Tri-partite nature of the soul. The three functions in better states of consciousness. Right work of Manas. Summary: New approach to parts of centres & attention. Zen saying about trees, mountains and waters. |
1965/17 | Reading 1. I: Ideas suggested for study: new approach to Real world, time & energy. II: Letter from H.H. Rajas & Tamas only obstacles to Realization; right food for Manas & Buddhi. III: Lines of study: i) real world seen as interaction of 2 cosmic laws, ii) Insight - Law of 3 in action, II i) difference between actions, iv) Triads seen in adjacent cosmoses, v) Gunas, to be related only to experience. How to study this programme. |
1965/18 | Reading 2. I: Difference between Actions. Conversation with H.H. on right conduct, and relation to Gunas. Conscious man can relate all types of action to goodness. Conclusions. II: Time & Recurrence. Mr. O. (from meetings in 1935-45). Time ‘problem’ due to limitations of ordinary mind. ‘Time-keepers’ in each of us. Finer senses known to poets - qtn. from unknown Elizabethan. |
1965/20 | Reading 3. I: Law of Three, contd. Triad NOC beginning with Love of Truth and Happiness. Conservation of N, by CON & OCN (same as food diagram). Qtn. from H.H. relates Law of Three to Three Gunas. II: Repetition, Fifth Dimension. Qtn. from P.D.O. New Model, on Time. The use of repetition in Self-Realization. |
1965/22 | Reading 4. The Line of Life. Qtn. of Avva Dorotheus from Tertium. The 2 motions of the life-line: toward & away from the centre; and revolution about the centre. Quotn. from Mellor, Higher Mathematics. Qtn. from New Model. The constant observer, consciousness. Qtn. from Dunne, Experiment with Time. Conclusion: importance of both movements in the curve of life. |
1965/24 | Reading 5. The awareness of ‘self-Evident Truths’. Letter from I. Nicholson, relating these truths to the Ladder of Self-Development, and where one stands on the ladder at a given moment. |
1965/27 | Reading 6. ‘Know Thyself’. Qtn. from Psychological Lectures. Qtn. from ‘Crest Jewel’. True religion the religion on the Atman. This truth know only on 4th step of Ladder (in glimpses) and fully on 7th step. Quotn. from Koran, and Imitation of Christ, Dhammapada, ‘Canto of Flowers.’ |
1965/30 | Reading 7. I. Evaporation of Emotion, caused by the human machine. Qtn. PDO, 5th Psychological Lecture. Electro-chemical changes. ‘Imagination’ & ‘identification’ set up chemical chain reactions. III. Escape from Negative emotions. Qtn. St. Francis de Sales, letter, 1607; letter of George Fox. |
1965/31 | Reading 8. Classification of emotions by what is useful to the Atman. Knowledge and control of the three Gunas enables Realized Man to know and control any situation. To ‘know oneself’ is to know one’s temperament, a property of the machine. To find oneSelf, necessary to withdraw top Atman. Quotn. from Shakespeare, Sonnet XVIII; from Ch.14, Gita, on transcending the Gunas. |
1965/32 | Reading 9. ‘Who am I?’ The existence of a Fourth Room, with capacity for self-awareness. We lack control over the ‘feeling of I’. Purpose of a School to help people to get control. Quotn. PDO on multiplicity of I’s seen by observing ‘I’. In meditation’ many I’s’ are left behind, leaving observing I to see that one is meditating truly. Then ‘Real I’ will follow. CL. diagram of the 2 stages. II. ‘The house and the servants.’ |
1965/40 | Reading 1. Memory. I. Quotn. P. Jennings, mechanism of ordinary memory: quotn. R.Brain, registration, retention, & recall. Diagram of the mechanism. Over-loading fatigues the mechanism. II. Different recording mechanisms in the three storeys. ‘Selection’ provided by consciousness of aim. |
1965/41 | Reading 2. Memory & the Gunas. I. C.L. on analogy of the full shop. II. H.H. on memory and consciousness; three types of memory; the aspirant’s relation to the Realized Man flavoured by the three gunas; forgetfulness in aspirant cured by shock. |
1965/43 | Reading 3. Memory: the New and the Old Brain. I. Quotn. ‘Mogadon’, Roche drug. Diagram of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic activity. Resolution of antagonisms by a third force to effect change of Being. II. Diagram of three-storeyed house applied to the brain. Relation of ‘screen’, ‘light’ & ‘power’ to Samadhi and Turiya. Saturation of middle room with pure love will resolve antagonisms and establish right relation between personality and essence. |
1965/44 | Reading 4. FCR. in India. H.H. on the Three Gunas. Simile of car driver concerned not with gears, but with destination. Creation is full of the 3 Gunas. There is another factor which only observes the coming and going of 3 forces reacting on each other. We must observe and not be attached. |
1965/45 | Reading 5. I. PDO. & HH. on meaning of knowing oneself. HH. on Self-realization II. The experience of the 3 Gunas is a clue to seeing the Mind of the Absolute both in all the Drama of Creation and in the little creation within. HH. on excess of Rajas making men forget the Truth; on grand scale of creation, the human race is governed by combinations of the Gunas, and individuals can’t do much about it. HH. on the conjunction of 5 planets two years ago. |
1965/46 | Reading 6. Simile of chariot from Katha Upanishad related to what we know already. I. Behaviour & manifestations of the 4 elements in different states of consciousness. II. Relations between the element Comment by HH. on simile and on BBC discussion on Happiness. |
1965/47 | Reading 7. Training of Charioteer (Buddhi) on the Stages of Self-Realization. Discipline or System. HH. on ‘Sadhna’. I. Systematic planning. HH. on Time. II. Ladder of 7 stages to Self-Realisation. Root meanings of the Sanskrit names. Comments by HH. |
1965/49 | Reading 8. Fifth Step of Ladder. HH. on Creation as a great play or Drama: approach to it either by Knowledge or by Love. The Drama as a means of developing detachment. Samsara (creation) takes place in Buddhi, which must be stilled & purified. Centre of Love is the Atman. The Reality throughout everything is the same threefold Sat, Chit, Ananda. Consciousness and remembrance of the previous life at step 5. The Mantra in the next life? Realize yourSelf now. Story of Rama and Lakshman. |
1965/51 | Reading 9. Chariot diagram: 1) ‘Being’ of Common Man; 2) ‘Being’ of Fully Realized Man. The three characteristics of the King or Owner, Sat, Chit, Ananda (fig.3). HH. on the illusion of duality, used only for training purposes. One aspect of the King known by the other two. |
1965/52 | Reading 10. The different needs of people who differ in Essence on the path of Self-Realization. HH. on the Path of Action, the Path of Love, the Path of Knowledge, & the Path of Wisdom or Understanding, a combination of all three. Meditation useful for all types of people. |
1966/1 | New Year Plans. Reminder of foundation of school by P.D.O. and need for continuation. Transmission of Knowledge through Understanding. H.H. & twice-born inhabitants. I. Changes in Organization. New methods. H.H. & purpose of a School. II. Influences A, B, & C - understanding in ‘depth’. |
1966/2 | Reading 2. ‘Reflection’ Attributes of Atman. Light of Atman reflecting in Buddhi. Stillness. Qtn. from de Chardin on reflection. Story of Holy Man who said ‘No audience today.’ |
1966/3 | Reading 3. ‘Observation’ Interpretation of story; many I’s. Seeing with the eye of Atman. Diagram of still and moving mind. Story of Holy Man and owner of place. Illusion of personal possession. New attitude comes from Atman. |
1966/6 | Reading 4. ‘Observation’ contd. I. Identity of Observer. Qtn. from H.H. on Observation; story of king who searched for a Saint. II. P.D.O. Qtn. from 5th Psychological Lecture - what happens when we try to observe. Stopping imagination. Story of Parrot & Dervish; need for understanding. |
1966/7 | Possibility of general talk on meditation. Conversation between Karl Jaspers & Guy Valairé on atom bomb, belief in God, & future of mankind. |
1966/8 | Reading 6. Questions on Buddhi - a means of seeing. H.H. on ‘wandering glances’; story of Holy Man & beautiful woman; Buddhi & observing. Clearing of mirror. Qtn. from Gerson about watchman in ship. |
1966/9 | Reading 7. Time to re-valuate System & consider experience on way to Self-Realization. I. Ray of Creation. Diagram. Beauregard on prediction and retrodiction. Reversibility of time. Science at present looks only in direction of downward arrow. II. Inner octaves. Twelve definable ‘states of matter’. Diagram. Table of hydrogens related to DNA, hormones, etc. Meaning of two arrows. Sciences study downward direction, System & H.H. refer to upward. Self-Realization necessary to bring two into harmony. |
1966/10 | Easter Programme 1. An individual is a replica of Creation. Prayer of Kings of Siam. Diagram of Ray of Creation. Upward & downward arrows. Way of thinking which disposes of contradictions (P.D.O.). 1. Notes on Ray of Creation. Story of jeweller & weight of gold. 2. Creation in one’s own mind (Maitri Upanishad). 3. Every level of Ray is familiar. Finding one’s true Self. |
1966/12 | Easter Programme 2. An individual is a replica of Creation. Prayer of Kings of Siam. Consciousness and the nervous system - Light, Power and Screen. Qtns. St.Matthew. St. John. Qtns.H.H. |
1966/16 | Reading 1. ‘Completeness’ Big & small aims. Qtn. from Crest Jewel: type of discipline required. H.H. on importance of good company, private quiet, conduct of one’s living. Presence of Atman. Greek idea ‘arete’ - qtn. Tyrtaeus & Pindar. St. Peter on ‘virtue’. Levels of being. Qtn. P.D.O., Psychological Lectures. Completeness lies in true Self. Basis of religion. Sermon on the Mount. |
1966/17 | Reading 2. Atman, Observer, is always present. Still part of mind reflects this. Ways of seeing the movement & finding stillness. Statements about this in scientific terms and from ancient teachings. Use of attention. St. Paul & ‘the art of living’. Qtn. from Epistle to Philippians. |
1966/18 | Reading 3. A new approach to the Law of 3 Forces. Sattva & the Gunas in practice. Physics & ‘Laws of Motion’, qtn. from Bondi on gravitation, describing interaction of two forces only. Questions on gravitation in different cosmoses. Qtn. from New Model on gravitation. Eightfold symmetry & Law of Three. Practical. Three forces on levels of chariot, horses, driver & owner. Feeling of I & mental activity. Qtns. on Buddhi from Philosophies of India by H. Zimmer. H.H. on three gunas & Self-Realization. |
1966/19 | Reading 4. Three Gunas refer to awakened Charioteer (Buddhi). Derivation of terms from H. Zimmer, Philosophies of India. H.H. on relation of Gunas & Attention. Wrong triad in meditation (C.L.). Capacity to use third triad. Mathnawi, union with Self. |
1966/20 | Reading 5. Law of Three - Universal Aspect. Newton & gravitation. Axioms. Vis insita & Vis inertia. Three Laws of Motion. Matter. Practical applications. Resistance. Meditation. Tamas. Qtn. from H.H. on stilling Buddhi & activating him. Talks on ‘Laws of Disorder’, Prof. Porter, and third force. |
1966/21 | Reading 6. What to do about inertia. Learning the rules of the game. Planck’s equation. Turning force of inertia to profit. Aim. Permanence. Persistence of Mevlevi turning. Creation of School. H.H. on Meditation and creation of method to last in the world. |
1966/22 | Reading 7. Report of Meeting, June 23, for friends to hear about Meditation. What is aim in life? Happiness - via inner Self - or by knowing (RAA & FCR). Exploration of inner and outer space. What would you have said? Questions from audience. |
1966/23 | Reading 8. Symbols of the System. Study of three bodies, & levels of materiality. Diagram of Table of Hydrogens. Three forces at each level. Transformers of chemical into electrical energy. Highest 3 hydrogens described in all religions. St. Patrick’s prayer. |
1966/25 | Reading 9. The Triad of Creation. Six triads implicit in H.H’s teaching too. Description of first triad. Creative activity. Discipline needed in all work in upward direction - practice, persistence, for subtle body as well as physical body. But work on third room, Charioteer, seems to need no discipline - only quiet. Help from above. Story of donkey & discipline, from H.H. |
1966/26 | Reading 10. Return to the Source. Triad 1-2-3 in terms of Gunas. Triad 2-1-3 as Return to the Source. Qtn. from H.H. on gunas. Metabolism of three foods & diagram. The two conscious impulses. Food diagram. Triad 2-1-3. Entry of impressions. What is missing here? Atman feeds on a man’s silence. Air octave. |
1966/30 | Reading 1. Three-Storeyed House - a more intimate picture. Meaning of Atman, Buddhi & Manas. Feeling of I. Diagrams of 3 storeys. Reason & Manas. Buddhi & Soul, if word used in particular sense. Qtn. from Plato, Theaetetus, about wax & impressions. Atman & Spirit, Light from True Self. Soul must be kept clean & perfect. II. Psychology in terms of ‘frequency’ of recording systems. How can soul become a vehicle for spirit? Frequency, clock systems, films, range of recording mind. Qtn. from Lord Brain. High Frequency recording. Diagram of frequencies operating in three storeys of mind. III. Results from meditation - seeing distinction between mind and soul. Escape from identification. Attachments of three types of people. EEG records on 3 types. IV. Expression. Union between inspiration & action. Different needs at different ages. H.H. on stages of Self-Realization. |
1966/31 | Reading 2. Ego & Real I. Osokin & Magician. Two birds on a tree. Not duality & struggle but non-identification. H.H. on looking at things as they are. Unity of spirit and materiality. |
1966/32 | Reading 3. New thoughts on the Fourth Way. I. Fourth Way School. Mr. O’s branch of the School. Impetus from Shankaracharya. Analogy between one man and all men - & the four ways. The two birds - elusive distinction. Historical aspects. Special Features of Fourth Way - in life, for all-round people. Acting from Understanding. Eminently suitable for today in West. Qtn. from J. Wren- Lewis on ‘God-in-man’. II. Questions about ‘Religion’. Categories 1, 2 & 3, & Higher categories, Sanatan. Why change one’s religion? Find religion of Real ‘I’ within it. H.H. on Way of Liberation & open doors. |
1966/33 | Reading 4. Will. Expression of truth, love & happiness in behaviour. Machines. Machines. Story of St. Anthony from Philokalia. I & It. Reference to meeting here in 1938, & Will. Cultivation of Will (or Love). Passivity of Christ. |
1966/34 | Reading 5. Message from FCR. ‘Ego-centred or truth-centred.’ Qtns. on will from P.D.O. meetings. Qtns. from H.H. on prolonging periods of wakefulness. Practice. Two kinds of love, demanding and undemanding. |
1966/35 | Statement by FCR. Soul & Spirit. Expansion. Needs of physical body. |
1967/1 | Reading 1. Singleness of aim. R.A.A.’s formulation. Being. Flow of ‘Mercy’. Diagrams. Functions of 3 nervous systems. 4 bodies. |
1967/2 | Reading 2. I. Law of 3 and the Gunas. The 4 Laws. Creating causes. Law of Fate, & of Will. II. Integration. Cross diagram (in 3 storeys) - integration & immortality. Simile of chariot. III. Answer from H.H. to questions from N.Y. on ‘movement’ in the mind, causal level. |
1967/3 | Reading 3. I. Men nos.1, 2&3, and corresponding arts & sciences. Experiencing for oneself. II. Answer from H.H. on desires & attention. Diagram of 3 kinds of attention. |
1967/5 | Reading 4. I. Discipline of self-restraint. Falling asleep. H.H. on restraint in meditation. II. Mechanisms of Memory. Impressions & causal level. Diagram Threshold of consciousness. Loss of memory. Need for witness. |
1967/6 | Reading 5: I. Laws of neurology & psychology & Hughlings Jackson. His definitive of Evolution. Automatic & voluntary. Law of Accident. II. Vertical Octave of non-specific alerting system. Dreams. Qtn. from PDO. III. Contemplation. H.H. on consciousness & the different rooms. |
1967/7 | Reading 6. Memory & consciousness. PDO on moments of consciousness. Change of time. H.H. on Time & state of consciousness; Story of Lakshman; Drama of Creation. Memory & escape from recurrence. |
1967/14 | Reading 1. Awakening. I. Change in all functions. PDO on continuation of dreams in waking state. Integration. Diagrams of states at night and in day, & in 3rd state. Questions on beginnings of 3rd state. II. What does waking up really mean? Story of grass-eating tiger. Recognizing one’s true self. III. Second sleep. Shakespeare sonnet XXIX. |
1967/17 | Reading 2. Awakening of Mind & Emotion together. What did PDO stand for? (re broadcasts) Waking up. Sanatan. How to pray. St. Matthew, VI, 6. Lord’s prayer. His Name, Kingdom, Will. Bread, Debtors - parable of the talents. Temptation, evil. Triad of school work. Crime. Shàndalon. Sanatan. Intellect & Emotion. |
1967/18 | Reading 3. I. Attempt to draft essay on Awakening by Wednesday & Thursday meetings. II. Teaching on Cosmoses. Encourages expansion. PDO’s introduction. H.H. & only two cosmoses. Relation of zero to infinity. |
1967/19 | Reading 4. Only 7 cosmoses. Descriptions. Practical application. Passing through 3 cosmoses to a fourth. Work on causal level. |
1967/20 | Reading 5. Understanding cosmoses psychologically. Going through 3 worlds. Evidence of ‘Mind’ & law & order. Diagram of cosmoses from Micro. to Deutero. |
1967/21 | Reading 6. Psychological Approach to Cosmoses, contd. Some hints from Conscious Man. Way of communicating (H.H.) at different levels. Movement. Stillness. |
1967/22 | Reading 7. I. Cultivating ‘Will’. Building house on a rock. Matthew VII, 21. Mental burden. Switching off. II. Wrong point of view about movement. Going inwards, more time. Time a property of the Observer. Influences emitted from Sun. |
1967/23 | Reading 8. I. Men who change history, & men who change Spiritual map. Shankara, Mevlana. Diagram of inner & outer circles & cosmoses. Our own tradition now linked twice over. Devotion. II. Scientific outlook - frequencies, repetition. H.H. on moving mind & stillness. |
1967/24 | Reading 9. Extract from Monday meeting 10 July. Question from girl of 7 on What makes me move? Not stopping thoughts. Levels of thought. Emotional realization of Aim. Qtn. ‘Emptying thyself of self.’ |
1967/25 | Summer/Programme. Contemplation of Worlds within Worlds. (Reference to Mukabeleh). |
1967/26 | Summer Programme II. Contemplation of Worlds within Worlds. Repetition & cycles. Notes on Gunas. |
1967/29 | Reading 1. Time related to Cosmoses; but consciousness of Observer not ‘in motion’. 3-fold aspect of Consciousness in Christian Creed. Practical application in H.H’s tradition (Sat-Chit-Ananda) and Lord’s Prayer. Gichtel qtn. New Model. |
1967/30 | Reading 2. I: True Knowledge preserved in three caskets. II. Colin Lucas’s suggestion for re-formulating System - origin, nature & relation between things. III. Self-governing circuit & repetition. |
1967/31 | Reading 3. New Knowledge: 1. Need to experience & know. PDO qtn. ‘To know ourselves as machines’. II. Nervous system as self-governing circuit; qtns. Behaviour of Animals, Russell. Memory. Edelmann. Expunging memory luggage for Self-Realization. H.H’s story of man and monkey up tree. III. PDO man as ‘peculiar machine’. IV. Self-governing circuit: distinguishing Natural Laws from ‘man-made’ laws, Observer from machinery observed. |
1967/32 | ‘Self-governing electronic and mechanical Systems’ by Richard Ellis. FCR’s comment relating 7 basic elements to biological & neurological problems. |
1967/33 | ‘Feedback and Control’ (Relevant to World & Self-Remembering) by Eric Parry. |
1967/34 | Reading 4. I. 3 Levels: Physical, Subtle, & Causal. II. Need for rest; Qtns. from H.H. Degrees of rest for each level. Depth in meditation is to go from mobility to immobility. II. H.H. Law in life - ‘Rest is to give up’. |
1967/35 | Reading 5. I: New light on Gunas: Taste of each comes from experience. Qtns. from H.H. on Sattva, New Awakening, higher states of consciousness by increase of Sattva or through Buddhi. Story of two artists, one who painted and the other who made a reflection. Rising above Gunas, Rest, Levels of consciousness. II. Parable of Prodigal Son: H.H’s comment & explanation; relation to Buddhi & Gunas. Rich man in Calcutta who went mad. |
1967/36 | Reading 6. I. Gunas & Ladder/of Self-Realization. Qtns. H.H.: Mantra leads to Unity; Book Waking Up; meanings of 3 levels of consciousness in Physical & Spiritual worlds; Steps on Ladder from 4th to Turiya (particularly 5th Step, ‘Insight’). II. (For private reading) Ladder & Enneagram - diagrams. |
1967/37 | Reading 7. I: Another talk on 3 Gunas: Qtns. H.H. Levels of man & types related to Gunas. story of cloth-seller who fell asleep. II. True or false, Positive or Negative: ‘Obstacles to consciousness’, positive approach to imagination, emotions, pride, etc. III. New light on ‘Identification’. H.H. on attention in meditation. Story of Arrow-maker & marriage procession. How to practise attention. Type of attachment. Discrimination of Buddhi. Need for silence. |
1967/38 | Reading 8. Five Veils of Crest Jewel. Conversations with H.H. Feeling of ‘I’ (Ahankar) final barrier to Unity; stories of ‘man who tried to forget donkey’ and ‘man who tried to give up everything’. ‘Two birds on one tree’. H.H’s comment on Mundaka Upanishad. Help from Teacher available always. |
1967/39 | Five Veils (Full Version). Conversation with H.H.: World of names and forms & Reality. Story of man who wanted to be introduced to God but didn’t know what was really himself. 5 elements & relations to Manas, Buddhi, Chitta & Ahankar. Whiting’s question on 5 Veils in Crest Jewel. (R) Original Shankara personified in dream and explanation of 5 Veils. H.H.: Tradition of Meditation and mission of this Shankaracharya to present Synthesis of Truth. Buddhi & direction of a man’s life; last desires leading to bondage or liberation. Story of 4 sanyassins going to Badrinath. Feeling of ‘I’ final barrier to Unity; stories of man who tried to forget donkey and man who tried to give up everything. River Ganges and Ganges’ water in bottle. Mundaka Upanishad: 2 birds in a tree; H.H’s comment. Help from Teacher available always. (R) Summary of 5 Veils. |
1968/1 | Reading 1. I. Newer & Healthier You Psychology. Qtns. Maslow’s Towards a Psychology of Being, assumptions about nature of individual in this new outlook; Motivations & Personality, characteristics of healthy people. What the Society might learn from these trends when helping others while maintaining rules of schools. II. Re-read ‘Ladder of Self-Realization’ Reading 6. 27.11.67. |
1968/2 | Reading 2. Qtn. Monday meeting 29th Jan. ‘Ladder of S.R.’ - recent neurological description of the brain. (R.F. Alerting System) Smythie’s Basic Fore-brain Plan (diagram). Meditation one way to understand and apply. Questions & answers relating to this. Higher control achieved by arousal R.F. from narrow to universal ordering functions of sensation, emotion, and reason as one unit of mind. II. Use of plan sorting out one’s own experiences. Different time-space perception of 3 tires; ‘in-scent’ 3 Gunas. |
1968/3 | Reading 3. I. Where do we go from here? Normal psychology a ‘Psychology of Being based on higher functions of human psyche’. Neurologically true ‘Life regulated in house of sq. foot’. Fore-brain & 3-storeyed house. Self-observation always necessary for spiritual awakening. II. True or Permanent Happiness: Qtns. H.H.: Solving doubts, troubles in life, look for happiness within. III. Decision to Work. 2nd stage - must work to plan. H.H. difficulties due to impure Buddhi, ignorance of real happiness, false contentment. True value of good and pleasant.’ |
1968/4 | Reading 4. To work, what for? - needs knowledge of 3rd stage. 3rd stage (effort) & Fore-brain plan. H.H.: Role of Master in relation to one under discipline; analogy of radio; crystallization of particles, aspirant establishing understanding with Realized Man. |
1968/6 | Reading 5. I. Need to take Self-Realization further. Body as sounding board, through control in fore-brain. ‘Two-way process’, penetrating centre & ultimate observer has to ‘come out’. H.H.: Breath and attention, process of Insight. Search for Sattva. II ‘ Your Energy Systems. Extracts from radio talks. (1) Biological picture, The Brain in Outline, Steven Rose; (2) Mechanics of subject, Perception as Continuous Problem Solving, Richard Gregory. We go on from where they leave off. |
1968/7 | Reading 6.I. Need to study fore-brain from above for purpose of Self-Realization. (example: Christ’s disciples). Qtn. from Secret of Golden Flower - Heavenly Consciousness; Elixir of Life - 3rd force of Sattva. II. More about 4 kinds of Energy capabilities of each. Qtn. L’Etoile (Réaltiés) Dolphin sonar; complex frequency structure of signals. Comment possible importance of inner radio-communication for man; functions of consciousness in higher centres; ultimate secret of consciousness. |
1968/8 | Reading 7.I. ‘Being to Be’ Keynote of System & Tradition we use. Qtn. New confidence as result of work (PDO). Demands courage, truth, not blaming another. Qtns. ‘everything happens’ (PDO). Matthew 7. ‘House built on rock’. II. Cause of present upheaval? H.H.: ‘Everything part of drama of Creation; wise man looks towards Self’. Also ‘World is One, governed by Eternal Rules which religions preach; division only between ignorant and wise’. ‘Easier communications disrupt as well as bring people closer’. Summary: Reasons for & way of escape from present predicament through understanding of 3 Forces. |
1968/9 | Reading 8.Six Triads: I. 6 Triads arise from concept of 3 Forces (Fig.1) from Absolute, matter doubles in density in successive worlds. (Fig.2) Withdrawal from complexity by method such as meditation; to see through ‘Eye of Atman’, II. Six activities in terms of Gunas & direction;(Fig.3) two-fold approach. III. Differences of situations which look alike; ‘suchness’; explosive situations & ‘insight’. H.H.: ‘danger of Rajas leading to Tamas’. Need to see situation; examples: pigs in garden; Gare du Nord. |
1968/10 | Reading 1. Fresh Experiences: Peak experiences (ESP) Good Impulse, 1st evidence of True Self. Qtns. Questionnaire; Marghanita Laski’s Ecstasy & television reply. U.S.A. literature: Maslow’s request to students, etc., quoted; & conclusion from response. Maslow’s distrust of ‘self-seekers’; ‘Good Impulse: in above literature all change. Request examples ‘Good Impulse’. 1) Sporadic, no method; 2) with method & good company; 3) long-term benefits. |
1968/11 | Reading 2. I. Conclusions from examples received - (1) consciousness brings Memory; all contain ‘something’ universal; (2) anything can trigger off; (3) more stable & deepening enjoyment of life & other people; understanding; (4) quieter impulses useful; (5) helping others (Irene). II. Object: dispel ignorance, Knowledge of nature of Ultimate Observer. With attention experience lasts, returns. Loving interest in One brings Unity. Qtns. Skelton’s poem to Isabell Pennell. III. Growing Consciousness Creator takes one the full distance. Qtns. PDO, Maslow, H.H.: Nature of Real I, Atman, & Absolute; separation due ignorance’; ‘Good Impulse’ beginning, simile of railway lines. Rogate meeting: such experiences normal. |
1968/12 | Reading 3. Need to understand Divine nature of one’s origin. ‘Avenue’ revealed by experiences: (1) ‘Insight into one’s own nature’ (examples); (2) ‘Saint’s Eve View’ - seeing with eye of Atman (examples); H.H’s story of Holy Man & beautiful woman, & Mukabeleh March. (3) Natural Laws - Cosmic Laws to be seen in any subject known well. ‘Insights’ of scientists like Crick & Watson (DNA) & Niels Bohn (Nucleus of Atom). Need of modern definitive description of Soul of man (Buddhi) & different states of consciousness to establish concept of Higher Mind. |
1968/13 | Reading 4. I. Recent ‘experiences’ reveal subtle changes. (examples) 2nd step ‘Decision’; emotion not enough; mind must come in. II. Relevance of PDO’s advice to ‘think long thoughts’. Prayer of kings of Siam; ‘Cosmoses’ - a source of ‘growing ideas’. Colin Lucas - a correspondence between individual cell & planet (earth). |
1968/14 | Reading 5 .Deeper memory. I. Platonic Idea - Goodness & Knowledge hidden in all men. Discovery of truths. Qtn. Meno. Idea of ‘Time as a Circle’. Circular process of coming-to-be. Law of Octaves. Two kinds of repetition - PDO. Plato on cultivation of anamnesis (before sleeping). II. A contemporary line of thought. Store of memory in nucleus of cell. Qtn. Kendrew re DNA as Book of Life. Psalm 139. |
1968/15 | Reading 6. Truths from Reading 5. (1) man’s inborn memory of Truth (2) True Knowledge ‘system of ideals to regulate conduct’. (3) right direction of pursuit (4) outlives changing thoughts (5) Peak experiences reveal its nature (6) Qtns. HH: Ladder - ascent from diversity to Unity (7) recalling peak experiences, looking for Universal Laws. |
1968/16 | Reading 7. I. Retype of 65/24; Relation to eternal truths - ‘Self-evident Truths’: Irene Nicholson’s paper 17 April 1965; II. Root meanings Sanskrit words Steps Nyaya Ladder and H.H’s relevant qtns. |
1968/18 | Reading 8. Introduction: Latter: Changes in perception as consciousness widens. Contemporary statements Margenau & Sherrington (sensory impressions). Enneagram: Counting code of human mind, Fig.1. (a) general scale (b) time and frequency. Symbol ‘Circular process of coming-to-Be’; Fig.2. applied to Ladder, journey inwards to True Self. Ladder as Self-evident Truth - qtn. Gospel of St. Thomas. |
1968/19 | Reading 9. What you sow you shall reap. Relation to Self-Realization. Qtn. Gal.VI,7. Fig.1. Each minute repetition momentary desires which can grow; look towards Centre. Parable of talents and peak experiences; danger drifting far from centre. St. Avva Dorotheus, people going inwards agree, outwards disagree. Aim visit Heaven any two minutes, eventually Keys of Kingdom. II. Meaning True Knowledge. Human chaos. Qtn. daily paper. Same within ourselves. Qtn. H.H. Everything servant of Atman. |
1968/20 | Summer Programme. |
1968/22 | Reading 1. Intro. Knowledge and Being together give Understanding. Consistency. I. To know Oneself; observe. Fig.1. Man at street level, 3-storeyed house. II. To improve, essential to have (1) good company (2) a method (3) Knowledge. Fig.2. Finding one’s Way. Fourth Room. Cloud of ignorance. Left hand side of fig.2. studies by science - Consciousness studied in one’s own experience. Qtn: Consciousness & matter - Law of Causality (H.H.). Have to learn to look at same world from Causal, Subtle, and Physical level. Natural and Supernatural Knowledge. Qtn: 6 verses from 1st Upanishad. |
1968/23 | Reading 1a. Summary of 7 chief points in 22. Emotions & Intellect can be freed from mechanicalness. Driver should remain separate and control car. Nature of Partition between 2nd & 3rd Room varies. Possibilities depend on 3 Gunas. |
1968/24 | Reading 2. Automaton predictably rejects anything new. Each function has 3 levels. Story of man and monkey in tree. Look upwards. Characteristics of Consciousness. I. Attention - 3 levels. II. Identification and Negative Imagination (examples from Olympic Games). III. Remedy - passive observer. Supernatural Attention following accumulation of Sattva. Qt. Unity, Bhagavad Gita. 14. |
1968/25 | Reading 3. Finer work. Qtn. Sitwell’s Mozart, Thayer’s Life of Beethoven. II. The Subtle World. Qtn. H.H.: Relation of Physical, Subtle and Causal Worlds and Bodies. H.H’s story of Mother refusing to bless her worldly ambitious son. |
1968/26 | Reading 4. Categories of Man: 1, 2 & 3, blood groups. Fourth Way for 3-storeyed people. Levels: man, sheep and worm. II. Qtn. Psychological Lecture 3, p.42 Man No. 4, 5, 6 & 7. Qtn. Bhagavad-Gita V, v.10. Action; 12, v.12,13. Love; 13, v.34,35. Knowledge. III. 7 Categories applies to general concepts e.g. science. Differences disappear at higher levels. Qtn. Matt. XIII. v.33. |
1968/27 | Reading 5. Ignorance impedes Knowledge. Attention in relation to functions and different levels. II. Distribution of energy - accumulators - self-governing circuits. Importance of controlled outflow from Bib Accumulator. Conclusion: Development to No.4 and 5 gentle and happy. Qtn. Miss Irvine’s Q - awaking in peace. H.H. Either Self is experienced or one is in communication. F.C.R.’s Q. H.H. Communication through Subtle body, meditation increasing Sattva, refinement to Subtle body, stability of mind and outer influences permit crystallisation to take place. |
1968/28 | Reading 6. Symbol of 3-storeyed house derived from Enneagram. Quot. Plotinus’ vision of Creation. System and H.H’s description of Creation. Moving mind sees Universe as changing in Time, all movement in which is circular, and governed by Law of 7. Qtns. Plato’s Meno - recollection. Newton’s Principia Bk. III - only an intelligent and powerful being could be the cause of such an harmonious universe - not mere mechanics. II. What is the World. System Ray of Creation. III. Symbol of 3-storeyed house showing Creation proceeding from level of the Sun. Nature leaves man Self-creative Being who can become a 3-storeyed creature by his own efforts. IV. Mr. Rabeneck’s translation of Mr. O’s indication of how Sanskrit words and concepts can free us from dualistic thinking. To find concept describing the third element which unites each pair of opposites, a way of beginning to study Law of Three. |
1968/29 | Symbology of Numbers. H.H’s comments on the Enneagram. Numbers used as symbols to impart concentrated form of knowledge. Symbol of Circle of 9 points shows law of 3, 7 and 9, and contains everything in Creation. Law of 7 expressed by a circle is repetitive rigid form of manifest world. It is closely governed by Law of 3. In H.H’s system importance of O Qtn. Everyman’s Encyclopedia. II. Qtns. Hymns A & M. 299 & 222. Code in which nervous system of man counts using powers of certain numbers. Mind may count in doublings, the basis of Law of Octaves. Sensory parts of mind count nerve impulses in cycles per sec. up to 1,000 but subtle level counts in kilocycles and Causal level in megacycles and neglects all infinitesimals. III. H.H’s world system, linear illus. 3-storeyed house (Universal or individual); on Enneagram. |
1968/30 | Reading 7. H.H’s world System. Illustrations: linear, 3-storeyed house (noting specially points 9, 6 and symbols to impart concentrated form of Knowledge. Symbol of Circle of 9 points shows Law of 3, 7 and 9 and contains everything in Creation. Absolute changeless and eternal, creation continuously changing. II. Correspondence between world picture and organisation of individual man. Qtn. Mathnawi - story of Chinese and Greeks. Polishing partitions leads to Light from Fourth Room shining into rest of house. Look-out man must learn to be still. |
1968/31 | Reading 8. Rather than study veils develop innate love of Truth. Conversation with H.H. How can we begin to be what we are? The Self always is only physical or subtle darkness has to be dispelled for it to be known. Returning to Fig.2 of 68/30. H.H. Death is not destruction just change of form. Creation always changing going from the returning to source. Mahat-Tattva above 5 elements is the Universal principle from which these manifest (equivalent to Manas in individual), between phenomenal world and Inner Being. Apara Prakriti - Nature as a whole (Buddhi in individual). Para Prakriti - unmanifest nature of the Creation (Chitta individual consciousness); beyond these is the (contd.) Absolute (Atman individual level). ‘Ether’, Akasha, is that which gives spare to all things. Manas, like interpreter, must be unattached to outer and inner worlds, yet working with both. Conclusion: keep simile of chariot in mind. Buddhi is Charioteer who observes state of Gunas. Manas is emotional aspect of mind (5 horses). 5 elements best expressed by our System’s 3 octaves of radiations and hydrogens. Conscience (H.H. 1965) arises in domain of emotion, in Antahkaran, not subject to spare time. Unity of the Antahkaran with Realized Man subject to levels - common man couldn’t distinguish whence impulses came. |
1969/2 | Notes on ‘Knowledge, Being & Understanding’ Advantages of meditation and connection with Inner Circle. Qtn. In Search of the Miraculous - balance between Knowledge & Being. Three paths of ‘Knowledge, Action & Love’ within the Fourth Way - Understanding. |
1969/3 | Reading 1. New Aspects of Knowledge, Being & Understanding. 1. Disciplined man must make his mind (Buddhi) clean & precise to distinguish what is from what is not (H.H.) 2. ‘a man of understanding unites everything’ ‘There is no disagreement between two Realized Men’. 3. Functions of school. |
1969/4 | Reading 2. I. The Cognition of Being - real ‘I’ always is. Deficiency Cognition & Being Cognition (Maslow). H.H. ‘All possibilities within subtle body’ ‘Stages in Being’. II. Self-Understanding - if knowledge has not changed, but books people & situations are understood differently from time to time, this is due to change in Being. PDO - Qtns. re change in understanding. Maslow - ‘Person at the Peak’. |
1969/7 | Meditation Meetings Meditation fulfills natural need - rest for the mind. Four renunciations. ‘Were you completely still & silent?’ Buddhi must be purified and stilled - works with energy of three Gunas. Qtns. ‘mind clinging to things’; ‘the feeling of ego’. Function of purified Buddhi - Matthew VIII, 5-10 ‘Centurion’ (also St. Luke) Extracts from The Srimad Bhagavatam about liberation - Wanderer & 24 Teachers; Cockroach & Foe; Maiden & Bracelets. |
1969/8 | Reading 3 1. Qtn. from Reading 1, part 3. Three kinds of influences (PDO - 4th Psychological Lecture). II. Agreement between our System and the Tradition of the Meditation - ‘The Way does not begin on the level of ordinary life’ - PDO staircase and householder. |
1969/9 | Reading 4 I. Knowledge of Circles of humanity, influences and staircase up to beginning of the Way like a man of ‘the far country’. All great teachings - C influences - had to be expressed in coarse physical language so that they should be applied to Subtle and Causal worlds where everything is quick, fluid and different. ‘The whole mind is go-between uniting inner and outer worlds’ H.H. II. Self-Liberation Who is to be liberated? What Self? Qtn. 3rd Psychological Lecture - man not able to distinguish real from imaginary in himself. Story of the Parrot. |
1969/10 | Reading 5. I. Fig. Ladder of Self-Realization - Way begins on 3rd and 4th steps - question of three kinds of influence; story of teacher who went into forest before teaching people. Time and space different on three levels. II. Special Relationship with School. Liberation and physical death. Qtn. Matthew ch.VI. |
1969/11 | Reading 6. ‘Falling Asleep’ phenomenon of ‘attachment’ - eastern; and ‘identification’ western. Qtn. from A Further Record - The State of Identification. Examples from ‘Avadhuta had Twenty-Four Teachers’. |
1969/12 | Reading 7. I. Qtns. about attachment from H.H. (Allahabad 1967). We go to sleep in Tamas, dream in Rajas, wake up in Sattva. II. Apocryphal Hymn of Jesus. III. Difference between physical and spiritual awakening - ex: Sir Kenneth Clark’s talks on ‘Civilization’ - ‘The Great Thaw’ and Construction of Chartres Cathedral. |
1969/13 | Reading 8. ‘Jacob Boehme’s Dialogues between Disciple & His Master (qtd. from Tertium Organum Ch. XXII with modifications) |
1969/14 | Easter Programme |
1969/15 | Reading 1. ‘The Search’ - what is the reason for discontent and restlessness; negative and despondent attitudes? Meeting with PDO in ’30s - knowledge gained from his search and encouragement to go on looking for a method and the Knowledge derived from it. Discovery of ‘meditation’ in 1960 - great similarities. |
1969/16 | Reading 2. ‘All our troubles come from not remembering ourSelves: to do that we have to come out of what we are not’. Descriptions of Dhyana and Dharana. Twilight sleep broken by moments of consciousness called ‘glimpses of Truth’, ‘peak experiences’, ‘extra-sensory perceptions’, ‘moments of ecstasy’, (good impulses). What are chief characteristics of these experiences Descriptions from higher sources; extracts from talks at Allahabad 1967, pp.19/20; parable of the ‘talents’-Matthew ch.18, v.23-35; and ch.25, v.14-30. |
1969/17 | Reading 3. ‘The Break-Through’ - general characteristics of moments of Spiritual awakening well and vividly expressed. Ways of using this experience - (PDO) we can start remembering ourSelves by special construction of our thoughts. Practice of Self-remembering also has alchemical effects. When we are not actually experiencing Consciousness, we can train our minds to remember Consciousness. II. Neurological Consciousness - qtn. from The Physical Basis of Mind (Dr. Eliot Slater). Pure Consciousness is a grace - not reward. III. Seek Pure Consciousness in silent communion. PDO’s development of whole field of Law of Three forces, six Triads, six activities of man, etc. Why are these moments not lasting? Dr. Rose’s experience in casino |
1969/19 | Reading 4. I. ‘Glimpse of Truth’ - two main kinds. Examples of internal and external aspects of the unity of the Creator. II. Two aspects are universal in all people. Qtns from Richard Church - A Few Days of Silence and Small Moments. III. Liberation - coming out of prison is freedom from state of identification. (Kashya -something sticky with a strong and rather attractive flavour) The mind becomes whatever sticks to it. Two Zen stories illustrating liberation. |
1969/19a | Meditation Meeting |
1969/20 | Reading 5. Freedom I. Coming out of prison - motivations behind unrest and spirit of revolt which is world-wide. H.H. ‘Four Aims or Areas of Human Life’ - four gates of the temple. II. 19th century revolutions & five great exponents of freedom (Sir Kenneth Clark). All knew about inner freedom. III. Bichat - Autonomic Nervous System underlies ‘feeling’ and ‘being’; Cerebro-Spinal System - ‘learning’ and ‘doing’. The Prisoner of Chillon - Byron. |
1969/21 | Reading 6. I. The Prison of Ignorance Passing time a circle - Ladder of Self-Realization 6 points along any of the radii. II. Our Threefold Nervous System Gaskell’s discovery of link between Cerebro-Spinal and Autonomic Nervous Systems. Lather new divided into ‘adrenergic’ and ‘cholinergic’ nerves. Third group of chemicals (Sattvic) not isolated. Subtle Body to be brought to Causal level needs high concentration of Sattva. PDO - generation of negative emotions & their control. qtn. Nils Bohr. |
1969/22 | Reading 7. Difficulty of reconciling scientific picture of Autonomic Nervous System and that obtained by self-observation. Three Zen stories depicting middle room when one or other Gunas predominates: 1. The Gate of Paradise - Rajas; 2. No loving kindness - Tamas; 3. Open your own treasure house - Sattva. Conclusion: Life can be regulated in place of consciousness. Bedtime clock. |
1969/25 | Reading 8. I. Control of chemical antagonisms. Chemical transmitters in Third Room. Quot. Edward Carpenter, Sympathetic system, evolution of thought, Consciousness. II. Stories (a) Rajas - Be quiet: (1) Teacher questioning Ga San (ii) Pupils talking after first of 7 days’ intended silence. (b) Tamas - The Stone Mind (i) Ho-Gen and the monk who claimed stone was in his mind. (c) Sattva (i) Shichiri and the thief who became his disciple (ii) The Emperor - avoidance of mechanical duality. |
1969/27 | Summer Programme 1969 ‘Who am I and how can my purpose be fulfilled?’ Identification binds men in little boundaries. How to see the Law of 3 operating. How the Sattva in a good idea may be retained. Q. Does interplay of 3 forces manifest in each room of the house? Story of Marwari tearing shirt of man in front of him. PDO’s advice to search for missing element in situation or activity. Self-remembering. H.H’s story of ten disciples each counting to see if all had crossed river safely. Wise man hits them all on the head to show there were still 10, not 9. |
1969/28 | Reading1. For Group Takers only ‘A New look at the Food Diagram’. Intro: I. Wanted a Code for Communication. O.E.D. definition of Code. Food diagram shows relation of Law of 3 and 7 in the context of everything that could happen to the organism of a single human being. II. ‘Octaves of Radiation 7 steps from Absolute to Moon apply to any-thing living on Earth. An ‘octave’ is a cycle with another octave between each note. Code simplifies in true perspective, taking only 3 octaves between Moon, Earth, Sun and Absolute, showing them as divisions along a straight line. Expresses not their proportionate size but comparative importance to living things on Earth. Solar system is growing. Impetus to fill intervals provided in the Conscious plan in cosmic arrangements. III. 12 Triads - fig. 2 represents scale of ‘density’. Matter is different physically (though not chemically) according to which of the three Forces it is conducting. Definitions: Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen. Determination of Hydrogen number. 12 orders of matter. This code eliminates duality (material, spiritual) and conveys idea of continuous chain reaction. Infinite variety possible; conductors of three Forces can combine in six ways and in different relative concentration, and different matters always melting into one another. Q. Which Hydrogens belong to what H.H. calls the coarse (solid) physical world, the subtle and causal worlds? IV. Creation seen as a Dance. Sir John Davies’ poem ‘Orchestra’ the dance of love. Love can take over from chaos only when individuals learn to apply to themselves the two shocks (to be shown in the Food Diagram) and express them by example. |
1969/29 | Reading 1 (2nd week). The Hydrogen Code applied to individual man. I. Description of 3 storeys of house. Each can be governed by different levels of energy. Conscious only in top storey, level depends on the highest hydrogen available. 48 (no observer) - consciousness changes rapidly with impressions very little time for anything. 24 (Obs. 1) has range from impressions received in a moment to a day of 24 hours. 12 (Obs.2) - time units range from a day to a lifetime. Observer 3, Hydrogen 6, Atman - outside ordinary time and space. Ref. to Maurice Hertzog’s experience on mountain; and Dmitri Olenin’s in Tolstoy’s Cossacks. II. Top storey does not mean thinking, but consciousness shown by self-control based on attention and discrimination. Symbol of a cat. Observer I established by control of moving centre. Observer II arises by control of personal desires and enjoys powers of Higher Emotional Centre. Has risen above subtle and lives in causal world, and has glimpses of Obs.III who sees with Eye of Atman. Stages described in Alchemy of Happiness. |
1969/30 | Reading 2. Section I - Aim. Three octaves of radiations. First Triad; Absolute, Brahma; Second Triad; Hydrogen 1, ‘Param-Atman, Universal Atman experienced in Cosmic Consciousness; Third Triad, Hydrogen 6, individual Atman. Latter two distinguished in Gospels as The Lord God and The Lord Thy God. Gospel meaning of ‘neighbour’. Section 2 - Food. Physical bodies need three kinds of food. (Qtn. In Search of the Miraculous) And So does Subtle Body. Different space time of physical, subtle and causal levels. What actually happens to the air we breathe? Oxygen combines with haemoglobin of corpuscles flowing to tissues through capillaries under autonomic control. Techniques for Self-Realization can change flow. Section 3 - Fasting. Gospel refers to subtle body; therefore fasting from habitual impressions not the food we eat. Qtn. Isaiah LVIII, 5-9 (in order to enjoy extra-sensory impressions) |
1969/31 | Reading 3. The Observer & Different Dimensions. Observer I (48 in top storey) 3D. Physics forced to introduce 4th dimension. Qtn. Eddington - Nature of the Physical World (1928). The Quantum (h) is energy X time. h. technically named action - why not ‘consciousness’? Qtn. Mr. Ouspensky Meeting Report - 4th 5th and 6th dimensions; recurrence, Self-remembering, creating tendencies. Eternal existence of the moment. II. Anything other than this realization is due to ignorance. Degrees of Ignorance: 3D world, world of Observer 1 & 2; Observer 3 sees true 6Dk world. Qtn. Voice of the Silence. Q. Only physical body limited to 70/80 years, why small sense of time? H.H. - different times of physical and subtle worlds. Journey to Badrinath. Meditation could lead to freedom in a year if whole 1/2 hour was used. Events et physical level only. Time and space decrease with level. Story of Rama and Lakshman. Both worlds Maya, real world of Atman beyond. Atman sees movement as observer. Barrier between us and God only ignorance. |
1969/31a | Mediation Meeting. |
1969/32 | Reading 4. The Metabolism of the Three Foods: I. Three foods enter in physical form. Nature does not provide for digestion of impressions. Description of digestion of food and air. What would happen if the right carbon to digest impressions were there? II. Metabolism of Man. with 48 in Top Storey: How to relate Hydrogens and Food Table to Time:- ‘4 orders of time’ cover all ordinary events of mind and body in the human organism. |
1969/33 | Reading 5. I. Moments of Development of Impressions. 1st and 2nd Conscious Impulse represent two big degrees of freedom. 1st Conscious Impulse at Do 48 is measured by energy and duration. H 12 is most powerful energy ordinary people ever have. Development of impressions communicates itself between people who have some common aim and speak a common language. PDO’s approach: ‘We do not remember ourSelves, but we can attach more and more importance to the fact that we don’t, and all that this implies.’ II. Extracts from The Philokalia Nicephorus and St. Simeon. III. An Approach to Time (not to be read but kept for reference). |
1969/34 | Reading 6. I. Continuation of Impressions Octave: H.H. ‘The Good Impulse’ (now used instead of ‘shock’ or ‘effort’) arises within a person - 1st step on Ladder of Self-Realization. Q. What is Self-Realization? II. Awakening of True Knowledge and True Love Extracts from The Philokalia. More answers to ‘What is Self-Realization?’ III. Conscious Observer and ‘Time’. |
1970/1 | A New Decade. Need for better meditation and model of ‘worlds within worlds’. Section 1. Time of physical, subtle and causal levels and ‘Life of the Earth’ shown on Enneagram. Quot. H.H. Events take place at physical level ... decrease of space and time with rising levels. Comparison between the time for a rocket and radio waves to travel between plants. H.H. attachment and stillness. Section 2. 6-dimensional cone diagram. Quot. Mr. O. We only know line of 4th dimension. Section 3. The general plan of individual man. Body, essence, personality and soul, in light of modern discoveries. |
1970/2 | Reading 1. Purity of Purpose. Waking up depends on Sattva. I. Putting into practice and break through for FCR and DC in India. Quot. 5th Meeting. Symptoms of lack and presence of Sattva. Increased by cultivating 1) love of truth 2) love of people 3) magnanimity. Unity of mind in consciousness. II. The Mela. Quot. H.H’s public talk. Delusion of Maya. Story of Ram Das obtaining lioness’ milk. Doing your own work. Remedy for poverty. III. Ultimate Truth can only be told by True Self within. Quot. 9th Meeting. Main principle of this discipline is Meditation so language no problem. |
1970/3 | Reading 2. Quot. Alchemy of Happiness. I. The Restless Mind. H.H. True knowledge is knowing Atman. Meditation and thoughtfulness. Story of man with weak light who completed journey. Quot. 1st. Meeting. Is Atman experiencing Consciousness, Ahankara the illusion? H.H. Knowers and those who don’t know. II. Melting the silver. Quot. 10th Meeting. H.H. Sealing wax and stamp. Remove impurity Grace comes and is held by Sattva. H.H. Faith, love, sympathy and discourse. |
1970/4 | Reading 3 Unity and consistency key-note of last two papers. Quot. Reading 1. Reading 2 designed to show outer life depends on inner alchemy transforming psychology. Description of ‘place’ where union and alchemy takes place. Quot. H.H’s public talk: Gangs in Indian thought. Yoga. Pleasure contains seeds of pain. Practice of unity and purity of intent leads us to understand alchemy in evolution of mankind. |
1970/5 | Reading 4. Quot. Mr. O: travelling light. Self-remembering requires Sattva. Modern scientific picture of central nervous system and ‘mind’. Need for model of mind as whole, whose potential could be raised. Description of Antahkaran. H.H. nature of Antahkaran. Quot. Blok - historical and musical space. H.H. laying up treasure in heaven. Each Antahkaran contains knowledge of all ‘names and forms’. Try to experience unity twice a day. |
1970/6 | Reaching 5. Description of ‘Unmanifest’. Psalms 90 and 91. Essence of detachment. H.H. being concerned with result: inter-relation physical, subtle and causal levels, different remedies for each. H.H. Causal body and Bhawana - Antahkaran - 4 united components. |
1970/7 | Reading 6. H.H. functioning of Bhawana and Viveka. End of Way same for all... Quot. Mr. O. Life without emotion. II. Psychological and permanent memory. H.H. creativity and Antahkaran: expression of happening within Antahkaran governed by time/space and matter e.g. Ganges. Individual and Cosmic Antahkarana. Approaching Atman/Sattva. H.H.(to Mr. and Mrs. A) keeps us always in his heart and mind. Physical limitations but on spiritual line have only to remember. |
1970/7a | Meditation Meeting |
1970/8 | The Law of Three Forces. I. The necessity for three Forces and their intrinsic nature. Quot. Mr. O. Any event requires three forces ... System relates three forces to Universe. H.H. three gunas relating to Self-realization. Meditation method for experiencing third force. H.H. Description of Gunas. Atman witness. II. Six possible combinations of triads. Mr. O. How idea of Triads starts ... categories of actions. H.H. 12 possibilities for parts of mind as single engine ... three phases of disease. III. The order of action of three forces in given triad. O’s scheme for distinguishing order of action. IV. Relative concentration. H.H. criminal’s punishment. V. The three levels. Physical, subtle, causal. Only understand by renouncing ego. Quot. Shakespeare ‘When I consider everything that grows ...’. |
1970/9 | Reading 1. The Law of Three to help escape false ego and limited thinking. Knowledge of whole - union of Laws of seven and three. Three forces for anything new. Applies to physical, subtle and causal levels. Six triads. Quot. Mr. O. How idea of triads starts... categories of actions. H.H. gardener and sandalwood trees. II. The Seventh and incomprehensible triad. Man replica of universe. Quot. St. Patrick’s Deer’s Cry, expression of Self-remembering. |
1970/10 | Reading 2. Idea didn’t get across. Magic. Start and end external, middle inner nature of person performing action. H.H. Child given 100 rupee note - discrimination and valuation. II. Taking True Knowledge in right way. Antahkaran subject to gunas. H.H. Limited feeling of ‘I’. Quot. St. Luke. Pharisee and tax collector praying. |
1970/11 | Reading 3. With Sattva can see difference between actions. Which ‘I’ communicates? Ref. to Alchemy of Happiness. II. Important to learn which activities lead to Truth and permanent happiness. Quot. St. Luke. Simon the pharisee - showing activities which begin differently. III. computer mind can’t see Law of Three. Quot. New Model. logical and psychological mind. H.H. Man who hid treasure. |
1970/12 | Reading 4. I. Contrasting result of idea received with logical/defective thought or understanding. Quot. St. Mark. Rich man asked to sell possessions. Psychological method under- standing story on higher level then applying it in practice. II. Last week’s paper two approaches: learning to feel (II), to think (III). H.H. emotional and intellectual light lead to Self-realization. How to cultivate pure reason? H.H. must relate information to ones own experience. |
1970/13 | Reading 5. Triads applied to mechanism of human mind. Fig. 1. undisciplined man. Circuit/mind-body machine. ‘Learning how to live’: H.H. People wanting Self-realization first, work after. Story of monkey. Discipline mind - true Knowledge, meditation; so as to manifest Atman. |
1970/14 | Reading 6. Sincerity. I. Only Reality the Creator. Freedom from identification through playing (not ‘acting’) a role. Quot. Monday Report, stupid/clever sincerity. Nobody knows full truth about anything. Quot. Phoenix and Turtle. Quot. Psychological Lectures, - lying. Being clever, Self-remembering. II. H.H. Keeping line of honesty within. Road and rails. Pure ‘I’. |
1970/15 | Reading 7. Unity. Quot. Romans VII. To be before ‘doing’. H.H. River Ganges, Yoga - Union by fire. Before union of disciple, teacher, God; smaller unions e.g. action/head/heart. Unity in Groups. |
1970/16 | Reading 8. Unity contd. Further Quotes. H.H. By discrimination faults of previous lives redeemed. Need for good company and cherishing good idea. H.H. three kinds of good company: those who a) listen b) try to practice and c) inherit in full. Story of man who hid treasure. |
1970/17 | Reading 9. Faith -Shradda. Can sell all to buy reunion with Self only with help of Realized man. Quot. Wordsworth. H.H. Only by faith is Buddhi clarified and disciple helped. Buddhi and Manas. H.H. railway shunting yard. Quot. Bhagavad Gita - the faithful inherit the Knowledge. Attend/practise - faith alone not enough. Dreams indicate attention. Quot. St. Matthew XVII Jesus casting out devil. Story Realized man helping cripple. |
1970/18 | Narada’s Riddle - Test Paper. |
1970/19 | Summer Programme. The ‘Field’ and the Knower. Quots. from Ch. 13 of Bhagavad Gita. |
1970/21 | Autumn Session 1970. Reading 1. I. Param-atman object of all discipline. Quot. H.H. Four Bodies. Three stages of Self-Realization. Lofty concept of Param-atman removes confusion between Atman and ego and duality of oneself here and ‘God out there’. II. Quot. H.H. Mirage of world. Quots. J.W. Dunne, Nothing Dies; Lord Clark Heroic materialism; Russell Brain The Physical Basis of Mind. |
1970/22 | Reading 2. H.H’s discourse on meditation and Param-atman. Param-atman object of meditation. World a mirage due to ignorance. Analogy of sugar and sweetness. Phenomena originate in Avyakta. Quot. Ch.1. Bhagavad Gita: Krishna ‘I am the Self ...’ Realized man sees all is manifestation of Param-atman. Quot. Tertium Organum Ch. XIII New understanding and Ch. XIV leading up to Plato’s Dialogue of the Cave. |
1970/23 | The ‘World’ of Illusion (contd.) I. Why prove world a mirage? Life led materialistically does not bring happiness. H.H’s comment re Irene Nicholson’s proposed B.B.C. talk: difference between happiness and pleasure. II. This Society and the World. Prof. B’s Q. gap between S.S. and World. H.H. Opposite directions: Spiritual world begins where physical world ends. H.H. (to Mrs. B.): don’t try to convince, live what we believe. Seek cause of causes. |
1970/24 | Reading 4. Story of Lakshman forgetting his brother in Maya. Only reality Consciousness. II. Eternal Recurrence Quot. H.H. Knowledge of recurrence through insight. Quot. Life of Ramakrishna Maya more powerful than God. Rama granting Narada’s request. H.H. contd. Physical world no validity - extending goodness into other lives. |
1970/25 | Reading 5. Practical way of using idea of Param-atman is new. The Lord’s Prayer. Ref. to p.3, Reading 2. II. Recurrence. First train mind to see obvious examples - thus see Einstein’s 4 D world + 5th D. Consciousness and avoiding mechanical repetition. Gospel references - Labourers in Vineyard. Recurrence self-evident truth to observer with time-unit of million years. Q. What causes good/bad states? |
1970/26 | Reading 6. H.H’s message on Param-atman. Structure of mind: Manas, Chitta, Ahankar, Buddhi. separate on subtle level. Causal level - Antahkaran. Atman over all. Function of Buddhi. Consider psychological terms in relation to this sketch-plan. |
1970/27 | Reading 7. I. Quot. Emily Bronte ‘No coward soul is mine’, Thomas Traherne ‘Wonder’. II. Working of higher emotional and intellectual centres. Longing for Truth stats as conscience. Qs. Place for positive emotion? Doesn’t consciousness light all parts of psyche? H.H. Antahkaran and attitude to desires. Arousal of pure reason. Ego prevents pure light of Atman shining through 4 elements of mind. |
1970/28 | Reading 8. A Recapitulation. Quot. Mon. Mtg. Discovery of the Soul; conscience. Discrimination intellectual, untrustworthy alone. Awakening Conscience. Quot H.H. emotional and intellectual lights both lead to Self-Realization. PDO finding answer from within. Quot. H.H. Antahkaran and Conscience. Addendum for those worried about Indian words. Quot. Summary from Neurological Foundations of Psychiatry. |
1970/29 | Reading 9. New Dimensions. Illusion of straight line of time: cycles and movement to Centre. Quot. Ecclesiastes ‘To everything its season ...’. Quot. PDO Actualising possibilities - lines of 4th and 5th dimension. Story of prodigal son. Q. Overcoming difficulties and growth of true Self. A. Buddhi needs to be reminded of its true function. |
1970/30 | Reading 10. New Dimensions contd. Intro. Enneagram. Study of Scientific American articles. Vernadsky’s work: Biosphere and Noosphere. De Chardin’s third sphere - Causal level. Quot. H.H. Physical, Subtle and Causal worlds illusion. Real thing Self and its mantra. Compare: 1st Ch. St. John’s Gospel. Is Causal body, Antahkaran + forces from Atman? Conclusion: Quot. Prof. Hutchison on Vernadsky. |
1971/1 | Introductory Paper for Group Takers only. Biosphere with inner Noosphere - Sept.1970 Scientific American based on Vernadsky’s work published in 1920’s. Try to discover laws of Noosphere, the Mind of Nature. Quot. Mr. O: ‘from the point of view of what he (man) may become’. Laws on Subtle and Causal level. Part 1. Good and Ill-will. Part 2. Ill-will as a habit of mind. Quot. Houseman’s A Shropshire Lad XLI. Part 3. In a true School whose discipline is perpetually linked with Inner Circle, the principle of ‘good-will’ is central. Zen story The Gates of Paradise |
1971/3 | Reading 1. Discover laws of Noosphere. Development requires full realization of man’s possibilities. First study Causal level. I. Good and Ill-will. Agatha Christie’s Passenger to Frankfurt. ‘Sympathin’ evanescent. Individual can learn to produce sufficient. After discussion: True Self source of good-will. Sat-Chit-Ananda. Relation of voluntary, involuntary nervous systems and third element. II. Application to Ladder of Self-Realization. Development of Antahkaran. Quot. H.H. Strength and different types of will. |
1971/4 | Supplementary Reading. H.H’s answers to questions on Knowledge. Only qualification intense desire. I. Goodwill - consistency: knowledge and actions. H.H’s answers on devotion: listening and practicing. Helping others. Noosphere: analogy: cells and body; man and nöosphere. Goodwill: cultivation as a Society. H.H. on increase of Ananda on the Way. Goodwill always available, gift of the Absolute. |
1971/5 | Reading 2. Reason for visit to H.H. H.H’s reply to suggested postponement. The need for guidance as in ‘hunt-the-thimble’. H.H. eyes all right; must look in right place. Story of treasure under zenith of temple. |
1971/7 | Reading 3. I. Physical, subtle and causal worlds. Observe changes in Consciousness. Quots. M. Innes A Change of Heir; Dickens’ Scrooge; Song of Solomon. II. Different times of 3 worlds. Conclusion: Ref. to story of Lakshman. Events manifest on physical level. |
1971/9 | Reading 4.I. Same world perceived differently. H.H. Causal body immanent and present; can be purified or collect impurities; experienced in two ways - opaque or transparent house. II. Way of magician and true holy man. Quot. H.H. |
1971/10 | Reading 5. Purush and Prakriti. Story of Tulsi Das and Mira. Aim for liberation by Self-remembering. H.H. Analogy of tree. Quots. from Yeats, The two Trees and The song of the Happy Shepherd. |
1971/11 | Reading 6. I. Q. about repairing TV sets. H.H. Man who knows own work, knows (and with attention avoids) dangers. Self-realization to understand interaction of vibrations of physical, subtle and causal worlds. Jacks-of-all-trades of limited use. II. Q. bringing more Sattva into life? H.H. simile - caring for children. If door and receiver instruments, then Atmans one. Serve seeking no return. |
1971/13 | Reading 1. 5th Step of Yoga - Abbreviation Part I. Quot. Mandukya Upanishad: 4 degrees of feeling of ‘I’. Link between teaching derived form experience and scientific discoveries. Part II. 5 veils between observer and Param-Atman necessitates 8 steps of Yoga. Consciousness in reverse direction to daytime state, e.g. O’s economy of speech; withdrawing in meditation (5th step) before Dharana (6th step) possible; Cezanne’s Compositions by Earle Loran. |
1971/14 | Reading 2. Understand idea of Param-Atman, then experience. Quot. ‘Famous Debates in the Forest’ - your own Self lives in the hearts of all. Quot. H.H’s letter: ‘become pure before teaching’. Ref. to Ch.14 of Bhagavad-Gita - qualities of Realised man. H.H. (contd) Establish faith in Param-Atman, properties of things change. Quot. Monday Mtg. - having one aim, role of reason, meditate as instructed, live as in presence of honoured guest. |
1971/15 | Reading 3. Q.1. What is real? FCR’s diagram on scale of individual states of consciousness. Escape from recurrence. Q.2. Is there evidence of circular motion in the Universe? Q.3. Are there similar circuits in individual organisms? Quot. Scientific American ‘Annual Biological Clocks’ Q.4. Do minds and souls have to be subject to circular motion? Quot. St. James Ch.v.17. Changes in feeling of ‘I’. H.H. Jiv-Atman and Param-Atman. Simile - mind, spinning wool. 3 Fates. Q.5. What causes spinning motion of mind? H.12. Quot. Mr. O. Tarot Card 21 - The World. |
1971/17 | Reading 4. Sattvic Antahkaran would see Unity within revolving world. Quot. Psalm 139. ‘Lord, you have searched me...’ Attention to this train of thought would bring first stage of Self-realization, but we long for Self to rise above veils of illusion, to know it is the same as Param-Atman. Quot. J. Kendrew Thread of Life (DNA). Don’t think of Causal level logically. H.H. 5th step of Yoga, ‘Abbreviation’. Quot. Shakespeare Sonnet XV ‘When I consider everything that grows..’ Pindar ‘Man’s life is a day’... |
1971/19 | Reading 5. Ref. Diag. Rdg.3. For change of Being only need to use Causal part. Distinguishing centrifugal and centripetal forces in relation to Self. Quot. Vyasa ‘..hold Param- Atman in mind all the time’. Forgetting - H.H’s story of boy and penknife. Quot. O’s observations on Self-remembering. Our position today. Are we going to listen and practise? |
1971/20 | Reading 6. Qs. from Mtgs. on Self-remembering. How to hold Param-Atman in mind? Final Common Path (cat and mouse hole). Four stages in falling asleep. Quot. H.H. The world is a show... Mind cannot remain idle. Story of Mahatma asking man to climb up and down pole. Quot. New York group repeating 98th psalm. Such dodges take second place if we know Causal level, Quot. Luke X ‘Thou shalt love the Lord, Thy God...’ |
1971/22 | Reading 7. Part I. no conflict between giving-up and expanding consciousness. Quot. New English Bible: ‘Rise up Esdras..’ Part II. Knowing part of mind that can know Param-Atman. Noruzzi’s discovery of ‘Alerting Mechanism’. Non-specific. Quot. H.H. ‘True and False feeling of ‘I’. Reorganization of mental functions. Accelerated by shocks. Quot. mini-car analogy. Need Rajas, can’t go straight from Tamas to Sattva. |
1971/23 | Reading 8. Part I. A Common Language. Use of word ‘soul’. Meaning on physical, subtle and causal levels. Quot. Psalm 91 ‘O you who are dwelling in the secret place of the most high..’ System divisions: Body Essence Personality Soul. Each contained in one above. Part II. A Form of Practice. How do hold the idea of Param-Atman. Quot. H.H. Remembering Param-Atman like carrying round deep affection for one’s family. Quot. H.H. Something special in all of us. Ref. to parable of mustard seed. |
1971/24 | Reading 9. Part I. Bring together idea of Param-Atman and the Soul. Quot. H.H. The nature of Causal level. Part II. The Law of Three. Observe Gunas in everything connected with Self-realization; Observe six triads in activities of man. Different energies for different activities. Quot. H.H. Practising goodness, false ‘I’ falls away. discernment between two activities valuable training for Buddhi, practise of right one leads to change of Being. |
1971/25 | Summer Programme. Narada’s Riddle. II. Enjoy union. Quot. H.H. III. H.H. Relation between Prakriti and Purush. IV. Undemanding love - H.H. story of king arranging exhibition. V. Quot. Pica della Mirandola - Creator speaking to Adam. VI. Taking good impulse whole distance. Quot. Cloud of Unknowing. VII. Quot. Lao-Tze - attaining peak of meditation. |
1971/26 | Reading 2. Object of meditation is Param- Atman. Are we getting closer? Use of words. Param-Atman best. Advantage of setting sights on Param-Atman. Peak Experiences: natural to want more; 2. Reach source; 3. Let them govern our lives. Phase 1. More about nature of the ‘good impulses’. Quot. W.H. Auden ‘nature of mystical experience’ in preface of paperback edition of Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Quot. Blake in Scientific American ‘Energy is Eternal Delight’. |
1971/27 | Reading 2. Phase 2. The search for the source of these glimpses of Truth. Discover Atman first. Usual ‘I’ disappears like mirage before union. H.H. Quot. ‘Sit quietly feel expansion. Phase 3. Way of Householder. H.H. Vyasa said: ‘gist of all teachings to hold Param-Atman in mind all the time’. Self comes into world to discover secret of happiness but forgets Reality. Feeling of attachment to possessions unsubstantial. |
1971/28 | Reading 3. Must experience. Knowledge, material of consciousness, is Universal. Quot. H.H. Truth the same in past, present and future. Story of grains of salt. Realize and then communicate. We all have some experience. Analogy of map. Stretching mind prelude to crossing threshold of subtle world. Guidance of great teachings. |
1971/29 | Reading 4. Take mind away from problems to Param-Atman. H.H. Be attached to Atman, no body; think everything God’s. Story of Mahatma - thought stealing unconsciously into mind appears later, causing mischief. Quot. Mtg. Attitudes limiting world; change attitude, change chemistry. Remember our invincibility. H.H. Realise now. Remember ourselves in wider sphere of Param-Atman instead of getting lost in habitual circuits. |
1971/30 | Reading 5. Part I. Two Lights. Light of Param-Atman reaches us through intellectual and emotional pathways. H.H. Love is unconditional. Quot. (folk song) ‘I will give my love..’ Choose between two approaches. Part II Know Yourself. Fig. representing brain and consciousness of self. Only above threshold of consciousness are 3 levels experienced. Primitive areas in dark, in dreaming, and sleep state, reveal different functions when lit by Light of Consciousness in forebrain. H.H. Story of King Janaka - neither dream nor throne real. Part III To know and to realise the Knowledge. |
1971/31 | Reading 6. 3 gunas practical guide. How to get light of Atman to shine through our souls? H.H. limited and universal feeling of ‘I’. Cultivate attitude; limitations imposed upon Atman. Quot. Sri Ramakrishna and Hymn of Jesus to ‘I have need of one that will hear’. |
1971/32 | Reading 7. Phenomena as whole (Samashti) or unite (Vyashti). H.H. Gunas, feeling of expansion and one’s relation to Universal. e.g. battery and dynamo. Under limited ego, cut off from source of energy. Power of Samashti for School depends on everyone in it being true to its aims. |
1971/33 | New Year Programme. |
1972/1 | The Doctrine of Cosmoses. A re-valuation. Introductory: H.H. Love and True Knowledge property of Self. New policy at meetings. Physical, subtle and causal levels different worlds. H.H. 3-roomed house. Part I. Theory of Cosmoses. Small world atom of next world. Incommensurability. Different measures needed even for physical world. Need to appreciate dimensions of time. Part II. Practical experience Of Three Cosmoses. Given cosmos experiences only repetition of lives of smaller cosmoses. Cells, body, biosphere. H.H. Approach to recurrence. King Janaka. Dream world proof of causal. Birth and death - Atman neither born nor dies. |
1972/2 | The Doctrine of Cosmoses. A re-valuation cont’d. Need to think properly. Scale of 6 dimensions. Each cosmos 3D for itself, one away 4D, two away 5D, three away 6D. Fig. of 7 Cosmoses. What divides physical, subtle and causal and all three from Pure Consciousness? How to connect to Self-realization? Quot. Eddington. Max Planck’s constant. Cycles at point 2. Establish what changes from point 2 to 3 etc. feel like (inner) look like (outer). Single cycle in time, repetition in time, repetition in eternity. Look from causal level. H.H. Quot. ‘In the ageless continuum of time...’ |
1972/3 | Reading 5. A New View of the Mesocosmos. Pt. 1. Restless Earth ‘Plate’ movements explain ‘Acts of God’. Proper understanding of Cosmoses could encourage ideas of Self-realization. Find Solution to dilemma between subtle and physical. Quot. Calder’s Earth’s time-scale, Lisbon earthquake. H.H. Fear of Death. Story of Indian and money lender. |
1972/4 | Reading 4. New Group’s questions. More important to query than invent answers. |
1972/5 | Reading 5. Chain of cosmoses as ladder of Self-Realization. H.H. Unchanging Observer of states of consciousness (physical and spiritual sleep, dream and waking). Attitude to time. Quot. Eudemus repetition in time and eternity. Visualise Earth with her time consciousness. |
1972/6 | Reading 6. Part I. Extract Monday Meeting: Cosmoses first principles. Resemblances in levels of different magnitudes. Part II. Time different. What is breath? Quot. PDO Table of times. Part III. Relate fig. to Self-realization. Only Observer knows all changing show. Quot. Shelley’s Hymn of Apollo. All levels illusion but Causal closest to Truth. |
1972/7 | Old Question - ‘Who am I?’ Division of individuals into Body, Personality, Essence and Soul - only servants of Divine Self. H.H. stresses Unity - Real ‘I’. Object of meditation (Param-Atman) the meditator and the rhythm of Mantra become One. Seven Stages in the Quest for Realization. |
1972/9 | Reading 7. ‘Who am I’? Body, personality, essence, soul, servants of Atman. In relation to time and place; personality revolves round past and future; essence for here and now. Quot. Walt Whitman Soul forever. H.H. liabilities and assets of personality. Story of servant impersonating Mahatma. Essence remembers, personality forgets. Story of greedy monkey. Three lines of work. World scale. Gunas. |
1972/10 | Reading 8 Part I Quot. St. Matthew - pearl of great price. Part II. Relating four servants to physical, subtle and causal level. Example of Realized man. Quot. Omar Khayyam. Part III. H.H. Knowledge and experience. Story of parrot. |
1972/11 | Reading 9. Part I. ‘Be as little children’. Right/left dominance in brain/body. Quot. St. Mark, St. Thomas. Part II. Consciousness and Mechanism. Dominant half, same world emotionally and instinctively in stillness. Turn to Param-Atman bring both together in soul. Part III. ‘Creativity’ Descartes’ error. ‘Cognite ergo sum’. Passive nearer Consciousness. Quot. Phoenix and the Turtle and ‘In the vaile of restless mind...’ |
1972/12 | Introduction to Cosmic Laws for New Group. |
1972/13 | Reading 10. Part I. Discovery and Artistic Creation. Triad of creation through silent hemisphere. Quot. A E Houseman. Poetry and Scientific discovery a) Shakespeare b) Kekulé. Part II. A Way to the Param-Atman. H.H. ‘Consider a lump of sugar...’ Knowing all about the experiencing sweetness. |
1972/14 | Reading 11. Part I. H.H. ‘This body is like a big town...’. Bernard, consistency of ‘milieu interne’. P.D.O. Self suggestion. Sattva restores. Part II. Quot. Circulation of the Light. Part III. Nature striving for perfection. Being good, looking good. Zen Story: Schoolmaster going to dreamland to meet sages. |
1972/15 | Notes on the book A Lasting Freedom. Based on New York lectures. Quot. Zen Story: Dai-ju and treasure house. Correct misconceptions. Truth revived, rest buried. Repay debt. For private study only. Who should read it. |
1972/16 | Reading 12. Two Important Topics Part I. Physical, subtle and causal levels. Knowing yourself; universal or individual? Illustration of looking in a mirror. Countryman at cinema. Part II. Recurrence of cycles. Ref. to Listener, Cosmology Now. Expanding/contracting ‘fireball’. Comparison time scales micro and macro-cosmoses. Q1. Chance? Q2. What is the purpose? |
1972/17 | Reading 13. Remember immense source of power within. Knowledge and devotion to Param-Atman irresistible combination. Expansion when you give up everything. Part II. H.H. Meditation and stability. Use Sattva in activity pleasing to God. |
1972/18 | Reading 14. Part I. Mechanical parts of Centres Q. How not to use formatory apparatus for thinking about system ideas. PDO Start with rules. Part II. Rules and three lines of work. Don’t take on physical level knowledge belonging to subtle/causal levels. Arouse emotional interest plus attention and discrimination. H.H. Unfulfilled desires of physical world satisfied in subtle body by creating false world - Causal level sees physical and subtle worlds as illusory. Sacred centres. Analogy stream of life and dam. |
1972/19 | Mid-summer Programme. |
1972/20 | Reading 15. Part I Higher Parts of Centres. Functions of emotional parts of centres. Centres working fully. Part II. H.H. Discrimination (child with knife) outer giving place to inner rules. Relative good/bad replaced by wisdom. Proper function of subtle and physical bodies. |
1972/21 | Meditation Meeting. |
1972/22 | ‘Organo-Dynamic Psychology’. A. Historical Resume.. B. Self-observation. C. Liberation from Illusion through Meditation and Self-Knowledge. |
1972/23 | Your New Start (Nolan Hewitt) (Only a suggestion, not ‘doctor’s orders). |
1972/24 | Reading 1. Dimmitte debita Nostra. Indebtedness to one’s teacher, school and Self. H.H. Be happy to repay in full. Transformation of emotions. Quot. St. John Harvest ripe. Realized people wanted to remind Self-realizing people that Divine Self is present in every person for guidance. |
1972/25 | Reading 2. Part I. Q. from Rabeneck: In life, I don’t feel events in which ‘I’ am involved are passing show. H.H. A. Try to merge everything into Self in day to day life. Part II. Different times of physical subtle, causal worlds - e.g. Circuits of hands of watch each day, hour, minute, second. 3-cylinder diagram. Three times - good impulse is extrasensory. Memory. Part III. Threshold of Consciousness. When we keep awake but withdraw from all movement, Yoga of love, lover and object of love merge to form one single identity, mirage time/change vanishes, Param-Atman appears in its place. |
1972/26 | Reading 2 contd. Part IVa DBC Aspects of debts. PDO 1937 Forgiveness. Part IVb Story of tramp in Hyde Park/Ritz. H.H. Mind always wants opposite. See same thing in everything, but on physical level, take things as they are. Brain’s computer like tape-recorder. |
1972/27 | Visit to H.H. the Shankaracharya. |
1972/28 | Reading 3. Summary H.H.’s message: Param-Atman doing, stop personal psychology interfering. Swami: Puppets: action and thoughts means of worship. Surrender to Cosmic Mind. |
1972/29 | Reading 4. Part I Degrees of love. Quot. Ramakrishna. Part II ‘The Mirage of Time and Change’ Q. Four states of consciousness. Q. Witnessing Cosmic dream. Swami: present always here. Thinking always in part or future. Quot. Yeats, Dylan Thomas. Part II contd. Osokin and Magician. Quot. ‘On the Threshold’. |
1972/30 | Reading 5. Obey magician. Coax mind into present. Philokalia simile learning to swim. Q. Being caught in dreamy phase. H.H. Illusion of being the doer. Creation manifestation of Absolute. Five states each part of Absolute. Neither good nor bad really exists. Observe impartially. Stories of elephant, and swami and puff adder. |
1972/31 | Reading 6. Logical minds not listening. H.H. helping us to shed baggage. Liberation possible in modern life. Consists of making soul white screen on which film of creation is observed. Q. How to improve attention, H.H. Param-Atman only identity. In antakharan individual being feels separate because of ignorance. Individual makes little effort - greater effort by Param-Atman. Story of lioness and cub and sheep. |
1972/32 | Reading 7. Part I Q. Continuing good impulses. H.H. Good resolution from Manas or from Buddhi understanding. Simile telephone exchange. Ask from Heart. Good resolutions set part of worldly desire. May not be possible to carry out immediately. Resolutions from heart remind one again and again - from mind soon lost. Simile car journey. Dwelling on mistakes wastes energy. Engage attention on next moment. |
1972/33 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1972/34 | Reading 8. H.H.’s Amendments to Reading 3. |
1972/35 | Reading 9. Q. Search or spirituality through renunciation and action. Quot. Sri Ramakrishna hear about Benares from man who has been there. Go beyond knowledge and ignorance. Two thorns. H.H. contd. One of main facets of worldly anxiety is fear and pressure attached to birth and death. Discern Reality behind appearances. Know you are Absolute, then do work without attachment. See True Knowledge true for three levels. |
1973/1 | Reading 1. Quot. Riley’s Route to the Eternal Now by Wayne Amos. Conclusion: are we getting more happiness? Quiet meetings replacing groups. |
1973/2 | Meditation Meetings for New Meditators. |
1973/3 | Reading 2. H.H. Once tasted, more happiness wanted. Story of ants living on salt and sugar mountains. |
1973/4 | Reading 3. More stories leading in a certain direction. Part I. H.H. story of greedy ruler. Part II H.H. story of monkey and cap. Conclusion: transfer love to Param-Atman. Part III Remedy - emotional with single devotion to Param-Atman to find peace. Quot. Bhagavad Gita IX. H.H. Then things change properties for us - you are cleansed, decorated and presented at your best. |
1973/5 | Programme. |
1973/6 | Reading 4. Pure Consciousness and Energy. Part I Param-Atman (Rama) as energy (Sita) manifests through vehicle. Bhakti and Buddhi. Kunti’s request for adversity. Part II H.H. Q1. Essence of discourses. Q2. ‘Giving Up’. |
1973/7 | Reading 5. H.H. Everyone wanting things really seeks fullness of Param-Atman. Story of Akbar giving jackals blankets. Devotion: as long as we don’t know Param-Atman, belief half-hearted. Part II. Only completed being seeks Param-Atman. Devotion preliminary stage. Acquaintance becomes Bhakti. Deserving Param-Atman: holy company a training ground. |
1973/8 | Charioteer and Prodigal Son. |
1973/9 | Meeting for New People at Colet House. |
1973/10 | Introduction. Need for practical system of Knowledge. Chief limitation duality of our point of view. Quot. Vivekananda. Quot. H.H. freeing Chitta from illusion of good and evil. Everything part of Param-Atman. Union by his Grace. Degrees of freedom. |
1973/11 | Reading 1. Construction of a System 1973. Know thyself. 3 divisions of house in which man lives. Each storey contains three rooms from outermost to deepest. Consciousness manifest in silence. Silent meetings continue. Quot. St. Patrick’s Deer’s Cry. |
1973/11a | Part of Small Monday Meeting (not in original binding but included for clarification of associated papers). |
1973/12 | Reading 2. The Three Worlds. Part I Combining two maps, one describing physical world, the other the inner world. 9 Rooms. Relationship physical, subtle, causal worlds and Consciousness. Understanding H.H. Quot. Tertium Organum. Part II How to communicate Quot. A.E. Houseman on Blake. Part III Practical. H.H.’s new description of Ladder of Self-Realisation. H.H. Giving up. |
1973/12a | Part of Small Monday Meeting (not in original binding but included for clarification of associated papers). |
1973/13 | Extracts from ‘Record’ on Grace and Relationship between Master and Disciple. |
1973/14 | Reading 3. A System for Self Study. Foreword. Requirements. Part I ‘Real I’ present in everyone. Begin with frontal lobes. Quot. A.R. Luria; Function not thinking but selective, maintaining attention. How to achieve full function of Buddhi - stages of refinement. New Ladder. Part II Buddhi should be reflecting screen. Quot. Tertium Organum. Practical suggestions. |
1973/15 | Reading 4. A System for Self Study contd. Part I Recapitulation of Reading 3. Degrees of efficiency and protection of mind. Part II H.H. Gunas do not change; Atman only provides variety in appearance. Practice formulation, sift out relevant scientific discoveries. Practical Good actions. Observe what one is doing and how. |
1973/16 | Reading 5. Attention. Preface. Part I Quot. The Book of the Golden Precepts. Voice of the silence. H.H. merge everything into the Universal Self. Part II (2) Three halls lead to end of toils. Conclusion: Go straight to hall of wisdom by remembering Param-Atman all the time. Appendix: Synopsis of current work on attention. Quot. A.R. Luria. |
1973/17 | Reading 6. Practical advice. H.H. gist of discourses. Giving up. Maintaining Sattva. Fresh description of System teaching: stages of Attention. |
1973/18 | Reading 7. Attention contd. Preface Part I Mechanical, emotional and creative parts of function related to attention. Will transmitted in silence of Causal level. Part II Example of emotional function. |
1973/19 | Reading 8. Four Ways to Self-Realization. Part I. How Fourth Way differs. Part II The practice of the emotional way (Bhakti) H.H. Quot. Bhagavad Gita ‘I am the same to all beings. Mira and poison. Bhakti cleanses and presents you before the Param-Atman at your best. H.H. Help in developing love. A devotee practises Bhakti everywhere. Story of Mahatma, rich man and sewing needle. Transfer attachment from worldly possessions to Param-Atman. |
1973/19a | The Orange Book: A Method of Self-Realization. |
1973/20 | Reading 1. Self a refuge beyond changing world. Reformulation 7 steps of H.H.’s Ladder. Apply Knowledge to improvement of being. Buddhi should refer to and obey Self. Ladder takes us inward by ‘giving up’. H.H. Have to give up desire to benefit from our actions. Practise giving up all the time. Body, heart and mind belong to Param-Atman. Supplying sense of urgency. |
1973/21 | Reading 2. A School of the Fourth Way. Part I. What do we want and why have we come her? Seeking something permanent. Meditation designed to take us to ‘Soul’. Part II Brief history of our Tradition. Keep it inspired and alive, avoid analytical reason. Practise meditation and first steps of Ladder, and liberation will follow. Don’t seek prestige or reward. Rule of silence. Brighten our lives and those of our neighbours for the sheer joy of it. |
1973/22 | Reading 3. Part I The ‘Ladder’ in terms of Energy. Human machine refines and stores 5 kinds of energy. Attentive actions save energy. Part II The Game of Self-Discovery. We inhabit three worlds simultaneously. Everything follows law of Cause and Effect. |
1973/23 | Reading 4. Part I Practise attention regularly. Extra attention belongs to Self. Quot. Rupert Brooke ‘Dining Room Tea’. Such ‘peaks’ an encouragement. Part II Body, Soul and Spirit. Soul transmits light of Self. Quot. St. John Ch. III. Being born from above, H.H. Body is vehicle, Param-Atman the rider. Everything belongs to Self. |
1973/24 | Reading 5. Different levels of ‘mySelf’. Part I Who am I? Quot. P.D.O. Essence Personality a series of masks. H.H. story of lion cub among sheep. Meditation: discovery and development of Essence. Part II The contemporary scientific evidence. Brain’s two hemispheres need to work harmoniously. Quot. Carlos Castaneda and teacher: stop talking, listen to sounds of world. Quot. Jacob Boehme. |
1973/25 | Reading 6. ‘Myself - the five levels’. Only change needed concerns right relationship. Uncovering treasure. H.H. story of Swami: How can I show you yourSelf when you don’t know who you are? Two observations about personality. Seek the one who will give up anything to find the Soul. H.H. Soul like different watt bulbs, but source of light always the same. Learn to see five levels ‘other way up’. Quot. Mathnawi, Grammarian and whirlpool. |
1973/26 | Reading 7. The Ladder again. H.H. Make good use of present. Once on right path Sri Ramana Maharishi realised in a minute he was everything. Sweet are the uses of Adversity. Quot. Mahabarata. Kunti asked Krishna for adversity. Quot. As You Like It. Practical: (1) Carry idea of Param-Atman all the time. (2) Give up all worry about past and future; personal profit and loss. |
1973/27 | Reading 8. Difference between ‘market place’ and going into ‘treasury’ for refreshment. Quot. Robert Louis Stevenson - fable of lad weeping for sins. Doubts: must never doubt existence of Conscious Being in each of us. H.H. Essence of discourses. Mind becomes ‘monkey’ when attention is lost. Discipline prepares ground so mind can listen and accent True Knowledge. |
1973/28 | Time Units of Body, Essence, etc. |
1973/29 | Reading 9. Birth and Death. Part I Quot. Omar Khayyam, Death not sad. Quot. Francis Thompson ‘Ode to the Setting Sun’. Quot. P.D.O. Understanding time. Part II The time units of body, essence, etc. Prepare new film by remembering Param-Atman all the time. Part III H.H. story of Indian and moneylender. Teachings from Bhagavad Gita on dealing with death. |
1973/30 | Reading 10 Realise immediacy of aim. Shortening of time scale. Recurrence in days. Quot. Omar Khayyam. H.H. Live ideas by remembering the Self. Mark of Realised man. How to achieve this. Quot. H.H. When we wake up from a sleep ... |
1973/31 | The Psychological Interpretation of a Parable Quot. P.D.O. Christmas can take Gospels as a ‘Treatise on Psychology’. H.H.’s Comments on the Parable of ‘The Prodigal Son’. |
1973/32 | Reading 11. H.H. ‘Through the words, the Self was also present ...’ Story of man with lantern. Quot. St. John ‘I am the Light of the World....’ Two conscious shocks. Sir Alistair Hardy’s research on apparent coincidences. Example of mother helping jilted daughter. More Self-realising person knows nature of Self, the more he longs to learn laws governing subtle and causal levels. No such thing as chance. Subtle level repetition. Causal level simultaneity. |
1973/33 | Mr Whiting’s first Audience with H.H. Little efforts day by day. ‘Rest’ through meditation on physical, subtle and causal levels. Spiritual Rest. Stillness the real experience of meditation. H.H. Story of king crow and young swan. |
1974/1 | Reading 1. Part I H.H. Rest on physical, subtle and causal levels. End of meditation - stillness. Part II Personality and Essence. H.H. Story of King Crow and Swan. Part III Importance of training Buddhi. H.H. Being with Nature. Swan is Self. Pearls of bliss hidden in turbulence of mind. Only disciplined and Realised man makes use of them. |
1974/2 | Reading 2. Part I Aspects of happiness. Importance of heart in dedicating to the Absolute. H.H. Stories of Elephant and Crocodile; the King ordering celebration when Lakshman smashed chandelier. Changing negative to positive emotions. Part II Feature of man who provides himself with spiritual rest. |
1974/3 | Reading 3. Part I H.H. Impulse for all movement given by Laws of Nature. Part II ‘What is the physical world for me?’ Ray of Creation. Part III Mankind the subtle and causal levels. H.H. contd. Psychological rest after cessation of desires - bliss in ocean of Self. Q.2 Process of giving takes place only when one has acquired. Conclusion: Brahman is Truth, the world is illusion. The universal and individual Self are not different. |
1974/4 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1974/5 | Reading 4 Part I Orders of Laws. Movement downward and upward. Transformation of being by ascending through subtle and causal world. Part II When individual bathed in bliss, Antahkarana regenerates everything anew and all questions met by it. H.H. Great men have base in equality of Atman. Quot. Revelation XXI ‘And I saw a new heaven ....’ |
1974/6 | Reading 5 Part I Q.4 H.H. Mere curiosity or from curiosity wanting to experience. Part II Q.5 H.H. Two ways of remembering spiritual experiences: one by the mind (Buddhi) remembering and reminding itself, and the other by faith (shraddha). Q.6 Making best use of visit to H.H. H.H. Questions must be answered. Individual’s Chitta could give him pure emotion Bhawana), then one’s state is charged with certain magnetic qualities - let magnetic force work unimpeded. Diagram of 4th room. |
1974/7 | Reading 6 Part I Experiment; Not talking at meetings. Listen again H.H.’s answer to Q.6. Diagram without labels. Communication of passive hemisphere. Quot. St. Matthew ‘Come unto me all ye that travail....’ Part II Q.8 How can I have help to dive deeper? H.H. help on physical, subtle and emotional levels. To be on deeper level is to be in purified states of these 3 types of functions. Q.9 H.H. Expansion mixture of Grace and aspirant’s efforts. Three types of Grace: from Absolute in creation, the Scriptures, the Teacher. Example of sun. Practise guidance given, clouds will dissolve. Simile: Lime and Coriander. |
1974/8 | Reading 7 Q.10 H.H. on feeling of insufficiency. Both aspirant’s effort and teacher’s grace necessary. Q.11 H.H. Must use one’s assets, then rest. All three levels need rest. Earthen pot holds water which can be used outside river. Eyes cannot see without sun. True Knowledge to guide so energy not wasted, but used to good purpose. |
1974/9 | Reading 8 Part I Reconciling natural and man-made laws. Part II Quot: ‘Listener’s review of The Tempest. Part III Interval below Param-Atman must be filled by fully Realised man. Q.14 Cloud between aspirant and guru. H.H. Natural to forget and to remember. Story of mongoose and herb - rajas the poison. |
1974/10 | Reading 1 Q.15 Can you hasten experience of Knowledge? H.H. - How the words of Realised man take root. Listen, remember, practise ‘giving up’ until the power of Absolute (Shakti) comes through purest part of the Soul. Through words, spiritual influences enter subtle and causal worlds. |
1974/11 | Reading 2 (Mainly for New Groups) Link between ancient non-dualistic (Advaita) philosophy of the tradition of Meditation which coincides with current knowledge in the West. PDO’s ‘Doctrine of Cosmoses’ exactly relates to Shankaracharya’s tradition of ‘all created beings according to their own measure of time and space.’ |
1974/12 | Reading 3 On ‘Being Consistent’ Quot. PDO Sixth Psychological Lecture Consistency and Being. H.H. When adept realises he is not just flesh and bones, but also Soul, Consciousness and Bliss - everything he does is fitting to dignity of Self. If you cannot remember yourSelf, relationship with H.H. would enable you to remember. To increase power of this speak what you feel, do what you say. |
1974/13 | Reading 4 (continuation of Reading 2 - mainly for New Groups): ‘Time Barriers in the human body’. |
1974/14 | Reading 5 On ‘Being Consistent’ contd. Q.18 H.H. Order of action: begin with feeling (pure emotion - mind - action). Q.55 H.H. In dedicating actions to the Absolute, the most important part is the heart. Stories of Elephant and Crocodile; and Child giving Father some food. Atman is not interested in details of our bad behaviour. |
1974/15 | Reading 6 A New Orientation. What is wrong is narrow view when ignorant of structure and purpose of life. Changes must come naturally with understanding. Need to grasp idea of worlds within worlds existing simultaneously. Part I Only permanent real entity in Universe is radiant energy. Physical: quantum; Causal: Unit of ‘Pure Consciousness’. e.g. A day’s routine. Each moment has unique existence and relation to Consciousness. 24 hours as cycle. Lines of ‘Now’ connecting with Pure Consciousness is important governing principle of life, not the line of passing time. Part II H.H.’s religion - ‘Sanatan Dharma’. Story of King giving keys of kingdom to anyone who came to him by 4 o’clock. Atman in lap of Param-Atman. turn inwards and see this, then seven gates would cease to matter. |
1974/16 | Reading 6A A New Orientation contd. Moments of clear reflection of Consciousness are measured by intensity and duration. Story of St. Peter and clergyman - keep only God in his heart for one minute and receive a white stallion and gold saddle. |
1974/17 | Reading 7 Individual can only change his relation to source of energy. Quot. Omar Khayyam ‘The moving finger writes ....’ (Fig. 4) Three of many possible circles of our relationship to Consciousness at any moment. Quot. Osokin and Magician ‘What am I to do then?’ H.H. Story of man with little lantern - start walking! |
1974/18 | Reading 8 Giving up. How to do more of it? H.H. Quot. Isha Upanishad Universe filled with Absolute. Claim nothing; enjoy; do not covet his property. Story of father and son who wanted to renounce everything. H.H. Final renunciation: give up idea you have anything. |
1974/19 | Reading 9 4th Audience ’74 contd. H.H. Real ‘I’ is Atman. By itself does not receive or transmit anything. It forms the ego, a part of the Antahkarana which includes machinery of Chitta, Manas, Buddhi and body. Atman uses machinery to experience Knowledge, Being, Bliss. So I is inner Atman and outer Ahankar. Thinking Ahankar alone is I creates boundaries and stops full flow of energy from Atman. H.H. Questions arise from Ahankar but it must not answer the questions nor can one question Atman; rather pray to Self to resolve problem. Quot Isha Upanishad. |
1974/20 | Reading 10 To achieve Unity, individual should be taken as a single whole. Q.24 & 25 H.H. Atman has to work through Ahankar - don’t create boundaries. Recognise all commands coming from Self within. Q. 28 & 29 H.H. Worship Param-Atman in manifest form and merge Ahankar into Being of Absolute. Devote yourself to his service. Gunas and Ahankar. Gist of Advaita: Brahman is Truth - world is illusion - Self and Brahman are not different. Hand sign of Liberation. ‘Deep dive’ in meditation. |
1974/21 | ‘Eternal Recurrence’. |
1974/22 | ‘Farewell Message from H.H.’ (as read at Beginning-of-Term Lecture : September) to Mr Maclaren. |
1974/23 | ‘The Mirror of Self-Observation’. |
1974/24 | ‘Mind’. |
1974/25 | Meditation Meeting 13th August 1975. |
1974/26 | Reading 3 Repeat part of Reading 8: Giving Up. How to do more of it? H.H. Quot. Isha Upanishad. Absolute everywhere. Enjoy but do not try to possess. Live in Liberation. Fig. 1 Radii. H.H. (Mela) Everybody wants light except thief and owl. Cycles of Time. 24 hour day taking active mind with it. Need for psychological and physical rest. Meditation takes us towards centre. H.H. Story of father and son about to burn himself. ‘Give up idea you have anything of your own’. P.D.O. ‘Personal People’. |
1974/27 | Extracts from letters from Mr Howitt from Allahabad. |
1974/28 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1974/29 | Reading 2. Part I from small Monday Meeting 14.10.74: Loss of identification end result of giving up. Acknowledge true cause. Drop all personal psychology. Unexpected good results. Attend to what lies before you. Let actions be an offering. Power of idea contained in word Param-Atman. Mind working well comes up with what is wanted. Aim of organization: to help members experience charm that Universal Self is only Reality, and individual Self has invariable connection with Him - then transmit. Quot. Lord’s Prayer. Part II Continuation of Ashram talk 28.9.74. H.H. Mankind has desire for good, yet sows seeds of thorny trees. Our efforts and Grace of Param-Atman for success. Stories: Woman calling Death, after cutting too much wood; Mahatma tying up his belongings each morning. Better than praying - hold thought of Param-Atman in mind all the time. Buddhi must rule Manas. Surrender to Param-Atman removes dirt from mind. Five questions arising. |
1974/30 | Reading 3. System allegory: house, servants, deputy steward, steward, Master. Quot. Isaiah 42: ‘Behold my servant ....’ Each department of mind has same Consciousness. 1974 Record pp 80-82: Remembering Self in mental activity will bring attention, then experience of Bliss in mental and physical activity. Personal and general servants. Dedication to Param-Atman and other people stabilizes mind in Self. Shed old opinions gently with love and holy thoughts. Atman wins the battle. |
1974/31 | Reading 4 Part I Introduction. Understanding human machine: regard each major function as self-governing circuit involving whole nervous system capable of operating on different levels. By observing attention and trying to control it, we work in voluntary parts. Part II Arousal of emotional parts of functions. Part III Two Descriptions of Emotional Function. Quot. James and Lange: Joy; Sorrow; contrast in physiological manifestations. St. Thomas a Kempis: ‘Love knows no measure.’ What is relation between physical and subtle levels? |
1974/32 | Reading 5 Part I Quot. P.D.O. Negative emotions. Symbol of three-storeyed house to trace their origin. Diagram: human nervous system. Relation to attention and fixing mind and heart on single idea of universal Consciousness. Part II Autonomic column and Gunas. Quot Hans Anderson ‘Snow Queen’. Part III Transforming negative to positive emotion. H.H. Results of idea that Atman alone is truth being fully appreciated. Manifestations: Love, Knowledge, and Service. Personal self fully purified like glass. |
1974/33 | Reading 6. Part I Three questions to ask about Self-realization. Quot. Hans Anderson ‘Ugly Duckling’. Part II H.H. Each serve Param-Atman with attribute in which he/she excels. Untrained Manas - conflict of pull of world and pull of Work. Follow Buddhi. |
1975/1 | Reading 1. Systematic Practice. Now transmit Knowledge. H.H. Hunt-the-treasure. Atman in lap of Param-Atman. Practice: unburdening the mind. H.H. Buddhi takes to door. Union when Prakriti transformed. Getting out of Rajas by Sattvic practice. Eight-fold system shortened by Meditation and dedicating actions, feelings, thoughts to Atman. Story: two artists - one painting, other polishing. Feeling of Ahankara under different gunas. |
1975/2 | Reading 2. (for general distribution). Part I. ‘Who am I?’ ‘What is it I once had, lost and want again?’ Story: Wise man and boatman who only wanted next meal. Part II. H.H. Union is yoga. Divine Consciousness pervades all beings. Story: Abdicating King offers his Kingdom to man who sees him at appointed time. Hunt-the-treasure. People look outside but Source is within. |
1975/3 | Special Meeting. |
1975/4 | Reading 3. From Monday Meeting 3/2/75. To avoid dissatisfaction, take artistic attitude. Activity as a drama. When not involved, joy. Involvement - sticky feeling, tires mind. Doing job properly you are there doing it, not when subjective idea is present in your place. In 4th Way, dedicate actions to Self. Become more like oneself. |
1975/5 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/6 | Reading 4. From Meditation Meeting 11/2/75. Q. Should keep treasure from wasters. H.H. Must Respond to good impulses, then we get more. Learn To distinguish taste of good wine. Param-Atman Can turn water into wine. Quot. Cloud of Unknowing: ‘This work asks no long time ..’ |
1975/7 | Reading 5. One purpose of good impulse: reminds us ‘only the Self is real’. Restfulness is nature of Atman. Unrest transitory. Rest and joy food for Atman, always there. Under stimuli of world comes delusion of unrest. Giving up delusions goes by name of ‘rest’ and ‘joy’. Quot. W.H. Auden Characteristics of mystical experiences. Acquire Longing for Self-remembering till we know the ‘Peace of God that passes all understanding’. |
1975/8 | Reading 6. To increase impulses: prepare something to turn mind to, order one’s life. Give up transitory mental activities. H.H. Give up desire to benefit from actions. Bad habits overcome by substituting, for all personal claims, idea everything part of Universal Consciousness and its laws. H.H. Never Entertain a doubt. Quot. Lermontov poem. |
1975/9 | Reading 7. Practice: Neutralize danger of external pulls by inner dedication ‘I am the observing Self’. Use spare attention to dedicate actions to Param-Atman. Helps Meditation in acting out Lord’s Prayer. May be only way of bringing three divisions of nervous system into service during an active life. |
1975/10 | Reading 8. Displace what is false about our attitude to ourselves and others by substituting thought of Param-Atman. Relation of feeling of ‘I’ to gunas. H.H. Spectrum of light; gunas and decisions. Bottle of clear water, red dye, mud. In Meditation let time go by and emerge with clear view. H.H. Param-Atman gives more love to a man than a man could ever hope to give to Param-Atman. |
1975/11 | Easter Programme. Applying mind to Param-Atman brings true happiness. Atman only free from illusion when Grace of Param-Atman rescues him. Notions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’. To avoid conflict, associate ourselves with viewer of events. Story: Man who buried shoe at theatrical performance. |
1975/12 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/13 | Reading 1. Quot. PDO New Model: 4 levels of thought. Simile of room: defective, logical, psychological, esoteric view. Quot. H.H. Jiva Atman free when rescued by grace of Param-Atman; associate with viewer of events. Part II. What is the world? All dualism fictitious. Knowledge of Creation and Creator can help each other. Connection with Self outside time and space, demands inner renunciation. Quot. 16th c. poem: ‘How shall I know your true love’. |
1975/14 | Reading 2. PDO Working of mind on scale of whole of humanity. What forepart of brain reflects depends on will in a moment. Lift mind from particular to Universal, come into clear, third force enters. Quot. H.H. Devotion takes you to object of your devotion - world or Param-Atman; diversity is world; unity is Param-Atman. |
1975/15 | Reading 3. Subtle Aspects of Creation. Union of Love and True Knowledge will bring and keep feeling of wonder. Quot. H.H. Yoga fulfilled when uniting persons never separate. Nothing lifeless. Diagram of creation, 3 levels. Quot. Nietzsche: ‘Man is a rope over an abyss’. Nothing accidental. We are at the same time man, sheep and worm. St. John ‘My sheep hear my voice’. |
1975/16 | Reading 4. The human organism as a chemical factory. Part I. The Physical body. Food octave. Different time units of three foods. Part II. Octave of Impressions: The influence of Consciousness. (1) concerns sensory impressions e.g. Conscious introduction of a sound designed to reach and work on Causal level, until (2) organism ready to receive Conscious influences at final interval. First conscious shock concerns intellect, knowing what one ought to do. Second conscious shock needed to realize this knowledge; depends on purification of emotion, so direct guidance from Pure Consciousness can be received. Quot. St. Hildegard Living Light. |
1975/17 | Reading 5. Introduction: Causal Level: great potential of; H.H. teaching from and primarily for. Part I. The Ladder - any time, anywhere. Quot. H.H. 7-stage system. Causal level feels like involvement with whole of oneself. Quot. H.H. Under Rajas or Tamas limitations; under Sattva reflections of Supreme Being. Feeling of me and mine; thee and thine. Steps on Ladder depend on giving up what stands between Atman and Param-Atman. |
1975/18 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/19 | Reading 6. Part I. Feeling of I and physical and subtle bodies. Causal body home of Atman. Spindle set spinning by Absolute. Idea of fate. In our teaching Conscious and benevolent. Part II. Questions from New Groups. Triads. Selection and transformation of impressions. To do, choose appropriate kind of action. Continuation of air octave. Shocks. Artistic creation. |
1975/20 | Reading 7. A Common Language. Degeneration mechanical, evolution conscious. 7 categories of man. Quot. PDO categories of thinking. No 4 to think without contradictions. All other functions and interests must be divided in some way, e.g. Art. Go up Ladder - don’t debate contents of subjective world. |
1975/21 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/22 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/23 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/24 | Reading 1. Four Departments of Mind. Causal body single entity. H.H. e.g. individual performs different duties. Manas wants, Buddhi discriminates, Chitta thinks in terms of time. Buddhi should take orders from Atman, Manas from Buddhi, organs of action from Manas, Impure Ahankar related to worldly objects. Pure Ahankar to Atman, is already liberated. H.H. Relationship with leader. Story from Upanishads Yajnawalkya and Gargi. Devotee bringing poems. Summary: Reach peace (between desires) on Subtle level. Buddhi works best when rested and under Sattva. |
1975/25 | Reading 2. Visit to the Shankaracharya. Realization: ‘I have nothing of my own’. ‘Whole universe is yours’. Relation of individual to Universal. Individual tree, life of forest; one meditator, all meditators. 1972 programme: giving up personal outlook and replacing it by remembering the Universal Self. |
1975/26 | Reading 3. Relation between Param-Atman and Atman always there. We forget relationship. It comes alive when one consciously remembers, e.g. switching on electricity. Convince Buddhi to come to a decision (2nd step). All activities done because of inspiration of Absolute, for Absolute, and with energy made available by Absolute. Light from street lamps. Remember between activities. |
1975/27 | For New Groups: 3 Traditional Ways. 4th Way. |
1975/28 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/29 | Reading 4. Decision and regular practice. H.H. Story: finding Param-Atman by running. Do if for Param-Atman, not worldly motives. Unity there, but we have forgotten. |
1975/30 | For New Groups - House of 3 Storeys. |
1975/31 | Reading 5. H.H. Story of King’s exhibition and man who didn’t buy anything. Hand of Creator won only by love. Collectively we have been holding the Hand for some time. |
1975/32 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/34 | Reading 6. From Meditation Meeting: Four states of Consciousness. Jacob Boehme. Consciousness, a special awareness. H.H. Two intermediate states: dreams, Samadhi Third state attained by giving up daytime state, then dreams. Aim of life to establish command over four states. Relationship to space, time and memory. Story: Rama showing Lakshman Maya; illusory limitation of Real world. |
1975/35 | For New Groups. Cosmic Laws: The Law of 3 Forces. |
1975/36 | Reading 7. Part I. How can we recognise the Atman? Characteristics: Sat-Chit-Ananda. H.H. Recognizing somebody at station. Four states in relation to cognition of Truth. Consciousness and Happiness. Quot. Shelley: ‘Ode to Skylark’ Shakespeare Sonnet ‘When in disgrace ’ Part II H.H. Real happiness - Empty self of desires, remember Atman within you. |
1975/37 | S.E.S. Introductory Meeting for Students. |
1975/38 | Reading 8. (from Monday Meeting). Radiance: every small thing part of bigger whole. Comprehension. Zen Story: Hotei - Laughing Buddha who taught without words. Laying aside, then happily taking up burden again. Questionnaire: ‘Do you have to think or have in mind, ‘I am doing this for the Param-Atman in order to be doing it for Him?’ |
1975/39 | Monday Meeting. |
1975/40 | Sequel to Reading 8. Replies to questionnaire. What was behind question. Need for Sattva. Quot. 1972 Couplet - have only Param-Atman in mind, otherwise in grip of Maya. |
1975/41 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1975/42 | Large Monday Meeting: Replies to Questionnaire. |
1976/1 | Reading I. Questionnaire December 1975. Examples of replies. How each person tries to remember Param-Atman. Resulting insights. One Self, prism of Gunas illusion of separate ego. Story: ‘Light moves with you’. Use surplus attention to remember, not to dream or plan. |
1976/2 | Reading 2. Based on Monday Meeting 26.1.76 Part I. ‘My thoughts’ (8-year old). Troubles come from not Remembering ourSelves. Start by control of movements and mind. Arrange mind as it would be if we were Conscious - characteristics. Part II H.H. simple incentives to get people moving - Absolute available to everybody. |
1976/3 | Reading 3. Answer in relation to question and stage of questioner. Self-remembering now seen as practical method to train roving mind. Simile of car. We are not just car, nor driver, but Conscious Owner upon whom everything depends and who never changes. Introduction of duality. Short and long term memory. Stories: (1) Circus elephant (2) Remembering at Gare du Nord. |
1976/4 | Reading 4. Duality and Trinity Part I Duality Quot. Hinton - Two Cats of Kilkenny. Each half of brain mirror image of other. Twist in one hemisphere produces opposite in other. Two together annihilate each other. Part II Trinity. Six triads and Gunas. Third force resolving conflict. HH Effect of Gunas on level of meditation. |
1976/5 | Reading 5. Part I. Diagram of Three Forces. Downwards: 3 storeys (head, heart, hand); across: Input (Causal level), hidden connection (Subtle level), Output (physical level). Possibilities in relation to emotional function. H.H. Actions which lead to purification of heart - joy at the beginning, in the Middle and at the end. Part II. The Question of terminology (mainly for New Groups). Carbon, Oxygen Nitrogen and Hydrogen. Quot. Science Survey: composition of stars and living organisms. |
1976/6 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/7 | Reading 6. Part I Knowledge of Atman through heart; of Param-Atman - mind as well. H.H. Strengthening feeling of love, more our minds are at peace, the more we shall know about Atman. Cultivate purity of thought and action. Accumulation and release of Sattva from store within. Little Sattva more important than any difficulties. Quot. St Paul ‘Whatsoever things are true ...’ Part II (mainly for New Groups) Law of Three Forces, Orders of Law. |
1976/8 | Summer Term Reading I. Part I. (for Group Takers). New York lectures ‘The Unity of Conscious Experience.’ ‘The World within, the World around.’ What ought to be included. Part II. Difficulty of communicating Knowledge. Meditation silences dominant hemisphere; allows quiet hemisphere to lead us inward to find Self. Every true religion practised reveals its mysticism. Quot. Jacob Boehme. Robert Frost. Contact with Realized Man essential. |
1976/9 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/10 | Reading 2. Dream State and Day-time State. Modern research on two halves of brain. Mr O’s two discoveries: (1) daytime state superimposed on dream state. Self beyond silence not an extension of daytime state; Dreams experienced in anti-clockwise direction of time. Like a tape recorder both hemispheres record during day. Reconstruction of dream. Quot. L.F. Maury. Story: Tramp at the Ritz. Similar process birth to death. Osokin and Magician. Pay attention to Consciousness then power and choice. Quote. Hymn of Empedocles. |
1976/12 | Reading 3. The Conference of the Birds. (Mantiq-ut-Tayr) of Farid-ud-din Attar. Biographical note and summary of the birds’ Quest for the Simurg. Hoopoe’s story of Sultan fishing for boy. |
1976/13 | For New Groups. |
1976/14 | Reading 4. New York Group: their thirst for Sattva. H.H. Gunas and feeling of I. New shape for activities in general without Rebuilding walls. Quot. Robert Frost. |
1976/15 | Reading 5. Leading unprepared people to the idea of Sattva guna. Recent scientific discoveries: Three World Concept; Two Hemispheres. |
1976/16 | Reading 6. Causal World bigger than subtle and physical, exists all the time. Analogy of London telephone exchange. H.H. going to special places. Help on three levels. Remember and be connected. |
1976/17 | For New Groups. |
1976/18 | Reading 7. Part I. Causal world experienced through purified emotion, beyond logic and verbal description. Quot. Musing of Chuang-Tzu on Tao. Part II Quot. Lady after 30 years’ blindness, on seeing again. Wonder and gratitude. For Senior Groups Only. The Causal Body. Co-existence Of three bodies. In Causal body Samskara lies Dormant. Same when Creation withdrawn, dormant in Absolute, at His word all flourish again. |
1976/19 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/20 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/21 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/22 | ‘Three Worlds’ Reading I. Introductory Quot. Cardinal Hume. Doubts. Relationship with God. Not experienced through senses. What do things look like from subtle and causal worlds? Quot. H.H. Stillness: physical, subtle and spiritual. Learning to carry stillness in action. Quot. Herman Hesse, Dostoyevsky’s Prince Mushkin. Affirmation, escape from duality. |
1976/23 | Reading 2. ‘Three Worlds’ Quot. J.W. Dunne ‘Nothing dies’. View from high window. Quot. Sir Charles Sherrington The physical basis of Mind How we see: electrical reaction but how is world presented to mind? Quot. Russell Brain. Nerve patterns in time and in space. Neurology the threads, psychology the patterns. Division between outer and inner depends on structure; two hemispheres. Meditation takes us to World III, seedbed where we become aware of Self. World of movement a compound of Worlds I & II. |
1976/24 | Reading 3. Three Worlds cont. Natural Barriers. Different times of three levels. Spatial units similar boundaries. Being in presence of a Realized Man. Difference between scientific, psychological and spiritual approach. H.H. speaks and acts from Causal level. We need only to listen and carry out what we understand. Quot. Hymn of Jesus: an example of simultaneous perception of and difference between physical and causal worlds. |
1976/25 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/26 | Reading 4. Part I. Quot. H.H. Story of two Painters. Comparison. Eightfold System and Meditation. Must be master in own house. Both hemispheres require training; we seek union of two. Part II Causal body. Quot. H.H. Not remote, present all the time, subject to purification and pollution. Experienced (1) in deep sleep - tamas, functions dormant; (2) in light of Consciousness - sattva. Light and Bliss. Known through efficient, attentive and creative work of individual. |
1976/27 | Reading 5. The Light of Knowledge. Jiva connected to Causal level through heavenly heart. Antahkarana more state of unity than place. Quot. H.H. Light of Atman shining in soul cleanses. Image of sun in still, moving and muddy water. Good actions, from attitude; everybody part of Param-Atman. Expression of True Knowledge. ‘I am here’ has to be linked with knowledge acquired through senses. Words of Realised Man remove mistaken ideas, awaken something which already exists. Jiva and Atman one and same, but Jiva full of fears arising from body’s sense of self-preservation. Atman does not know death or physical danger. When fears imposed on it, it becomes individual Jiva. |
1976/28 | Reading 6. Direct Route. Quot. H.H. Holding the Hand. Behave as child. Four types of seeker. Father and children of different ages. |
1976/29 | ‘Time’ - for private use. |
1976/30 | Reading 7. Time. Two meanings: Stretch of Time and moment of Truth. Cherchez l’heure.Only way to know right moment is to ask ‘All-knowing Self ’. Quot. The Preacher (Ecclesiastes) |
1976/31 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1976/32 | Reading 8. Law of Three and Law of Octaves. Ladder. Role of instructor. Passing time belongs to sensory world, does not apply to higher levels or Pure Consciousness itself. Intellect demands definitions, descriptions, rules; but heart full of joy transcends such artificial barriers (but mind present as Conscious observer). Quot. H.H. Business of Maya to deceive Jiva. How blind desires created by Maya can ruin us. Story: King giving away keys of Kingdom to man who met him at appointed time. |
1976/33 | Reading 9. The Ladder of Seven Steps (cont) Whole brain involved in every major function. Seven steps already in existence. Whole person goes up Ladder. Quot. ‘Suddenly I knew who I was’. Steps 1, 3, & 5 through silent hemisphere; steps 2, 4, & 6 dominant one manifests. Always beginning with Good Impulse. The Drama production of Hamlet needs rehearsals. Limitations made by wandering mind. Making new film. Quot. H.H. In reality only one unity, one identity. Story of lion cub among sheep. |
1976/34 | Message from His Holiness. |
1976/35 | General Meditation Meeting. |
1977/1 | Meditation Meeting Proper work in three storeys. Meditation is entirely for Being. Main Obstacle to Self-fulfilment: Mala - perversity; Kashaya - Identification; Viksepa - dispersion of mind. Attention and its benefits. H.H. Story ‘The servant who fell in the well’. Music: Mozart’s Flute & Harp Concerto in C Major. Middle Storey approach to the Self. |
1977/2 | Reading I. Obstacles to Self fulfilment. Part I. Wilfulness, identification, dispersion. Associative thinking. Attend to actions, try to do them in efficient and appropriate manner. Part 2. Weekly meetings must rest and refresh minds. Remedy for dispersion: one-pointed attention, abbreviation. Enneagram universal key. Quot. St. Matthew ‘Come unto me’. Must be able to answer own questions. |
1977/3 | Small Monday Meeting. Specific Task: To relate PDO’s System and teaching with H.H.’s teaching. Fig. 1 ‘Ray of Creation’ ‘Octave’ ‘Four Bodies’. Chief difficulty - language. ‘Language of the Inner Circle’ and the language of Symbol of Enneagram. Gurdjieff’s description of Ray of Creation. Immanence of the Divine in everybody. Incarnations or ‘Avatars’ e.g. Zarathustra, Orpheus, Krishna, Christ. Crystallization of Bodies; and purification. |
1977/4 | Meditation Meeting The Bridge I - comment by FCR. Mantra slowing and accelerating. Centre of Consciousness moving upwards. Prana (Life Force) by H.H. H.H. Story: ‘Worldly man’ needing a shock. Stage 2 of Meditation. Laws of Gravity. 2nd Conscious Shock. H.H. Story: A rich man and his Teacher. Music: Faure’s Requiem ‘Pie Jesu’ treble solo. |
1977/5 | Reading 2. Part I H.H. Rise and fall of Life-force. Meditation discipline to give happiness. Part 2 H.H. Story: Householder’s preoccupation with household affairs. Teacher gave wife needle and thread. |
1977/6 | Senior Group Meeting. ‘Circle of Nine Points’ shows that our Western System and H.H.’s tradition had a common origin. Fig I Ray of Creation Spatial Aspect (Magnitude and Distance). Pratyahara ‘collecting the whole of a given subject in a nutshell’ Enneagram our nutshell. Fig 2 Hydrogen table and Sanskrit terms. Quot. H.H. & the Jiva-Atman for the purpose of Guidance. H.H. Story: ‘There is no Mahatma like me’. Feeling of individuality important. |
1977/7 | Reading 3. Convert good impulses into consistent thoughts, words and deeds. System prayer ‘Help me to remember mySelf and avoid involuntary actions.’ H.H. Security men. Practise of rules prepared way to Conscious impulses. |
1977/8 | Reading 4. Table: 3 octaves of Radiations defining matter which has function in human organism. Quot. Pindar ‘Man’s life is a day’. Receiving suprasensory impressions. Quot. Jacob Boehme ‘Suddenly ... my spirit did break through’. Go to school again. Three lines of work. |
1977/9 | Reading 5. Part I. A Western Terminology Table of Hydrogens. 3 forces, gunas. Triads differ in order of action and relative concentration. Triads of creation and refinement. Food, air and impressions. Quot. Turner’s sunset. Part II. An Eastern Terminology. H.H. story: King abdicating at 4 o’clock. Seven gates are layers of Prakriti. Jiva-Atman really in lap of Paramatman. |
1977/10 | Meditation Meeting. Quot. H.H. On Life and Death. Maya. Giving up. Zen story: ‘Are you still carrying her?’ ‘Switching on the light to get rid of the rubbish’. ‘Wiping the table clean’. Mental & physical mechanisms of human body. Zen story: Everything is the best. Correct use of energy. Emotional world. Carlos of Mexico - difficulties in meditating. Discussion on emotions. Mantra: rhythm, loudness softness. Music: Brahms’ Sonata for violin and piano in A Major. |
1977/11 | Small Monday Meeting. Importance of Self-imposed rules. Enneagram to understand H.H. and answer own questions. Diagram of Three Octaves. Hydrogen numbers to describe differences in level. Raising state from 48 to 24. Analogy digestion. Centurian. Quot. Shichiri and thief. Meditation 12 to 6. Bringing head to heart, heart to head. Resist wrong use of energy. H.H. story: Seven gates. Jiva-Atman in lap of Param Atman. Qs. New Group: Causal body, time difference octaves/ hydrogens, complete and incomplete octaves. Magnitude/time, Sun, Moon, and Earth. Loving your enemy. Fourth Way School: devotion, questions. 12. 28 March Large Monday Meeting: Qs: New Group. Choice present moment. Repetitive thinking. Aim to find oneSelf in silence. Memory. Diagram: Ray of Creation. Levels of being, level governs whom he can serve. 3 kinds of help from above. Deliberate provocation. Quot. Easter Service: ‘Christ is Risen ...’ 13. 2 May Summer Term. Reading I. Sharing glory with others. |
1977/12 | Large Monday Meeting. Qs: New Group. Choice present moment. Repetitive thinking. Aim to find oneSelf in silence. Memory. Diagram: Ray of Creation. Levels of being, level governs whom he can serve. 3 kinds of help from above. Deliberate provocation. Quot. Easter Service: ‘Christ is Risen...’ |
1977/13 | Summer Term. Reading 1. Sharing glory with others. |
1977/14 | Reading 2. Diagram 3 octaves contd.: to escape from personal, maintain energy and direction Zen story: ‘Everything the Best’ Part II Hydrogen defines the ‘isness’. Detach from everything below. |
1977/15 | Meditation Meeting: Qs from New People: dispersion of the mind - how to deal with it; noise inner & outer - how to cope. Story: Maharishi in Switzerland. Sense of direction. H.H. Story: Countryman buying ticket at railway station. Q: Meditation to take us beyond the mind? Stage I: Stage II Meditation: good result; bad result. The three gunas; loss of direction; servant of Param-Atman. Matthew VII vv 21-23. Diving deeper. H.H. Meditation - doubts of one’s own. The Tradition of Conscious origin. |
1977/16 | Reading 3. Part I. Extract from Meditation Meeting. Recovering sense of direction. H.H. Man who forgot name of station. Be silent then act as if under orders. H.H. Feeling of insufficiency and grace. |
1977/17 | Reading 4. Part I. The Fountain of Knowledge. H.H. Cognition, information, those who are fountain. Only the prepared will inherit. Way is not the goal. Part II. A Practical method. Learn by heart. H.H. ‘People say that they do not find time ...’ |
1977/18 | Reading 5. The Alchemy of Happiness. Quot. describes first 4 stages of impressions’ octave Quot. PDO Reliability. |
1977/19 | Reading 6. The Melting of the Silver. Part I. Repetition of Mantra. H.H. Analogy of sealing wax. Danger wrong crystallisation. Part II. H.H. Feeling of wonder. |
1977/20 | Large Monday Meeting. Alchemy and Happiness. Diagram: Metabolism of the 3 Foods. Impressions octave developing point of human beings. Quot. ‘My subject tonight is the alchemy of happiness ...’ Sat-Chit-Ananda. |
1977/21 | Meditation Meeting. Hardening of the heart. Prevention. Meditation never stops - find out what is wrong. Great Meditation can go on all day. Mantra. Dr Coggan (on tape) Jubilee service. Melting of the heart. H.H. Advice. Story: Wanderer and Arrow Maker. Penitence - atoning: at-one-ment. |
1977/22 | Reading 7. Identification and Considering. Get to hate sticky feeling and losing freedom of choice. Quot. PDO Internal and External Considering. On 5th Step of Ladder free to love unselfishly. H.H. Realized Man uses only Sattvic means of correction. |
1977/23 | Reading 8. Identification contd. Actor’s description of acting free from ego. Quot. Interview Janet Baker being too emotionally involved, losing Observer. Quot. H.H. Creator observes drama. Know mystery, play part, enjoy. Story: man breaking cinema screen. |
1977/24 | Large Monday Meeting: Qs. New Group: feeling of wonder. Knowledge in 3 caskets. Creating a school. H.H. Story: gardener making charcoal from sandalwood trees. Preservation of truths. Self-remembering and membership of tradition. Story: teacher going into forest, lighting fire, praying, then speaking. Identification, external considering. PDO Story: lending author two revolvers. Choice, Dropping past and future. Discrimination. Unnecessary talk manifestation if dispersed mind. H.H. Maya deceives Jiva. Purity of purpose. Ram Das asks for milk of lioness. |
1977/25 | Two Small Monday Meetings. Part I. June 20. Identification & Considering. Examples from T. Anholt and R. Guyatt. ‘Hang-ups, stage-fright, first-night nerves’ all manifestations of Identification. Keep long-term memory of ‘God is everywhere’ in our hearts. Description of external considering given by G. to PDO. Part II. 4 July. Life as a Drama or a Play External considering. Identification in activities. Crowd psychology. H.H. Buddhi and the Gunas. |
1977/26 | Meditation Meeting. Two halves of the brain. H.H. How to create Sattva - third force. Alice Through the Looking Glass. Dream world, looking glass writing. Quiet hemisphere receiving food. H.H. story: Mangoes and pumpkins - large trees and small bushes. Stillness leads to Self-realization. External considering: two halves of brain working harmoniously. Looking glass house - confusion; Causal realm beautifully clear. Increase of Sattva makes one more creative. Story: Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. One-pointed attention. H.H. gives details of levels of Meditation. |
1977/27 | Summer Programme. Can be two different attitudes to universe. Materialist/idealists. Believers in separate ego/Param Atman. Results of actions. From Causal level Param-Atman is all good. Plays countless sweet games. Different descriptions but Truth is One. |
1977/28 | Meditation Meeting. Human endeavour tends to change all the time - permanence needed for Meditation. H.H. Atman alone is real and permanent - ‘Being of Light’. Permanence on physical level - gold. Responsibilities, art of living, preparing for the next journey. Resuscitation experience. Try to communicate with Atman - do not expect words. H.H. No thoughts, therefore no expectations. H.H. On Meditation. FCR: 1st stage Dharana - one pointed attention; 2nd stage - you know nothing resulting in more energy. Story: Two birds with same plumage. Sri Krishna - Knowledge, Being. |
1977/29 | Meditation Meeting. Q. What is the meaning of Self-Realization? Knowledge and experience. Union with God. ‘Laughing Buddha’. Water from the Ganges and merging with Universal. |
1977/30 | Reading I. Quot. from beginning of Meditation Mtg. Self-remembering must be practised constantly and expressed in behaviour. Need Sattva: good company, inspired writing. H.H. ‘In this ageless continuum of time ....’ |
1977/31 | Large Monday Meeting. Golden casket for anniversary. Lord Allan’s visit to New York. Ouspensky Centenary Exhibition at Yale University. PDO: practice of Self-Remembering. Extracts from Letters. Request for first-hand experiences of Mr and Mme O. which have never appeared in print. Identification internal and external considering. H.H. Relationship between Param Atman and Atman. Quot. St James’ Epistle from ‘Jerusalem Bible’. |
1977/32 | Reading 2. Birth and Death. Common opinion: nothing before birth or after death. Quot. Lucretius. Plato Soul born from and returns to higher realm. Quot. Sikh poet: ‘I looked at death ...’ Wordsworth. References in Gospels. This Knowledge in golden casket. H.H. Story: Householder’s preoccupation with household affairs. Teacher gave wife needle and thread. |
1977/33 | Meditation Meeting. The Bridge II. Meditation natural. Manifestation of Atman. Meditation - dying people Initiation - follow rhythm. Meditation added dimension. Non-verbal communication. Continued experience - study children. Life After Life - extracts. Immortality. Aphorism: ‘Prepare to die tomorrow, but look after your body ... |
1977/34 | Meditation Meeting. Ritual in Ashram. H.H. Subtle level can be controlled; Essence; Prarabdha. Causal level like the ocean. Samadhi comes in the gaps between activities. Inheriting Essence and a debt. H.H. Meditation is the special. H.H. Initiation never wrong - cause of non-union is Rajas or Tamas. Permeation of Sattva into Rajas or Tamas. Sanskrit poem. H.H. Laws of Transmigration of Souls. |
1977/35 | Reading 3. Birth and Death contd. Formulate target. H.H. Unity with Absolute has different degrees. Do your best. Absolute will look after union. |
1977/36 | Reading 4. Preparation for role in big drama. H.H. Every actor created free, result in hands of Absolute. Illustration: factory - different levels of workers; proportionate freedom. Comment: Describes 4th Way School. Part II. Moments of Opportunity. Tapping energy between desires. H.H. Allow interval to stretch. What occupies mind before sleep comes to mind on waking. Same law applies to transmigration of Souls. Last thought not chance - experiment! |
1977/37 | Reading 5. Wedding Garment. H.H. Establish relationship of love before death, develop wedding garment. People bound to worldly things do not come close enough for Union. Body discarded, nothing else changed. Will find new world familiar. Comment: H.H. has promised everyone in school will be liberated. |
1977/38 | Large Monday Meeting. Drama of Life: Producer and actors. Inner and Outer Drama. Punishment and Reward. H.H. Story: Factory and levels of workers - relative freedom of each. Definition of Buddhi. Quot. Gospel of St. John. Continuation of our Work. |
1977/39 | Reading 6. The Drama (cont.) Part 1. H.H. To be natural is to be straight and pure. Play must be performed in particular style. Part 2. Q. being more worthy? H.H. No duality in relationship. Physical level different parts, subtle level different friends, Causal level Universal Self. Be happy and thankful to Absolute for creating such a glorious wealth of Knowledge to share. |
1977/40 | Large Monday Meeting. Story: ‘Where was I...’ Brahman, the Absolute, author of the Play; Laws: 3 Forces; cause and effect, etc. ‘Do only what is necessary’. Q. re aspirations and talents. Read for Christmas: The New Model p.27, 156, & around p.500. PDO: Two kinds of role illustrated in the Gospels - Conscious and unconscious. |
1978/1 | Meditation Meeting. Value of Music in overcoming arid spells in meditation. Use of ‘Kirtan’ for waking up. H.H. advice to meditators in physical level. Meditation journey back home. Simile of ant & sugar. Personality chief obstacle. Not necessary to divide attention. Way the Mantra operates. Music: ‘Libera me’ & ‘In Paradisum’ from Faure’s Requiem. |
1978/2 | Reading 1. Increase expansion of moments of Consciousness through Attention. Can man’s be only consciousness in Universe? Four states human consciousness. Quot. System 1915: What knowledge can a sleeping man have? |
1978/3 | Reading 2. The Third State of Consciousness established through Attention. Part I. Descriptions of the Third State. Quots. The Dhammapada (2nd) Canto of Wakefulness; The Philokalia; H.H. Body vehicle, Self the driver. Observer remains the same. Part II. Computers of nervous system. Study units one at a time. All work according to a general plan. Each consists of 3 parts: mechanical, voluntary, higher. Practice: attend to actions, discard dreaming about past or future. In Meditation reject mechanical; leave field clear for Designer and programmer to proceed to more creative work. |
1978/4 | Reading 3. Observer. Part I Quot. System. Three-storeyed house, many I’s, deputy steward. Simile cinema show. Quot. Tertium Organum Consciousness varies in intensity. H.H. be pure white, not entangled in colours of world. Part II. Quot. Audience with H.H. Coming to still point, losing everything yet feeling powerful. Oneness between Samashti and Vyashti. Simile battery recharging. Quot. St. John: ‘Walk while you have light.’ |
1978/5 | Reading 4. Observer contd. Part I. Movements: automatic, voluntary, activated by emotion. Diagram, The daily circuit. Speech: repetitive records, lying. Development of baby’s brain. Observe movement and gunas Distinguish excitement from emotion. Part II. Discipline for different types of people. H.H. Jnana and Bhakti Surrender necessary for all types. Story: Two kinds of artist. |
1978/6 | Reading 5. H.H. Different speeds of subtle and physical bodies. Realized man lives in present which contains all questions and all answers. Time and space no validity in spiritual world. Activate Buddhi for certain work but when not required, still it. Meditation; nourishment, cleansing, healing. Rajas and Tamas deprive Atman of bliss. Activity good but keep thread alive which leads you back. Arrowmaker: coarse to finest stages require less/most attention, coarse/finest energy. Last barrier feeling ‘I’. |
1978/7 | Meditation Meeting. Discussion with Mrs Howitt (N.Z.) after visit to H.H. Impressions of H.H. Interpreter Narayan Agrawal. Ever present association with H.H. Discussion on gurus - importance of following one discipline. Q. regarding experience during meditation, and H.H. simile to starting a car. Resolving of duality between worldly & spiritual things. Enjoyment of Buddhi both in stillness & activity. H.H. Story: Rakshu & Indra. Blockage between meditator & H.H. Analogy of telephone. |
1978/8 | Reading 6. H.H. Grace of the teacher. Three kinds of good company. Story treasure beneath temple Quots. on ‘Waking Up’ from the Bible, Hymn of the Robe of Glory, William Law, the Shankaracharya’s Tradition, the Sufi Tradition Mathnawi book 4 and the Good Companions. |
1978/9 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/10 | Small Monday Meeting: Lord Allan & Mr Howitt of N.Z. |
1978/11 | Large Monday Meeting |
1978/12 | Meditation Meeting. Grafting ideas on to own built- in way of life. Physical life as hurdle race: Body the horse & mind the rider. Importance of rider appreciating what meditation is. H.H. answer to Mr Whiting regarding 3 levels of rest. State of perfection. Breathing exercises. Story of Rama & Sita. Music: Vivaldi’s Gloria. |
1978/13 | Meditation Meeting. Speaking from Pure Emotion. Need of teacher with access to knowledge. Three ways of communication - word, mind & Causal. Three levels of communication - coarse, subtle and Causal. Proof of effect of meditation. Desire necessary. Waxing and waning desire. Persistence. FCR: Respond to impulse immediately. |
1978/14 | Readings: Summer Term 1978. Realization: ‘I have nothing of my own’. H.H. in relation to feeling and thinking departments of mind. When mind drops burden it can take into account whole Samashti. Cosmoses from point of view of Being. H.H. concept of far-removed external God does not work. Need to experience of Param-Atman. Vyashti an atom of Samashti |
1978/15 | Reading 2 H.H. Two sets of laws; of Nature, man-made. Cause and effect in life of individual. H.H. Story of Judge and religious mother. Postscript to Reading 1. Near-death evidence for being who sees individual’s whole life. |
1978/16 | For New Groups. Attention. |
1978/17 | For New Groups. Meditation: H.H. Journey of individual consciousness. |
1978/18 | Reading 3. Drop of pond water and bacteriologist. Successive worlds related Samashti/Vyashti fashion. H.H. Body like a big city. What keeps cell world in equilibrium? Part II. Some implications Two sets of laws. One governing men, other the world. Bond between unit and whole. H.H. only Jiva thinking ‘I am also something’ prevents him going to Param-Atman. |
1978/19 | Meditation Meeting. Intrusion of thoughts during meditation. Inner greater than outer. H.H. Story: Man with donkey. Don’t struggle with thoughts. H.H. Quot. ‘I have nothing of my own’. True feeling of ‘I’. H.H. Story: Kind Marratas & building of palace. Right feeling of ‘I’ for Universal Self. H.H. Story: Hanuman in Ceylon. |
1978/20 | Reading 4. Four orders of laws: Cause and Effect, Accident, Fate and Will. The Way of Bhakti brings under Law of Will. Quot. Mathnawi - ‘Give up O Black Death ...’ |
1978/21 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/22 | Reading 5. Differentiation and integration. Inspiration: (question to Causal level, answer from Atman) to understand Cosmoses. Simile seeds and tree. Relationship of cell world and individual. What are intermediate stages between ourselves and Realized men? |
1978/23 | Reading 6 ‘Seven Cosmoses’ Story of two artists illustrates harmony of two halves of brain. Part I. Quot. teaching to St Petersburg group 1915. List of seven and characteristics of each cosmos, relationship. Part II. Quot. H. Wright on ‘Thoughts on Time ...’ Part III. P.D.O. meeting 1940. Effect study cosmic laws and cosmoses on Being. Part 4. Sense of wonder. Quot. Nanak ‘When the light of the soul blends with the universal light ...’ To understand real meaning of Cosmoses need to experience stillness/Hagiocosmos. |
1978/24 | Meditation Meeting. FCR: Knowledge that ‘nothing is my own’ lead to realization that ‘the whole universe is mine’. Detachment from physical pain. Story of two drunken fishermen. Results part of whole play. Moment only connection with Divine Self. Redeeming the time. H.H. Quot. ‘When we go into meditation ..’ Three levels of Stillness. H.H. Story: Crow & the swan - related to two hemispheres of brain. On Causal level we are together with Head of Tradition. |
1978/25 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/26 | Reading 7. Cosmic Laws. Law of Seven and Three. Quot. St Patrick’s Deer’s Cry. Interaction of two laws. Quot. Eliphas Levy. ‘Be the miller’. Chief points to bear in mind. Observe relation between intention and result. |
1978/27 | Small Monday Meeting. |
1978/28 | Summer Programme Five Sheaths. Atman the witness. |
1978/29 | Meditation Meeting. Hints on meditation by H.H. Posture. Attention to Mantra. Meeting your true love. Giving up. H.H. Story: Rich man & crippled son. Reading from Maitri Upanishad. |
1978/30 | Meditation Meeting. Need for doing meditation instead of talking about it. No difference of approach between System and Christianity. Christina Rosetti’s prayer. Mantra goes to peaceful place in one’s nature - reading from H.H. Must be manifested. Must not resign from worldly activity. Discussion on repeating Mantra loudly. ‘What is it that repeats Mantra?’ H.H. Mantra same as own Mantra - Apple is apple. Param-Atman gives up what we need and deserve. H.H. story of Holy Man who gave people what they asked for. |
1978/31 | Meditation Meeting. Repeat radio programme of introductory discussion to Meditation (Dr Fenwick) ‘What really is Meditation designed for? New Book by psychologist in USA. : ‘How and whence comes the voice which speaks with such authority within one? Importance of remembering the voice - your Self. Necessary to clean tape before recording. Selecting things to read: Quot. From Philokalia ‘Try to enter your inner Treasure House’. Mevlana: ‘Once more we come back to the tale’. Voice only comes when necessary. No words used. Wrong habit of confessing our sins to ourselves. H.H. on recommended ways of approach. Mundaka Upanishad: ‘The Self is found by Truth ....’ |
1978/32 | Reading 1 - Autumn 1978. Realization of Truth. Introduction: Yale exhibition. Part I Quot. PDO Conventional morality not the Truth. Aim of System is to bring man to Conscience. H.H. The Good Impulse The two hemispheres: Conscience (quiet), general morality (dominant). Part II Quot PDO ‘Realization of Truth’ H.H. code of life - do nothing to anybody else that you would not like being done to you. Memory and consistency. |
1978/33 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/34 | Reading 2. Introduction. Similar to animals but we humans can know ourselves. Part I. An example of True Knowledge - The Four Ways. Universal symbol. About the diagram (1) Quot. St Avva Dorotheus, circle and radii (2) Passing time/moment of Now. Four rooms Four ways. Meditation adapted for Fourth Way H.H.’s teaching a beacon of light for all spiritual aspirants. Part II of Reading 2. Something for everybody. |
1978/36 | Meditation Meeting. Advice re introduction of new meditators. Longing for completeness which meditation should fulfil. Discussion on ways people feel incomplete. Two ways of approach to Deity. a) thinking of one’s deficiencies; b) giving up thoughts of oneself. H.H.’s reply to FCR’s questions: ‘How to connect ourselves with Fountain of Knowledge?’ H.H. Story: First Shri Shankara and Four Gates of Temple of Sharada. Sat- Chit-Ananda in relation to this. Prayer: Oh my Lord, my whole being is yourSelf.’ Equation: Ladder of Self- Knowledge. |
1978/37 | Reading 3 The activities of Man as seen in terms of his Three-fold Structure. What is new. Introduction: H.H. Simile of chariot. Part I. The Six Activities of Man. Levers, the right tool. Quot. PDO: Six triads characteristics. Crime. Art/Nonsense. Right activity. Envoi Quot. St Matthew: ‘Enter ye in at the strait gate ....’ Meditation and consistency. Part II. H.H. Three rooms and gunas. How used. All bodies built of glass. Rajasic man accumulates dust, Tamasic mud. Glass only cleaned by being Conscious. |
1978/38 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/39 | Reading 4. Stillness. Difficulty with Reading 3 - re-explanation of diagram. Buddhi functions when it is still. |
1978/40 | Meditation Meeting. Change occasioned by meeting with Meditation. Extract from first meeting with H.H. in What we are not and what we are. Meditation as help to prepare for journey after physical life. We never remember ourSelves. H.H. on possession of two houses. Discussion on time spent between the two. Obtaining and storing more Sattva Guna. Evanescent - stored in a different form. |
1978/41 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/42 | Large Monday Meeting. |
1978/43 | Meditation Meeting. Dramatic v. gentle effects of Meditation. Ten common benefits given by H.H. in 1961 Discussion on experience. Guilt - thinking of past with regret and future with foreboding. H.H. Story: of Sanyassins who look on Buddhi as their wife and lift the burden from her. Reading from H.H. on undisciplined, greedy mind. Story of monkey in railway carriage. Aim: substitute thought of one single Param-Atman for any personal thought. |
1979/1 | General Meditation Meeting. Using meditation to promote unity of all latent functions. Use of Symbol for collecting different bits of knowledge. Getting to the centre through any of the three gates. Universal love and compassion required in society and in individuals. Use of the Mantra. Quot. from H.H. Atman not bound by time, space, or forces of changing Gunas. Story of disciple whose son died; Mahatma shared his pain by weeping with him. |
1979/2 | New Year Programme (revised from 1972). |
1979/3 | Reading 1. Worldly difficulties for raising Being. H.H. Concept external God not working; need to understand imminence of Param-Atman. Therefore making available new edition of 1972 Programme H.H. Further meaning of the Incantation. (based on talk in October 1965 - record p.132) Letter from Sri Narayan - concentrate on material already given. |
1979/4 | Large Monday Meeting. All systems centre on universal Symbol, which is now bringing everything together. Atman is in everybody. Description of Purush and Prakriti. Reading from H.H. on two aspects of existence of Param-Atman - one external God and the other always present. Three divisions of nervous system - way towards centre of universal Symbol develops from mid-point of each organisation, meant to work simultaneously. Uniting of individual Self and universal Self by realising that ‘There is nothing of my own’. |
1979/5 | Reading 2. H.H. Realization ‘I have nothing of my own’ unites individual with whole. Analogy of electricity in house; learn to operate switch - consciously remember Param Atman. |
1979/6 | Reading 3. Atman exists in everybody but clouded by activity of dominant hemispheres. Voice of the Silence. Find what Divine Self would like most. H.H. Atman’s food is Joy; obey innate sense of right and wrong. Do every job well. Discover confidence and eternal magical Presence always ready to help. |
1979/7 | General Meditation Meeting. Initiation Ceremony H.H. ‘With the first impulse, the Absolute (Purush or Lord) starts the creation ...’ which resembles very closely six combinations of forces described by P.D.O. Origin must be the same. Quot. H.H. Initiation and Gunas present. Story of Mira, the perfect devotee. Two levels of Prakriti. Escape from successive numbers of laws. |
1979/8 | Reading 4. Owner, Car, Chauffeur. Part I. H.H. Practise what one sees in moments when Sattva predominates. When Sattva permanent all moments have clear Vision. Car, driver, wishes of owner. First: stop burdening driver (Buddhi) with past or future. Part II. Miraculous variety, Life on Earth. Prakriti and Purush. Man alone has choice. |
1979/9 | Large Monday Meeting. Tape of ‘Experimental Mysticism’ from ‘New Model’. Discussion of experiments of Mr. O. and his insistence on ‘three-ness’. Importance of stating particular triad when discussing Law of Three Forces. Feeling of ‘I’ in different parts of body. Reading from Bhagavad Gita re transcending Gunas in order to reach unity. Discussion of experiments in use of drugs. Three obstacles preventing purification of psychological life. |
1979/10 | General Meditation Meeting. Modern version of Patanjali Yoga and Symbol of 9 points; means of communication for emotional experiences. Performance of Rasa-Leela at Mela: explanation by H.H. |
1979/11 | Reading 5. Part I ‘What is the world for me External world of physics. Part II H.H. Story of Holy Man visiting wealthy man who built a large house. On map of world, Bombay a dot. To resolve enigma to come to stillness. |
1979/12 | Large Monday Meeting. Two ways of looking at world: (a) from below; (b) from above. Repeat story of 14-storeyed house and map of world. Importance of keeping broad picture. Difficulty of defining ‘spiritual’. H.H. Birth and death and necessity of understanding fundamentals. ‘Variations on Theme’ (Attenborough T.V. series) in connection with Symbol. New Model: use of a Symbol. Essential to have germs of ideas. Symbol on 5th and 6th steps of Yoga. Meaning of False Ahankar. Radio story of parrot and clergyman. |
1979/13 | Reading 1. Consciousness and Memory. Part I. Quot. P.D.O. ‘Is it possible to acquire command over Fleeting moments?’ Meditation. Memory: remembering source now. Resuscitation experience: panorama of life - benevolent Being. Two halves of brain have different memory mechanics. Much known of dominant, but not yet of silent; or two in harmony. Part II. Quot. John Sparrow - remembering and forgetting. Comment: Human mind when fresh, provides memory we want. |
1979/14 | Large Monday Meeting. Tribute to Lord Allan. Relationship between consciousness and memory. Wrong ideas about both in ordinary life. Many different kinds of memory - only important one is memory of Self. Need to study potential memory Of inner hemisphere. Talents as form of memory. Memory and consciousness. H.H.’s meaning is remembering the present and forgetting the past. Reading from H.H. on stillness on all levels, followed by relevant verses in Gita. Lord Allan as man of action; story from Ramakrishna about three men confronted by tiger. |
1979/15 | Reading 2. Part I. Through development not only find True Knowledge but change Being. What does this mean? Quot. P.D.O. Psychological Lecture. Part II. Quot. P.D.O. Sleep, waking sleep. Comment: Quot from New Group recalling reading on awareness. Part III Quot. P.D.O. People live in sleep. |
1979/16 | General Meditation Meeting. Relation of Memory and Consciousness; Centre of P.D.O.’s system of teaching and that of Shankaracharya, but different approach. Chit and Chitta. Story of Lakshman. In Atman there is not time, no space; in Antahkarana we are off the circle of time. Extract from Lord Allan’s letter to Mr Howitt. Relationship of Buddhi and Atman. Using memory to check consciousness ‘Moment Now’ can from one from Maya; remembering Param-Atman. |
1979/17 | Reading 3. Part I. Quot H.H. Four states: each useful; enjoy creative art of Absolute as silent and impartial observer. Part II Quot P.D.O. What you noticed as you tried to observe yourself. |
1979/18 | Reading 4. Observation and Attention. Part I. Symbol: Three sides triangle, mechanical skills, emotional element, intellectual components. Quot. P.D.O. Psych. Lect. Levels of function. Part II. P.D.O. three levels moving centre. Train higher part to act as silent observer. |
1979/19 | Large Monday Meeting. Attention related to different levels of efficiency and action. Symbol of triangle inside circle. No future in ordinary life, but future can start from Atman if you remember yourself. Excerpt from Tertium Organum about traveller who sees past, present and future. Emotional part of moving centre connected chiefly with pleasure in movement. Inventions - work of higher part of moving centre. Use of spare attention for Self-remembering. Effect of meditation on amount of attention one has. Efficiency of doing something because it should be done, without expecting personal profit. |
1979/20 | General Meditation Meeting. How Dr Roles and Mr Howitt of N.Z. met. P.D.O.’s description of real purpose of School of the Fourth Way. Vedanta definition of ‘Conscience’. Mr O. called Conscience part of emotional centre. Difference between emotion and conscience. Real Conscience is always the same for everyone. H.H. ‘Conscience is the Voice of the Silence’. Story from Riddles of Jesus. In meditation the mind and body have no function. Three types of meditators. |
1979/21 | Reading 5. Part I. How to use a Symbol. Quot. P.D.O. New Model. Symbol must remain elastic. Part II. Practise attention. Observe difference between instinctive and moving function. Quot. P.D.O. Three levels of instinctive centre. Observation of autonomic under influence of mescaline. |
1979/22 | Reading 6. Intro. Can only attend to outer manifestations but this can improve function of quiet half. Part I. The ‘Thinking’ or ‘Intellectual’ Function. Three levels. Both hemispheres subject to formatory thinking. Part II. The Emotional or ‘Feeling’ centre. Quot. P.D.O. Negative emotions. Three parts of emotional centre. Conclusion: Only through Meditation and non-dualism system of H.H. can we develop latent powers of thinking and feeling functions. |
1979/23 | Small Monday Meeting. Jami Harp and Nolan Howitt on platform with Dr. R. and Lady A. Pupil/teacher relationship. Enneagram as means of unifying two systems. Report of conversation between N.H. and Sri Narayan. Comparison of relationship between teacher and pupil in two systems. Guru and Absolute manifested in personal form. True disciple concerned only with Divine Nature of Teacher. Four classes of disciple. Difference in attitude to Teacher between Indian and Fourth Way teaching. |
1979/24 | Large Monday Meeting. Attention related to levels of efficiency of different major functions. Inborn functions. H.H. analogy of body being like a big town. Importance of setting up impartial observer. H.H. Balance and need to free balance from weight we put in on worldly side due to Rajas and Tamas. Discussion on relationship of speeds of different Parts of functions. Nothing experience at first Hand except when intellect is receiving and conscious. Aroused emotion. Instinctive function under anaesthesia. Teaching without words. Wise man called Muni (silent Man, the man who does not talk) Sri Shankara’s couplet describing all knowledge needed for Self-realization. Hand sign of Liberation - Mudra. |
1979/25 | General Meditation Meeting. Miss Jami Harp (N.Y.): Persist with meditation. Do it consistently and With love for oneself. ‘Innocent’ repetition of Mantra. Meditation like going to meet a VIP. Control of mind when Rajas comes instead of Sattva. H.H. recommends Love of Atman. Dr George Ritchie’s Experience from Return to Tomorrow. Quot. H.H. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas are aspects of energy. Also: There are no divisions or separations on Causal level. Music of Arctic Whales. |
1979/26 | General Meditation Meeting. Quot. H.H. How to find God. Parable of the Wedding Garment. Three sounds of Mantra help in becoming one. Freedom: two verses from Astavakra Samhita. Astavakra means ‘bent in eight places’. Story of Realized man - A king called Janaka. Pure Consciousness is ‘Real’ in sense of ‘Eternal and Unchanging’. People can learn something Real from dreams. Meditation a Pilgrim’s Progress with many stages. Quot. H.H. Param-Atman never in doubt; Jiva always lives in doubt. Experiences of people who ‘nearly died’ Show that consciousness doesn not end when the body dies. Quot from Mathnawi. Being of Light. Attitude to one’s life is important. Quot. Sri Ramakrishna. H.H. ‘The atman sits in the lap of Param-Atman. Joy is a God-like quality. |
1979/27 | Reading 1. Audience with H.H. Gaps between changes of consciousness. H.H. Rest on subtle level appears between fulfilment of one desire (identification) and initiation of next. Stop exercise. |
1979/28 | Small Monday Meeting. Return of party from India Letter from E.F. re impressions. Small changes of consciousness during day in which it is possible to get glimpses of enlightenment. Importance of getting rid of desires (identification) which appear to go on after death. Availability of higher influences in moments between desires - nectar provided naturally for human nature. Energy from these moments. Ability to act starts at point of rest. Sly man’s pill. Analogy of two street lamps with stretch of darkness between. |
1979/29 | Reading 2. Part I. Quot. Hughlings Jackson and Slater. Degrees of consciousness. Scientific methods reveal nothing of content of individual experience, smaller fluctuations, nor of two higher states (Self-consciousness and Objective Consciousness). Part II. Quot P.D.O. Psych. Lect. Is it possible to acquire command over moments of Consciousness? Self-remembering is a partial Awakening; no work done in sleep. |
1979/30 | Large Monday Meeting. Natural for all human beings to get glimpses of higher states of consciousness at any time. Discussion of exercise of trying to get into silence between activities. Not necessary to stop physical activity. Energy necessary for certain big tasks. Sly Man manufactures Pill. Extract from Psychological Lectures on acquiring command over fleeting moments of consciousness. Rules necessary for Self-remembering. Three caskets of knowledge. Question to H.H. on following several ways at once. |
1979/32 | General Meditation Meeting. Report of audiences at Ashram in September. This Tradition of Meditation Maintains that ‘in the chain of life after life ...’ We must get clear what we really want. Story from Ramayana of boatman who refused to take King Rama across the river Sarayu. Contast: Story from New Model of blind beggar and ‘single blessing’. Every half hour is preparation for meeting with Being of Light. Quot. H.H. ‘Satsang’ is ‘good company’. Quot. From P.D.O.’s chapter on Eternal Recurrence From Lermontov’s A Hero of our Time. Story of three men searching for Truth who met a tiger. We must think in terms of ‘Who Am I?’ Preparation for death: parable of Wedding Garment. |
1979/33 | Reading 3 (revised) Part I Relation of meditation to mental activity. H.H. Fresh activity can only be initiated from point of rest. Success depends on forces available. Part II H.H. Three types of rest: Sattvic, Tamasic, Rajasic. Relation of rest and mental energy. |
1979/34 | Reading 4. Part I Rest or Stillness. H.H. Rest between activities and between desires. Law of 3 in every event. Part II. Words and Language. Meaning behind words requires Knowledge and Being. Quot. P.D.O. Necessity for exact language round one idea. H.H. Translation Easter into Western: approximately 300 words need to be explained. |
1979/35 | Reading 5. Part I. A General Statement. Eastern and Western Systems. H.H. All systems lead to same point but style varies to suit local needs. H.H.’s Tradition a beacon of light. P.D.O.’s definition of School of the Fourth Way. Part II. Immense power and energy in gaps. Natural Samadhi. H.H. Natural Yogic Samadhi. Extend gap between desires. |
1979/36 | Large Monday Meeting. Indian and Western terminology Importance of meaning of words. Cosmological aspect of system inherited from P.D.O. Symbol as blueprint of creation relating Law of Octaves and Law of Three Forces. Ray of Creation and Organic Life: Green Plant. Planetary influences. Way of dog, cat and ape. Story of chimp and psychiatrist. Discussion on return of soul to moon. Creating moon in oneself - making permanent centre of gravity. Being of Light and preparation of Wedding Garment. |
1979/37 | Reading 6. Mental capacity depends on energy available. H.H. All desires arise in consciousness. Catch moment of lack of desire. Example of Irrigation Canal. Curtailing desires Realm of desires - common realm. Discover Heart’s Desire - cause of rebirth. |
1979/38 | For New Groups - Ray of Creation. |
1979/39 | General Meditation Meeting. Anon. Q’s experiencing Atman during sleep; lifting curtain of ignorance; purpose of man’s life: ‘Thy Will be done’. E.F.’s questions to H.H. re Results of Meditation. Def’n of Prarabdha. Story of Holy Man and the Tamarind Tree. Elimination of impurities by Meditation. Concept of Advaita. Parable of friendship between Krishna and Sudama. |
1979/40 | Reading 7. H.H. Physical rest, natural stop is sleep. Mental rest, register when something is completed. H.H. Activity with no concept of achievement. Example of day at office - own work and weekend. Attachments prevent control over desires. H.H. Listening and answering questions. |
1979/41 | Reading 8. Part I H.H. Gunas and Ahankar. Way of Sattva: only concern doing what needs to be done and increasing moments when attention given entirely to Absolute. Part II Samadhi and Law of Three. Tamasic, Natural, Rajasic and Sattvic Samadhi. H.H. Example Krishna and the Gopies. |
1979/42 | Reading 9. Only what is practised stays in memory. H.H. Three Gunas participate in all situations and events. Atman unattached. Three kinds of people. Best man attached to neither Sattva, Rajas or Tamas. |
1979/43 | Large Monday Meeting. Four-roomed house from psychological viewpoint. Prayer mentioned by H.H. in connection with down-flow of arrow from Causal body. Poem ‘Pause for Thought’ from parish magazine. Quot. Cloud of Unknowing - four degrees of living. H.H.’s answer to question relating to effort of the individual to unite with Param-Atman. |
1980/1 | Meditation Meeting. Connection between H.H.’s teaching on Inner Organ or Soul and Western teaching on Big Accumulator. Bilateral Structure of mind based on two hemispheres of brain and general bilateral energy distribution. Gaps effective in bringing harmony. Symbol of Eight Steps of Yoga relating Antahkarana to Big Accumulator - source of energy depends on Atman. Feeding of physical and psychological centres from Big Accumulator to small accumulators. Ascent of man through seven plexuses of autonomic system. Reading from H.H. on power residing in Antahkarana. |
1980/2 | Reading 1. Part 1. Symbol: Circle within triangle. System: Big Accumulator in Fourth Room. H.H. Antahkarana on Causal level on Fourth Room, private room of Atman. Recharging in natural samadhi. H.H. Battery simultaneously discharging and being recharged by dynamo. Desires and gap between. Part 2. H.H. Natural desires alright but avoid attachment to what you like. Cultivate attitude ‘God alone best judge of what good for me.’ |
1980/3 | Audience Four - Mr and Mrs Howitt and Mr Harris History and Principle of Meditation. Guidance of new Meditators. Repetition of the Mantra during illness. Remembering the Guru. |
1980/3a | (NGH) Words of H.H. on Meditation. System of Meditation. The meaning of the ceremony. |
1980/4 | From Howitt’s Fourth Audience - For Emergency. For anyone who is seriously ill. |
1980/5 | Reading 2. Part 1. Those desires: Ordinary state moving mind undercurrent many desires. H.H. Must discard superfluous desires whether from passing impressions or inborn tendencies. Story; Blind old lady’s requests. Part 2 Energy Storage. P.D.O. Energy needed for Self Remembering. H.H. Antahkarana, power house (fuelled by Param-Atman) Provides energy for different purposes. Coarse energy cannot make thought or moment of consciousness. P.D.O. Aim to draw energy from large accumulator through emotional centre. Meditation. H.H. If we begin to love Param-Atman, Param-Atman will come to help us. |
1980/6 | Reading 3. Meditation starts after 6th step of classical yoga. H.H. Little difference between natural samadhi and dhyana because effort is to be without desire. Quot. Yeats: ‘My fiftieth year had come and gone ...’ Who are you meditating for? Atman’s food happiness. H.H. Consider body, mind, feelings property of Param-Atman. |
1980/7 | General discussion on meditation and calculated risk taken in cutting out first six steps of classical yoga. Reminder of six steps. Difference between samadhi and dhyana. Poem by W.B. Yeats in relation to pause between desires. Extract from letter from H.H. to New Zealand group recharging and discharging of batteries. Necessity of going on when one would normally stop. Story of elephant and crocodile. Prayer given to Lord Allan at last audience with H.H. |
1980/8 | Reading 4. ‘Transformation of Man’. Part 1. Psychology: Study of man as he is or what he may become. To change being man must want to very much. Part 2. Quot...P.D.O. Man must acquire properties he thinks he already possesses. H.H. Practice giving up all the time. Whatever lives is full of the Lord. Postscript: Swimming instructors must be able to swim. |
1980/9 | Large Monday Meeting. P.D.O.’s First Psychological Lecture. Man is an incomplete being. Two kinds of psychology - man as he is and ‘psychological transformation of man’ from caterpillar to butterfly. Antahkarana or Fourth Room in man. Diagram: ‘Transformation’ in Nature. All Three Stages of Learning. Reading Stillness on 3 levels. Successor to Shankaracharya. Guru Deva. Spiritual relationship with H.H. |
1980/10 | Reading 5. Understanding Ideas. Part 1 Know, reflect, contemplate. Hemispheres: left, right, union. Part 2. Symbol: Transformation in nature, larva, pupa, imago. H.H. Three levels of stillness. Prominent features of a Realised Man. Quot. Apocryphal sayings of Jesus ‘Let him who seeks .....’ |
1980/11 | Meditation Meeting. Letter from New York group regarding accident to Marc and Zosia Gold reflecting power of meditation. News from Sri Narayan about new Shankaracharya. Exploration of ‘giving up all the time’. Story of ants and sugar and salt mountains. Symbol showing mini-ladder. Story of Prajapati and his son Kach relating to giving up. ‘Ista’ - heart’s desire. Reading from 1974 text (to Mr Whiting) on journey of individual consciousness to Universal Consciousness. |
1980/12 | Reading 6. Part 1. Quot. P.D.O. New Model: Dead ideas non-existent; living ideas, Real I, Trinity. H.H. World not what it appears to be. Separate self ignorance. Internal giving up. Sequel to story of Kach. After giving up, I-ishness, life of householder that of ideal man. Part 2 P.D.O. Practical results of work on oneself, new confidence. H.H. He is blessed who has this confidence. |
1980/13 | The New Shankaracharya. Ceremony in Benares. |
1980/15 | Reading 1. Part 1. Human mind alternates between movement occasioned by sensory impressions/dream world. Moving mind never contented, frightened of stillness. H.H. Avoid unnecessary movement, manas must be under control of pure Buddhi. One is Atman. Meditation means, aim the stillness. Story: man pretending to tie up donkeys. Part 2 Consciousness a Bridge. Symbol: Eight steps/mini-ladder. Consciousness can exist without function, function without consciousness. Meditation a journey, drop belongings (desires and activity) cross to presence of Self. |
1980/16 | Small Monday Meeting. The teaching of the old System. What is valuable. Preservation of True Knowledge. Escape from prison = Liberation. Self-observation link between P.D.O.’s system and H.H.’s teaching. H.H.’s explanation of ‘Narada’s Riddle’ P.D.O. search for ‘escape from duality’. |
1980/17 | Large Monday Meeting. Human heritage of mind and body. Prison is false feeling of I. Need for meditation. Quality of people not quantity for Colet House. Initiator’s feeling of I during ceremony. 3 Zen Stories. Stone carried in the head; Samurai warrior, and Shichiri Ko-Jun and thief. Lord Allan’s Q. H.H. A difference in activities. |
1980/18 | Reading 2. Part 1. Prison in terms of feeling of ‘I’. Part 2. Unity and purity of purpose. H.H. Sattva and guidance from Self. Doubts due to lack of Sattva. Qualities leading to increase of Sattva. Love to speak the truth, people, by magnanimous. Manas, Buddhi and Chitta must work as one. |
1980/19 | Meditation Meeting. Advice on interesting people in meditation. Cosmic function of mankind in relation to evolution of earth, particularly referring to psychological and Causal levels. Power to choose at different level. Reading from H.H. Mela talk in 1970, Liberation from bonds of Maya. Allegory of man being house containing many servants but without a Master. |
1980/20 | Reading 3. Part 1. ‘The Prison’. Give up illusion of ‘I’ substitute thought and love for Param-Atman. Mini-ladder. First four steps: Do what you have to do for the Atman, fewer bad thoughts, good thoughts, Sattva. Escape. Three lines of work. Part 2. ‘Natural Samadhi’ between desires. Conclusion. H.H. Life of householder replay debt daily. |
1980/21 | Large Monday Meeting. Exploration of ‘Brahmi’ ‘Mini Ladder’. Extract from Epistle of St. James. Gunas in activity. New relation with Nature by going up the ladder. |
1980/22 | Meditation Meeting. General discussion on behaviour of Mantra during meditation. Dualism of inner and outer worlds. Quotation from Epistle of St James, Chap 1. (Dypsychos) ‘Threeness in Oneness’. H.H. reply to Mr. Whiting on question of living in the Stillness. Triformal creation. Meditation and contemplation. H.H. answer to Dr. Roles (August 1970) re Atman alone being real and looks on passing show without getting involved. |
1980/23 | Reading 4. Meditation and the Law of Three. H.H. The source of all our troubles is that we never remember ourselves. Moving from little but to big house. Living in big house, Self-Realization. Whole being a mixture of gunas, rest in Tamas, active in Rajas, mediate, be still, enlightened in Sattva. Machine not properly used without Meditation and Sattva. |
1980/24 | Reading 5. ‘Consciousness’ - and Experiment. Consciousness not thinking. Be silently alert. P.D.O. First Psych. Lect. Limit of Consciousness two minutes. Experiment stopping thoughts. |
1980/25 | Large Monday Meeting M.T.’s question about being asleep ‘At our level we cannot be conscious and think’ 2 minute exercise of “‘I’ am here now” and results. Visitor from one of the Shankaracharya’s commissioned to look at what is going on in the West in the name of Meditation. Psychological obstacles to stillness of realization approach things from above, not below. Reading from H.H. |
1980/26 | Reading 6. The Law of Three contd. Part 1. H.H. In time events generated, grow and mature. When Sattva becomes abundant work easier/faster. Moments of opportunity. Part 2 A reminder about ‘Stillness’ H.H. Market place of noise and movement. Silence stillness lost. Meditation helps hear noise there/stillness here. Maintain stillness do not become market. Consciousness a witness, doer ego. When ego claims to be owner goes everywhere with one like coat. |
1980/27 | Small Monday Meeting. Thinking is not the same as consciousness. 2 mind exercise. Stop exercise at movements. Controlling one’s thoughts H.H. ‘Empty yourself and listen’ One pointed attention. Be aware of your physical body during gaps. H.H. Story of saint and man who fell into the well. |
1980/28 | Meditation Meeting. Mr and Mrs Carl Evans (New York) on platform. Discussion on difficulties with meditation in N.Y. group, and help given. Possibility of measuring benefits from meditation. ‘What do you want?’ Story of Ramayana and boatman. Celtic benediction. Reading from H.H. in reply to question by Mr Whiting (1974) on three levels of stillness. Importance of Causal level in Initiation Ceremony. Discussion on rest on physical level. H.H. reply to Mr Whiting on absence of dualism in regarding oneself as subject or object. (hanging coat in wardrobe) |
1980/31 | Meditation Meeting (material provided by Dr Roles who was absent.) Reason for not getting better results from meditation due to not taking it far enough to experience unified outlook. Two halves of brain cannot be simultaneously and jointly in command. Emotional one works with faith, reason by enquiry. Same goal. Quot. from H.H. (Record 1965, p.10) Diagram from New Model, c. 10, p. 427 (2nd Ed). Lines of Time, parallel and perpendicular. Choice at crossroads. Natural Samadhi. H.H. reply to B.H. about control of desires (contentment). |
1980/32 | Meditation Meeting (Michael Fleming taking meeting in Dr Roles’ absence.) Importance of lines of ‘Now’ particularly during meditation. ‘Now’ can either lead you further away or straight to Absolute. Tape of meeting of 14.2.78 with Lord Allan and Brigit Howitt on platform following B.H.’s audience with H.H. First impressions of H.H. Different interpreter (Narayan Agrawal) - man who ‘has nothing of his own’ Relationship between Dr Roles and H.H. Importance of following only one way. Worldly pull - no need to be afraid of it. ‘Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s’. Enjoying Buddhi both in stillness and activity. Control of desires. |
1980/33 | Reading 1. ‘Self-Discovery’ Quot. New Model. Line of fourth dimension; Before, Now, After. Perpendicular line - fifth dimension; perpetual Now. Part 1. Vertical lines belong to Atman, moments when Samadhi is possible. To understand try to be of one mind. Part 2 H.H. Atman birthless and deathless; body-vehicle. You are Sat-Chit-Ananda. H.H. Absolute real doer; drop burden of past/future. |
1980/34 | Large Monday Meeting. Diag. ‘Before, Now After’ New Model 3-dimensional bodies (& minds) weighed down by gravity. Meditation a way of freeing the mind from gravity. ‘Thought is the enemy of consciousness.’ Quot. Jacob Boehme: ‘When you have ceased all your willing and thinking, then you will hear the wonderful words of God.’ Feeling of time standing still is on a vertical line ‘Now’. Reading from 1972 Record on States of Consciousness. Story of disciple and elephant H.H. Fully Realized man is not recognized unless he reveals himself. |
1980/35 | Reading 2. Story of monkey in tree making offensive gestures. H.H. Manas becomes whatever it admits Self Knowledge and Meditation reduce effects of habits. Let Buddhi work under influence of Self. Need support, inspired words, good company. Quot. P.D.O. Man does not remember - identification. |
1980/36 | Meditation Meeting (Dr Witchalls on platform) General discussion on work with Dr Schweitzer in French Equatorial Africa. Meditation - most telling results on emotional apparatus. Comparisons of speeds in different centres. Need to purify emotional centre from negative emotions and thought processes. Way of escape through non-dualistic system. Reading: The Psycho-Analyst by Tessimond. H.H. (sept. 1975) reading on dualistic & non-dualistic approach. Need for a Deva-Ista. Reading from Bhagavad Gita (ch. X, v.17) on Divine Self within. Story of the two sea birds. Story of two birds on tree (Upanishads). |
1980/37 | Large Monday Meeting Purpose of School - to change inner not outer life. Energy for creative work. Three ways of conquering obstacles to lines of consciousness. Zen Story of muddy road (identification). Two kinds of Samadhi. Story of Yogi and black horse. Chinese story of keeper of monkeys (‘Three in the morning’) |
1980/38 | Reading 3 Make use of ‘timeless moments’. Definition of religion. H.H. Sanatan Story: King giving kingdom to person arriving at four o’clock. One remains Atman and gets servants to recognise sovereignty and work for Him. |
1980/39 | Reading 4 ‘Law of Three’ Part 1. Diagram: causes, hidden connection, effects. Two triads depending on movement, two arising in intellect, two in emotional department. E.G. (1) craftsman’s use of wood (2) Making charcoal from sandalwood. Based on mechanism for voluntary and involuntary action. Part 2. H.H. Gunas cannot come to complete equilibrium. Meditation brings shell of Sattva over our lives. All three gunas must be there. Three humours: Water, fire, air. If little Sattva, don’t despair. |
1980/43 | Reading 5. ‘Law of Three’ contd. Solution problems affecting human life found in comprehension of interaction of Laws of Three and Seven. Quot. Gita: By what signs can man who transcends Gunas be recognised: Quot. Gospel of St John: ‘That was the true Light ....’ Quot. ‘Come unto Me, all that travail...’ |
1980/44 | Based on Large Monday Meeting. Conversation with P.D.O. Story of Good Samaritan. |
1980/45 | Meditation Meeting. Three Gunas as aspects of energy. Three aspects changing into one another continually. Permutation of six different kinds of energy going on simultaneously at all levels of physical universe. Dance of the world. Three forces on purest level, multiplying on downward path. Reading from H.H. describing Law of Three. All three for our use. Letter from Senora Stulman (Mexico) about Dr Rafael Santamaria. Extract from conversation with H.H. on last visit of Dr Roles: Unity with Absolute. Analogy of Mr Ouspensky’s explanation of Good Samaritan. |
1981/1 | Reading 1. Extract from Med. Mtg. 13 Jan. Need for new psychology based on conscious experience and including all compartments of human mind. Quot. Arabian Nights: Overseer, blind man and cripple. |
1981/2 | Large Monday Meeting. Need for new psychology based on 1) individual conscious experience 2) new discoveries: mirror image basis of central nervous system, alerting system 3) acceptable expression of Eastern teaching. Importance of spoken word. A, B, C, influences. Reward and retribution, relation of body and soul. Story: Overseer, blind man and cripple. Quot. Arabian Nights. Right use of emotional energy to curb ego. H.H. Buddhi like wife - different kinds. Listen to promptings of right and wrong. For over seer to work, give up. Soul a seed bed. Man has choice. H.H. Wait till ‘go’ signal given. |
1981/3 | Reading 2. Questions. Desires to do with autonomic nervous system, different sources. Overseer: Buddhi seeing with Eye of Atman. Remember owner of garden. Different speeds physical, subtle, causal levels. Quot. H.H. Practise knowledge. Function of Buddhi to discriminate. Characters in story in oneself. |
1981/4 | Reading 3. Don’t try too hard, cool heads warm hearts. Seed sown. Positive and ordinary emotion. Quot. ‘Know that love is a careless child ....’ Joy food of Atman. Quot. H.H. 1) those practising teaching big family. 2) Everyone already Realized but we don’t know it. Manifest Atman on physical level. Quot. P.D.O. Story about blaming devil. |
1981/5 | Meditation Meeting. Game of life played with three counters. Different concentrations of gunas for different activities. Need overseer’s control. Story of garden. Characters always there but sometimes off stage. Take each half hour afresh. Importance first give minutes, like man with lantern. Avoid going to sleep. Half hours tribute to great Self. Slide away from trivial thoughts onto rhythm. Not really blind. Need to look for source of Consciousness in right place. H.H. Questions arise from ahankar - pray to Atman to resolve question Quot. Isha Upanishad 15-17 ‘That which gives food to everyone regulates whole Universe’. Purify emotions, recognise overseer that unites two halves. Be in present moment. Learn to listen. Quot. Goons ‘Hello, hello .... who’s speaking?’ |
1981/6 | Reading 4. Part 1 The Three Levels. Consistency head, heart and hand. Interaction physiology/psychology. Third state: instinctive mind, know what body needs. Quot. H.H. Body like big town Nature striving for perfection. Quot. Cloud of Unknowing. Four degrees Christian living. Quot. John Amner ‘A stranger here ...’ Small daily efforts. Part 2. Four Orders of Laws. Need to find language to express discoveries about inner nature. Ulysses man of destiny winning back his home. Cause/effect, Accident, Fate, Will. |
1981/7 | Large Monday Meeting. Trained reason and purified emotion could control physical body and produce attentive actions. Realised person steady and still. Laws of Fate (great men/school), Cause and effect, Accident. Importance of purified emotion. H.H. True love free from duality (cannot turn negative). Story man missing train. Param-Atman source of happiness. Meditation: let mantra take us away from field of thought. Three levels of school: philosophical, theoretical and highest, practical. |
1981/8 | Reading 5. Resolution Quot. H.H. Relationship between Atman and Param-Atman always present. Remember real Doer. Switch on. Convince Buddhi. |
1981/9 | Reading 6. ‘The Elixir of Happiness’ Quot. H.H. All creation manifestation of bliss. Like game of hide and seek. Ordinary man given simple incentives, feel separated when forget unity exists. Find Param-Atman by running. Must prove you want guidance of Param-Atman above everything else. Simplicity and purity of purpose. Story elephant and crocodile. |
1981/10 | Meditation Meeting Let inward looking hemisphere meditate. Quot. H.H. Divine emotion entirely positive. Game hide and seek. Each seeking in own way. Simile of theatre. God within available to everybody. people feel separated. Find Param-Atman by running till exhausted. Meditate whole-heartedly. Drop luggage, go with lightness to stillness, mind rises. Your own Self lives in hearts of all. Quot. Story of John Cassian and Isaac Syrian Try to understand God’s utter transcendence and closeness. If there are difficulties: ask. Childlike simplicity. Persuade active hemisphere to give up. H.H. Elephant and crocodile. |
1981/11 | Preview - for Group Takers only. |
1981/12 | Preview Reading 2 - for Group Takers only. |
1981/13 | Preview Reading 3 - for Group Takers only. |
1981/14 | Meditation Meeting. Give meditation on individual basis. Essence and personality. Meditation to produce actions from within, restore balance of two halves by stillness. H.H. Man impersonating Mahatma. Feeling of happiness - essence. Keep personality out of meditation. Genuine feeling ‘I exist’ - false commentator. Quot. Maitri Upanishad. Self abides in Himself. In ordinary life firmness put to test. Man created men (with power to choose) not animals. Mary and Martha. H.H. Story of King’s daughter. Vishnu sent Narada to free her from bonds of false guru. Always go for Truth. H.H. Through meditation you begin to be what you are. Intelligence behind everything in world. |
1981/15 | Summer Term. Reading 1. Part 1. Improve being. Quot. H.H. Basic Nature pervading all things. Story Rakshu righting Indra. All a play. Part 2 Quot. H.H. Meaning of ‘twice-born’. Peace, prosperity, contentment if Man-made (left hemisphere) and natural laws (right hemisphere) agree. Story blind man and cripple. Aphorism: awake, die, be born. Physical death nothing. |
1981/16 | Monday Meeting. Part of interview with Fred Hoyle. Wave-length of virus in ultraviolet. Avoid controversy. Scientists think things through. Improve being. Moments of natural Samadhi Consciousness from beginning, intelligence, matter. View world on three levels. Learn to think rightly so act rightly. H.H. Attachment: considering ours what is Param-Atman’s. Mind cannot remain idle Remembering Param-Atman leads to happiness and thinking of world to unhappiness. Learn to be consistent. |
1981/17 | Reading 2. Meditation and Consciousness Four states. Samadhi in Real Meditation, consequence of. Two forms Samadhi culmination Hatha Yoga without Consciousness 2) Natural with full Self-consciousness. Story ten men crossing Ganges. Liberation from selfish prison, Loving sympathy. |
1981/18 | Reading 3. The Creation and Human Creativity. Preface. Quot. H.H. Creation made by willing it. Significance manhood. Discrimination, salvation Mantra works at causal level. Quot. H.H. Effect embodied in sound. Three types of work: eliminates impure, increases good, makes individual more universal. Purity of purpose. Tradition. Story saint enabling boy to cross river with mantra on leaf. |
1981/19 | Meditation Meeting. Questions: negative emotions hurting others. Conscience positive. Distinction personal and true sense of ‘I’. Keep idea of Param-Atman big. Substitute this for all personal thoughts. H.H. No misfits in nature. Whatever happens is for our good. Music Bach Concerto in F minor. H.H. How mantra works: eliminates impure, increases what is good, makes individual more universal. Purity of heart. Tradition. Story Tulasidas and boy wanting to cross river, mantra on leaf. Reviving the magic. Practical advice, right effort rhythm/sound of mantra. Perhaps change idea: meditation from gratitude not duty. Can only distinguish sleep from meditation by results. Let sound come through. Comes to one’s aid when crunch comes. |
1981/20 | Reading 4. Quot. Daily Telegraph. Why belief in God essential. Quot. H.H. 1) Union achieved by grace, determination 2) Param-Atman source of all greatness. What to ordinary people are different shapes and forms to a fully Realized person are one and same Param-Atman. |
1981/21 | Small Monday Meeting. Become a united body. How to increase Being. Attempts to define Being. Not just Being but level that matters. H.H. Natural Samadhi Mental rest between activities. Story of cook planning work. Spring of energy in us - everything part of ever changing process. Always turn to light away from persona. Growth of understanding; being and Knowledge. |
1981/22 | Reading 5. Quot. Mon. Mtg. Quot. H.H. Silent impartial observer. Absolute in everything. Story man thrown aside by elephant. Get yourself out of the way. Playing part in drama. Variety of manifestation. |
1981/23 | Large Monday Meeting. Reminder rules: ask before introducing. Quot. Daily Telegraph. Why belief in God essential. Hear and express His will. Christ ‘I never knew you, ye that work iniquity’. H.H Silent, impartial observer. Absolute in everything. Story: man being thrown aside by elephant. |
1981/24 | Reading 6. Illusory movement. Quot. Tertium Organum Imagine a Consciousness not limited by sense-perception. Rising sees plane not only a line. Past and future existing simultaneously. Only present exists, we are only aware of small fragment. Quot. H.H. Story married couple disputing unborn son’s career. Note (1) stationary and moving train (2) rotating lighted stick (3) Looking at river. Meditation: train creative Mind to keep still and discriminate between truth and illusion. |
1981/25 | Meditation Meeting. Eternal recurrence. Quot Osokin Knowing English, throwing pillow. On causal level know all that happened before. Mrs Roles. Death nothing to be afraid of. Quot. Bhagavad Gita Ch. 8 Supreme spirit Self of all beings. H.H. Remembering Param-Atman at last moment. Cultivate habit while young. World wants body - Param-Atman love only. Buddhi like Mahatma in jungle evicting three intruders. Observer must preserve peace attentively. Devotee desireless, peaceful, no enemies. H.H. Body machine of nature. Param-Atman makes universe dance. Knowing more about Param-Atman brings love. Seven cosmoses. Body vehicle, Atman driver. Mustn’t lower idea of God. |
1981/26 | Meditation Meeting. H.H. States of Consciousness. Meditation to achieve Samadhi. If monotonous, mantra may have connected with breathing. H.H. Meditation is like waiting for trunk call. Benefits few minutes real meditation. Ignore commentator but can work for more and finer experiences. Gunas and energy Improvement of half hour with quality of day. Story of seabirds’ determination to recover eggs. Two hemispheres must work as pair, be one person. Making breathing long and slow brings emotional centre into play. |
1981/27 | Meditation Meeting. Meditation for unity individual with Param-Atman. Steadying effect of pronouncing mantra slowly. Inward hemisphere needs Sattva. Quot. H.H. Trinity Atman, Param-Atman, guru - force available by remembering. Relationship always present but we forget. Example: electricity. Switch on. Hemispheres: one recharging at night other during day. Quot. Psych. Lect. What is Consciousness? Four states. Music Arriaga String Quartet. Decision: choose moment (between jobs), substitute idea of universal for personal consciousness. |
1981/28 | Reading 1. Part 1 Discarding scientific myths: 1) that Universe assembled by chance 2) that life originated on Earth. Prepare for study Cosmoses. Meditation, H.H.’s Advaita teaching. H.H. Two sets Laws, one under Jiva other under Param-Atman. Quot. John Maddox Universe produce of Intelligence. |
1981/29 | Small Monday Meeting. Encouragement: do what you have been doing with more conviction/ confidence. Quot. Letter from Sri Narayan. Abiding faith, Gopis believed Lord Krishna never left them. Introducing Cosmoses. Two sets Laws: one under Jiva, other under Param-Atman. Inside oneself physical ability to see light of sun, spiritual ability to see light of Atman. Worlds within Worlds. What is a World? Start by comparing daytime state and sleep. Look with right hemisphere. Birth and death only apply to physical body. Remember Param-Atman not just own nothingness. Learn to listen. Only need to change picture with half of ourselves. |
1981/30 | New Reading 1. Discarding scientific myths that 1) Universe assembled by chance 2) life originated on Earth. View we are taking of ourselves that has to change. H.H. Realization I have nothing of my own unites individual with everything. Abandon concept external God. Param-Atman always present. Two sets Laws, one under Jiva other under Param-Atman. Both derived from Law of Cause and Effect. Quot. John Maddox Universe product of Intelligence. |
1981/31 | Large Monday Meeting. Old ideology must collapse. Intensify work on H.H.’s system of Advaita, meditate better, substitute idea of Param-Atman for personal thoughts. Introducing Cosmoses. History. A world consists of repetitions of world below. This pattern throughout Universe. Where there is pattern/Law must be Intelligence. P.D.O: saw in System of Cosmoses full period of dimensions described in New Model. Then seen from rigid exterior point of view but is more like spectrum. Look inside ourselves before studying outside. Take three dimensions of time into account. Idea Western equivalent of Ladder of Liberation. Diagram: Before-Now-After. Quot. H.H. Realization I have nothing of my own unites individual with everything in Creation. Concept external God inadequate. Param-Atman always present. Two sets Laws: one under Jiva other under Param-Atman. Music: Arriaga Symphony in D. Subtle level chaotic go to Causal. |
1981/32 | Reading 2 (not for general circulation). Concept three dimensions of time. Find a way to relate fifth dimension to current thought. Quot. Prof. A.N. Whitehead Periodicity in Nature Period - time, Periodic Law - energy. Repetition in time/Eternity. New Group - having nothing of my own like learning to swim. Support of the water. |
1981/33 | New Reading 2 (for general circulation). As above except from replaced by note to Group Takers. Replacing egocentric attitude by memory of Param-Atman will resolve duality by governing actions and also looking after inner mind which takes over during night. |
1981/34 | Reading 3. Part 1. Stop discussion of one’s own ideas dwell on nature of Creator, laws of Nature laid down by supreme Intelligence and non-dualistic teaching of H.H. Stories: 1) Man wanting to buy ticket 2) greedy monkey taking hat and bananas 3) monkey making offensive gestures - just forget. Part 2. The illusion of ‘Passing Time’ Diagram: Before-Now-After. Quot. PDO: Weft and warp of time. Each moment of Now possibilities different. Can’t meditate with outward looking half of mind. Quot H.H. ‘Even if we have only one moment to live ....’ |
1981/35 | Reading 4. See laws of great Intelligence also in human psychology. Quot. H.H. ‘Before you can begin to be what you are ... two houses. Story tramp dreaming he slept in Ritz. H.H. illustrates Manas working below threshold of Consciousness at night. Remedy: see Param-Atman in everything. |
1981/36 | Reading 5. Escape dualistic limitations, turn thought to Param-Atman. Quot. PDO Tertium Organum: Imagine a Consciousness that can rise above the plane. Man as Observer lives simultaneously in all seven Cosmoses but we see only small fragment of present. Part 2. Quot. H.H. cultivate attitude nature acting through body and not the Self 2) stay in present act as occasion demands. Simply observe. Absolute in everything. Story man confronting elephant. Keep Buddhi clear. Stillness when mind free. |
1981/37 | Reading 6. (Inner Renunciation). How to lose habit of behaving as if we owned the place. Quot. H.H. How to practise ‘giving up’ all the time. Enjoy don’t try to possess. Story Kach. You are not giving up. Everything is of and permeated by Absolute. |
1981/38 | Reading 7. (Inner Renunciation - sequel). Quot. H.H. Giving up, nothing but understanding real meaning of giving up. I-ishness. Practise and achieve purity of motive and mastery of art. Discover our own power. Restfulness nature of Atman. Unrest, unreal/transitory. Chitta should give up physical world - Atman should give up reflection. Buddhi stilled by contact with Atman. |
1981/39 | Reading 8. Bhakti - the Way of Love Buddhi sees both inner and outer. Creator said Word - creation is the expression of its meaning. Quot. H.H. Path of Love, path on which Param-Atman is pouring His favours and blessings all the time. Love/True Knowledge natural manifestation of Atman. Come to the surface when soul concentrates. World disappears, Param-Atman appears in its place. Love motive force behind everything. Everybody seeking in own way but forget what. Story man wanting to buy ticket. |
1981/40 | Special Large Monday Meeting: Dr Roles’ 80th Birthday celebration. |
1981/41 | Small Monday Meeting. Thank you for birthday. PDO: They must be able to answer all questions Chitta reflects vast Consciousness. Buddhi selects. Our Chitta reflects outward Atman deluded - Maya. Chitta must also reflect what comes from Creator within. Atman give up reflection to allow us to see His (our) real face. Gaps. When attention not caught instead of flickering 3-per sec rhythm have Alpha rhythm. Creative dreams reflect both hemispheres. Tomography and listening to music. Chitta goes up Ladder. Units of time change. Good impulse 3 secs, 2nd step 24 hrs, Step 8 time no longer. Diagram: Before-Now-After showing three Cosmoses we live in all the time. External view. Enneagram. Meditation: need to see into a person. H.H.’s holy man. Who invented idea love between sexes opposed to spiritual life? ‘Marriage in heaven’ - fidelity. |
1981/42 | Reading 9. ‘Peace, Perfect Peace’ Quot H.H. 1) Three levels of rest. 2) Effect activities and disposition of men who provide themselves with Spiritual rest. 3) Story swan and crow. |
1981/43 | Large Monday Meeting Connection with and story of Mount Athos. Faith - possibility. Story: dead monk healing sick. Diagram: Before-Now-After. Ladder experienced in moment. Units of time change. Just do our job/meditate. Part 2 Teaching of the Seven Cosmoses Need to look from above. Observer lives in all seven at once. Rises giving up everything. Diagram: Circle of Nine Points. Quot. H.H. A good man speaks what he feels, does what he says. One would grow, unity/ depth, glory of Absolute descend. Importance of this order of action. |
1981/44 | General Meditation Meeting. Professor Schaefer’s address. Is Man a reflection of Nature or Nature of Man? Re-organising giving of meditation. H.H. Story of King’s daughter and cheat teacher. Meditation to free people. How to tell when/when not meditating with wrong part. Can’t meditate with speech hemisphere. Transcend stillness, physical and subtle, find peace on Causal level. H.H. Atman appears sole witness in luminous glory. No movement. Complete faith in Will of Absolute. Music: Monteverdi Magnificat. |
1982/1 | Large Monday Meeting. Planned visit to H.H. Story of mahout and blind man feeling elephant. Dropping I-ishness. Need for common language and meeting places free from disturbances. Be awake - no fixed rules/masks. (See Part 2, Reading 2) ‘A Fresh View of Cosmoses’. Techniques for improving being from East, language/Knowledge should be in Western form. Cosmoses on Enneagram. Bigger and smaller worlds. Find seven within oneself. Only want to change our point of view. Lord’s Prayer. Ladder Self-Realization. Improve Knowledge and Being at same time. Table of times different cosmoses. |
1982/2 | Reading 1. H.H. Story of Mahout and blind men feeling elephant. Study Society role: study normal people, establish Western common language, keep abreast discoveries about nervous system. H.H. Without good company thought of Param-Atman recedes. Story: Shri Malviya, ‘I want two hours, you waste other 22 as well.’ |
1982/3 | Reading 2, Part 1. Reaction of groups to last paper. Be quiet, hear answers. Few know of existence of true guide. Get word around. Part 2 From Mon. Mtg. 25.1.82 ‘I have nothing of my own’. Story: Man wanting only hand of King. Surrender to Absolute. Love wins all. Liberation of teacher when proportion of pupils liberated. To experience seven cosmoses get from physical to Causal. Music: Haydn Quarter 64. |
1982/4 | Small Monday Meeting. Importance of stories to illustrate meaning. Begin to see cosmoses by coming out of illusions of ordinary psychology. Big changes, four states Consciousness. Smaller changes between moving, intellectual, emotional centres, same cosmic space/time ratios. Levels of sex. Negative thought slows down emotion, allows ego to get in way, promotes wrong work of centres. Stop looking, speaking, negatively. H.H. Do unto others what you would like them to do to you. Meaning ‘deliver us from evil’. Attitude. Love of Param-Atman will switch light (from Deuterocosmos) on. Like planet we reflect. Common core of religions. Can change our psychology. Putting ‘I’ into everything is small habit. When you feel complete satisfaction with what is - peace on Causal level. Total faith in Will of Absolute. Real meaning of ‘giving up’ - you the doer, ambitions, opinions. Anything Conscious unpredictable. |
1982/5 | Reading 3, Part 1. Story: Man with little lantern, light moves with you. Part 2. H.H. Physically - universal service; devotionally - be magnanimous; benevolence Supreme Power, intellectually identify with Param-Atman. (2) Practise giving up all the time. |
1982/6 | Meditation Meeting. Keep mantra bouncing like child’s ball. How to still mind and body. Different space/time on subtle level. H.H. Subjective and real differences according to measure. Story: Rama showing Lakshman Maya. In Atman no time/space. Yoga union between right and left hemispheres. Left has gained knowledge by suppressing right. Right could control emotional and instinctive centres raising level of being, enabling us to live according to new knowledge. Thought process slows everything down. Meditation coming out of Maya. Feeling young/joyful Atman. What will make Atman happy? Quiet first step. System simile: Man like house with many servants, deputy steward. H.H.’s Ladder. |
1982/7 | Reading 4. Extracts Med. Mtg. 9.2.82. Different space/time key to Cosmoses. H.H. Subjective variations Time. Real difference between physical and subtle worlds according to the measure. Story: Rama showing Lakshman Maya. What makes Atman happy? Meeting ‘Being of Light’ at death. Quiet first step. |
1982/8 | Reading 5. Three Jumps. Use grace to expand influence of Study Society. Liberate ourselves from mental rubbish, see how to apply new discoveries and provide answers. Mandukya Upanishad: three jumps to stillness. Stairway, tramps, lunatics. H.H. Mini-Ladder. Attentive action, good thoughts, decrease bad thoughts. Letter: ‘I do and always have loved Param-Atman’. |
1982/9 | Large Monday Meeting. How to bring influence of Society to hear on other people. Mr. O: ‘The Way does not begin on the level of ordinary life ...’ Tramps and lunatics. Mandukya Upanishad: cool depths are the Self. Three degrees of stillness. Frog is the individual. Inner world vast; outer world where we live most of the time is dull. Don’t give strong enough orders to our minds. Habit can be corrected in three weeks if we get at it. Personal self needs clear decisive orders and it will obey. |
1982/10 | Reading 6. Part 1. H.H. Achievement of physical stillness, body, eyes, mind. Make mind gatekeeper inner body. Files later. Story: Ghost and pole. Communication. |
1982/11 | Small Monday Meeting. Audience with H.H. Physical stillness an important achievement. Body, eyes, mind. Mandukya Upanishad. Frog three jumps. Mind will obey if ordered. Mini-Ladder. Attentive actions, step 4 more Sattva (1st jump), stop dispersion of mind (2nd), Causal level (3rd). |
1982/12 | Meditation Meeting. H.H.’s new Ashram. H.H. Meditation spiritual food to improve inner being. Helping one’s nation. Eliminate cloud so brilliance of everyone’s Self made available. Quot. letter - ‘I do and have always loved Param-Atman’ Publication Method of Self-Realization. Frog three jumps. Dedication actions, develop creativity, purify subtle level, then get glimpse of peace at Causal level, then meditation from love. H.H. Achievement of physical stillness - eyes and mind. Music: Haydn Quartet Opus 64. Three levels peace. Activities and dispositions of men who provide themselves with spiritual rest. Attitude has to change, mind is servant. |
1982/13 | Reading 7. H.H. Communication: foot, train, rocket, within mind. World very enormous. Spiritual world one, not in each single head but whole head, the Universe. Cosmoses. H.H. 1) individual and universal being, three bodies. 2) World beyond empirically verifiable. See expression power of Consciousness. 3) Knowledge of Consciousness brings steadiness, Viveka. 4) That which is intelligent, that which loves has to be found. 5) Thousands of Brahmans each with own total Cosmos. Absolute has no end. How to connect Causal with individual world. |
1982/14 | Small Monday Meeting. What is a Cosmos? Zero to infinity. Inner world: difference between centres. Seeing from different levels, ordinary life appearing like dream. H.H. Physical travel: foot, car, train, aeroplane, rocket, within mind. Finding proper communication within mind. Physical very small. Spiritual world one. Morning meditation looks after day, evening after night when inner world takes over. Mandukya Upanishad. Three stages every 24 hours. Daytime lowest, dreams purified creative, Causal deep sleep spiritual. Opposite to usual view. H.H. Two types guidance: physical also mental/spiritual always available. |
1982/15 | Small Monday Meeting. Physical world little. Concept of Indian gods embodiment Causal world. Interaction between cosmoses individual/humanity. H.H. Self that lives in the hearts of all. Quot: Boethius: ‘will never get to heaven alone ...’ H.H. Difference between individual and universe only one of magnitude. Energies. One idea sets Wedgwood factory zooming. H.H. That which is intelligent and loves has to be found. Quot: St Anthony of Egypt: ‘If a man is aware he is praying , his prayer is not perfect’. Tensions in meditation. H.H. One diamond sifted from tons of stone. |
1982/16 | Large Monday Meeting. Cecil Collins. Role of artist. Symbols. Understand Enneagram to answer all questions. Feed soul. Creative artists only develop what is around them. Spiritual spring. Part 2. Handing over. Mr. O started Society for Psychological Transformation of Man. Russian Easter. Divine Self in every human being. Quot. PDO. ‘Emotional centre has no natural negative part - imagination, identification’. Positive emotions impossible in ordinary state. Music: Ikon Records IKO2. Russian Orthodox Church music. |
1982/17 | Meditation Meeting. H.H. Physical stillness not an ordinary thing. Mandukya Upanishad. Frog, 3 jumps. Life’s decades. Quot: Ecclesiastes: ‘For everything a season and a time for every purpose...’ Translation 12 verses Upanishad. We look at things wrong way up. Quot: Mark Twain: ‘I like your summer...’ Meditation to give up. |
1982/18 | Reading 1. Sanatan Dharma. Ten principles. |
1982/19 | Large Monday Meeting. Quot. FCR: 1982/16. Handing over what Society really for. How to put knowledge into practice. During working hours work, other moments remember. Separateness an illusion. Live in midst of extraordinary miracle. H.H. Sanatan. Natural Law direct from Absolute. FCR: Ascending octave, Self-realization, three stages passing from subjective to objective. Quot. Dhammapada: ‘Wakeful mind heedless - wise man forges ahead.’ |
1982/20 | Reading 2. Sanatan Dharma relates to Atman. Natural any individual always knows what is good and what is bad. Acting for hoped pleasure/profit creates misery. Concept for humanity. |
1982/21 | Small Monday Meeting. (not for circulation). Some copies of MSR available. Video tape of interview with Dr Roles and Prof. Guyatt ready for showing. Poetry competition. Character of small Monday meetings to change. Religion and Dharma (1st principle). External considering (2nd principle). Q. to H.H. re role of our Society in the world in connection with 10 principles. |
1982/22 | A Discussion Paper. Influences, things happen. Discrimination. Recognise and come under conscious influences. School of Fourth Way real purpose. Quot. Vedanta: Light of the Soul. Silent teacher. Conscience asks: ‘Is it right?’. H.H. Through words spiritual influences enter. |
1982/23 | Sunday Meeting at Waterton House. Be ready for rebirth. Why Study Society was formed. Music: Russian Orthodox Choir. Simplicity. One has only to be what one is. We do everything wrong way round. Decades of life. Understand time. Connection with Realized Man never broken. Get rest at Causal level. Give thanks. Cup filled with blessings. Remove sense of personal FCR: ‘Everything I had to do has now been done’. Only one consciousness. Levels: levels of impediment. |
1982/24 | Meditation Meeting H.H. All passing shows of nature do not change Observer. Mandukya Upanishad. Three jumps. H.H. Learning not to be distracted by outer/inner influences. Attend to files later. Order mind. H.H. ‘I just tell you what is there’. Story: Man keeping ghost busy. Music: Mozart D Minor piano concerto K466. |
1982/25 | Dr Roles - June Meditation Meeting. The Self (Atman) alone is real. H.H. Just as pure gold always remains gold. Mandukya Upanishad. Another early Upanishad: ‘He who has found spirit is spirit.’ |